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August 11, 2009 Planning Board Minutes
AUGUST 11, 2009

1. Call to Order:
Chairperson Miles called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. In attendance were: Chairperson Ann Miles; Vice Chairman Jim Doggett; Planning Board members Barbara White and Kim Pettit; and Alternate Chuck Whitman. Minutes were transcribed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Miles appointed Whitman to stand in for Vaillant.

2. Town of Newton, NH continued public hearing for proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Review Regulations and the Policies and Procedures Manual regarding Fees:

White handed out a draft of the fees tables condensed into 2 tables.  The Board agreed it was an improvement over the previous format.  The following suggestions were made:

Move "Lot Line Adjustments" to the top of the first table.  Add a heading for what each check should be made out to (Newton Planning Board or NPREA).  Move "Initial Escrow Deposit" up one row.

Doggett moved to adopt the fees schedule with the above changes and to amend the subdivision, site plan regulations and procedures manual to include the new schedule. Second by Pettit. Motion carried unanimously.

Doggett moved to close the public hearing for fees. Second by White. Motion carried unanimously.

Planning Board member Frank Gibbs arrived at 7:30.

3. Acceptance of Minutes:

Doggett moved to accept the minutes of July 28, 2009 as written. Second by White. Motion carried unanimously.

4. East Kingston Planning Board Agenda for 8/20/09:

The Board reviewed the agenda.  White said the Board had received the agenda because Newton abuts property at 213 Haverhill Road.  A public hearing is scheduled for Paul Masone, a prospective tenant for the light industrial park.

5. Patriot Drive: The Board reviewed a letter from Butler Bank dated 7/28/09 stating that the bond for Patriot Drive will not be renewed.

The Board instructed the secretary to send a letter to Mr. Ferrandi and Butler Bank to inform them that a 10% maintenance bond will be required for Patriot Drive for 2 years after town acceptance of the road.  The road deed is not completed yet.  

6. BOA Agenda: The Board reviewed the Board of Appeals agenda for 8/18/09.  White said she and Kim Vaillant had gone on the recent site walk at Puzzle Lane, lot 27-4. The property had been staked but not cordoned off. The height of the proposed building was also shown.

She said that Mr. McDonough informed those present that the building would be built into the bank unless the fire department required access all around the building.   Pettit said she thought the lot was not buildable.

Miles informed the Board that she had met with Mary Pinkham-Langer from the Department of Revenue Administration about the excavation permits at Puzzle Lane.  The Board of Selectmen has signed off on the permits, the excavation estimates were corrected and the fees were paid.

Gibbs stated that all site plans should list the hours of construction. Pettit suggested adding tha t to the Conditions of Approval checklist.

The Board instructed the secretary to send a letter to each member of the BOA stating that the Planning Board allowed Mr. McDonough a reduction in the set back where the property boarders Sargent Woods since the units are not built yet, but kept the 200' buffer where the property boarders Walnut Farm because those homes exist and the owners bought them with the understanding that there is a 200' buffer required between light industrial and residential zones.

The Whispering Pines hearing is also on the BOA agenda.  The Board instructed the secretary to send a memo to the BOA reminding them of the Planning Board's stand on this expansion.  The Planning Board believes that the expansion is detrimental to the neighborhood.  

Pettit cautioned the Board not to try to interpret the BOA's criteria but instead to re-emphasize the Planning Board's position.

7. Manifests:

Doggett moved to authorize the chair to sign the Operating Budget manifest dated 8/11/09 in the amount $59.23.  Second by Gibbs. Motion carried unanimously.

8. Plan NH: Whitman spoke to the owner of Grey Wolf Graphics about getting road signs and 1 additional banner.  Pettit suggested stickers that say "Ask me about Plan NH" for Board members to wear.

Whitman is working on getting coffee and cups from Green Mountain Coffee.  Doggett said the Grange will supply the coffee pots, cream and sugar.

Whitman said the Fire Department meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month.  He is on their agenda for September 1st. He will ask them to participate on Saturday with a fire truck demonstration.

Doggett will work on writing text for the bus tour and will have the Historical Society review it.  Doggett will send information to Whitman about what additional pictures may be needed.  He has also contacted the high school principal about students to do the babysitting for community service hours.

The secretary will contact the bus company about the tour and DOT about traffic patterns.  

Miles said she would like students to fill out the questionnaire. Doggett will ask about getting it on the school board's next agenda.  Pettit suggested including the questionnaire on the web site.

Gibbs will take questionnaires and postcards to Acios to ask them to include the information in take-out bags and/or display in the store.

Whitman will contact the Catholic Church in town.

Pettit will contact the Boy Scouts, CPF&GC and Boosters to see if anyone would like to run the BBQ.

Acios will provide one lunch, White will see if Rowe's Corner will cater the other.  If not, Doggett will ask the Grange.

Miles is working on getting a magician and a bounce house.  

The secretary will do a follow-up e-mail or memo to each department to find out how many from each department will attend the Friday Town Hall meeting.

The following is an initial list of those that will be invited to go on the bus tour: Nancy Wrigley, Trisha McCarthy, Bill Landry, Chief Streeter, Chief Ingalls, Forrest Reynolds, Myrtle Rogers, Mary Allen, Norm Paige, Gordon Cheney, Mike Pivero, and John Meserve.  All will be asked to RSVP.

9. SPE Complaint: The Board reviewed the complaint. The Board of Selectmen is dealing with it.  A letter will be sent to the BOS informing them that SPE has permission to stockpile materials but not process materials on site.

10. Safe Routes to School: Pettit informed the Board that she attended the first meeting of the new Safe Route to School committee.  She is looking into whether or not the grant application had been submitted by the previous committee.  She said the new superintendent, Mr. Burke, has a lot of experience with this grant.  Pettit said the goal of the committee is to set up safe walking/biking paths to encourage children to walk or bike to school.

11. Adjourn: Miles adjourned the meeting at 9:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board