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November 30, 2005 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission            November 30, 2005
                                                                        Newton Town Hall

  Commission:  Rick Bailey; Janice Amero, Nancy Slombo, Deb Stewart
        Gary Nelson, BOS ex officio

Secretary:      Lisa Babcock

Minutes of November 30, 2005 Meeting

Town Beach
·       Secretary to contact Dockworks, Inc. for proposal on swim platform.
·       Sand was delivered to town beach – 2 loads $673.10.
·       Paid Red Iron Pony Farm for spring cleaning of beach - $280.
·       Rick – motion to spend up to $250 to purchase supplies for tennis (tennis balls, mobility ladder for drills), in favor, unanimous.
·       Secretary to contact companies to get quotes for reconstruction of tennis court.
·       Secretary to contact Dave Baker, tree agent, to inquire about having trees removed from around tennis court.

Vacation Weeks Activies
·       Check for $300 mailed to Skateland for November Free Skate.
·       Deb to call bowling alleys to check for availability during Christmas vacation week.
·       Deb to book fish and game club for bingo during Christmas vacation week.

·       Motion to pay bill for Screaming Green mowing Oct. 24th and Nov. 1st $260, in favor - unanimous.
·       Motion to pay bill for Triangle for chemical toilets, Oct. & Nov. $800, in favor – unanimous.

·       Nancy called to have chemical toilets removed.
·       Secretary to pursue microfiche of archived records.
·       Nancy to call to have dumpsters removed from Greenie & Town Beach.

  Additional Information

Next meeting December 14, 2005
8:00 pm