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September 26, 2007 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission – Minutes
September 26, 2007 at 7:30 pm
Newton Town Hall

Recreation Commission
Minutes of September 26, 2007 meeting
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Call to order
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:55 PM with the following Commission members in attendance: Rick Bailey, Chairman; Bob Donovan, BOS Ex Officio; Commission member, Gary Nelson and Alternate, Nancy Slombo. Minutes were recorded by secretary/alternate, Lisa Babcock. Chairman Bailey appointed Alternate Slombo for the evening. Others in attendance: resident, Deb Holden.

Fail Fair Recap
Bailey will contact Newton Baseball to see if they would like Recreation to replace any of the supplies used at the Fair.  

Bailey then suggested that the Commission recap the Fall Fair event, noting what when well and what should be done differently for next year.

The bouncy castle with slide was very popular.  Coordinating with the PTO worked out very well.  The Boy Scouts cooked over 300 hot dogs and some hamburgers. (Other food included a French fry / funnel cake vender and ice cream vender.) Donovan would like to see a fried dough vender next year. Also, the police department provided coffee and donuts. Six cases of water (48 packs of small bottles) were not enough, especially since it was a hot day.

The Fun Run went well with about 28 kids participating.  Rainforest Reptiles and the pony rides were popular.  The Commission was happy with both venders. Karate International was also well received.

The Conservation Commission held a bicycle obstacle course, but only a few kids had bicycles with them.  Next year, be sure to advertise bicycle events and tell people to bring bikes.

The date, September 22nd, seemed to be a good date.  It was before the big fairs and before homecoming.  Be sure to check with the school for the homecoming date next year. Also, this year, the fair fell on the same day as the Carriage Barn’s medieval festival.  This seemed to work out well with some medieval festival attendees putting on a short procession in costume at the fair. Check with Carriage Barn next year to coordinate the two events more.  

Other suggestions for next year: clean up the park the night before, advertise using cable, town website and have signs made and put up around town, take pictures at the event for the website, start planning early for the road race, have a pickup softball game, contact the library to see if they want to participate, have local businesses (such as the green house) and crafters participate and have some events to attract seniors such as bingo.  

There was one request for political campaigning this year.  The Commission felt political campaigning would not be appropriate for this event.
The secretary will draft a thank you letter to those that participated: fire, police, CPF&G, Historical Society, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Conservation Commission, and Karate International.

Bailey will purchase two new rims for the basketball court after measuring the hole pattern. Will also look into purchasing charcoal grills and picnic tables for the town beach.  
Jim I Nee (ball toss structure) – secretary to contact Nancy Wrigley about ordering on line or getting an invoice from the company.

Warrant Article
Bailey suggested that the Commission work on a warrant article for capital improvements for Greenie Park. Secretary to get the phone number for LGC so Bailey can work on proper wording for the warrant article.

Bill received from Screamin’ Green for Greenie Park grounds maintenance, $840.00.

Greenie Park – Kingston Cougars
Motion by Slombo to allow the Kingston Cougars football team to practice at Greenie Park on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm from September 27th until the end of November. Cleats will not be worn. Second by Nelson. Motion carried unanimously.

Slombo departed at this time. Bailey appointed alternate Babcock for the remainder of the meeting.

Motion by Nelson to appoint Deb Holden as an alternate member of the Recreation Commission.  Second by Bailey. Motion carried unanimously.

Other Action Items
Secretary to research grants available for Recreation for 2007 & 2008 and get information regarding the Regional Recreation Commission that sponsors trips for seniors.

Bailey motioned to adjourn at 9:30 pm, 2nd Slombo, vote: unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary