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June 28, 2011 Planning Board Minutes
JUNE 28, 2011

1. Call to Order: Chairman Jim Doggett called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
In attendance were: Chairman Jim Doggett; Planning Board member Ann Miles; Alternates Mary Allen, Charles Melvin, and Chuck Whitman; and Circuit Rider Planner Brian Groth. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant Rick Milner.

Doggett appointed Allen to stand in for Vaillant.
Doggett appointed Melvin to stand in for White.
Doggett appointed Whitman to stand in for Gibbs.
Frank Gibbs arrived at 7:05 pm. Doggett appointed Whitman to stand in for Miller.

2. Town of Newton, NH consideration of final two plans for Rowe's Corner improved road design study and recommendation of final version for inclusion in the NHDOT Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan.

Mike Vignale of KV Partners, LLC presented the final report for improved road design of Rowe's Corner intersection being considered for submittal to the NHDOT 10 year plan for road improvement projects. He noted minor changes to the road design plan based on input provided by the Board at the previous meeting. The changes included eliminating crosswalks across Amesbury Road and the southern portion of Rt. 108 entrances to the roundabout. Another change moved sidewalks to police station side of Amesbury Road.

Doggett asked Groth for details concerning the next steps in the process once the Board accepts a final version of the plan.

Groth explained that the final approved version of the improved road design study plan will be submitted to the Rockingham Planning Commission's (RPC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for inclusion on its 20-year long range transportation plan.  The MPO coordinates with the NHDOT to include high priority projects in the region on the state's 10-year transportation improvement plan.

Allen moved to accept the roundabout design as the Board's preferred design plan for Rowe's Corner intersection road improvement. Second by Miles.

Discussion of motion – Miles asked if the Board had received any input from the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Board of Selectmen, or Road Agent regarding the road improvement plan.

Doggett responded that no input has been provided at this time.

Miles and Doggett suggested that the Board request letters of support for the road design plan from other Town departments once a final draft has been accepted.

Motion carried 4-2 with Gibbs and Melvin opposed.

Melvin expressed his support for a four-way intersection, rather than a roundabout design.

Miles moved to submit the final version of the Rowe's Corner road improvement design study with the roundabout design as the Board's preferred design option to the RPC MPO committee for inclusion in its 20-year plan and consideration for the NHDOT 10-year plan. Second by Allen.

Discussion of motion – Miles suggested asking the MPO board to help the Planning Board find additional funding to help develop existing properties and move the village district concept forward.

Milner expressed his opinion that it is not the Planning Board's duty to be the catalyst for developing individual properties. It is the responsibility of property owners to make decisions and pursue resources for the development of their lots.

Mr. Vignale noted that the concept of village district development would not help in securing additional funding for the area. The following two options would be better avenues for securing additional funding:
  • Transportation enhancement – Improving pedestrian safety with crosswalks, sidewalks, and bikeways
  • Transportation project planning – Improving traffic safety and traffic flow with better intersection designs.
Doggett noted that improved traffic and pedestrian safety, not village district development, should be the primary focus of the road design plan submission.

Motion carried unanimously.

3. Town of Newton, NH review of Puzzle Lane project performance bonds.

Doggett presented to the Board a report and construction estimate from the Town Engineer for the performance guarantee road bond connected to the Puzzle Lane commercial subdivision project due to expire in August 2011. The report contained a history of the project, construction details for the roadway, and construction cost estimates to complete the roadway per the original plans and town roadway standards. The details and estimates included the town accepted portion of the road from Rt. 108 to the puzzle factory entrance and the more recent extension to the cul-de-sac beyond the factory entrance.

Allen moved to send a letter to Coleman McDonough requesting renewal of the Puzzle Lane performance guarantee road bond in the amount of $110,615.00 prior to the bond's expiration. The letter should include language stating that the bond covers the original Puzzle Lane section from Rt. 108 to the puzzle factory entrance and the more recent subdivision section that extends to the cul-de-sac beyond the puzzle factory entrance. Second by Melvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Milner noted that the method of posting for the Puzzle Lane road bond was in the form of a surety bond with an insurance company. The Board's regulations state that bonds may be in the form of:
  • cash or a savings passbook
  • a letter of credit.
He suggested that the Board require a change in the method of posting for all surety bonds connected to the Puzzle Lane project.

Allen moved that the Board require the Puzzle Lane performance guarantee road bond be posted in the form of a letter of credit or cash/savings passbook. Second by Whitman. Motion carried unanimously.

Milner informed the Board that two other performance guarantees connected with the Puzzle Lane project were due to expire and needed to be renewed. One guarantee was in the form of a letter of credit. The other guarantee was a surety bond.

Allen moved that the letter to Mr. McDonough include a request to renew the excavation bond in the amount of $79,136.00 and the Lot 27-3 land development/land mitigation bond in the amount of $19,743.00 in the form of a letter of credit or cash/savings passbook. Second by Melvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Gibbs moved to send a letter to the building department requesting that no certificates of occupancy be issued for any units on Puzzle Lane Lot 27-4 until all bonding issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. Second by Melvin. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Other board business.

a. Acceptance of minutes
Whitman moved to accept the minutes of the June 14 meeting. Second by Gibbs. Motion carried unanimously.

b. Manifests
Doggett presented an operating budget manifest to the Board. The invoices reflected payment of fee for seven Board members to attend RPC training session and travel expenses for one Board member to attend OEP planning conference.
Gibbs moved to pay the operating budget manifest amount of $142.00. Second by Melvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett presented a second operating budget manifest to the Board. The invoice reflected payment of telephone bill.

Gibbs moved to pay the operating budget manifest amount of $61.48. Second by Melvin. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Correspondence
Doggett suggested that he be allowed to initiate discussions with the Town Counsel immediately if Mr. McDonough does not agree to renew the Puzzle Lane bonds to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. The Board came to a consensus without objection to allow the Chairman to initiate discussions with the Town Counsel regarding Puzzle Lane bonds.

Doggett suggested sending a letter of thank you to KV Partners, LLC for the design and presentation work that the company performed in connection with the Rowe's Corner road improvement study. The Board came to a consensus without objection to send a letter of thank you to KV Partners, LLC.

5. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rick Milner
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board