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January 23, 2007 Planning Board Minutes
Newton Planning Board
Minutes of Worksession Meeting
January 23, 2007

In attendance:
Kim Pettit, Ann Miles, Mary Allen, Debbie Finnigan – NPB
Reuben Hull – RPC Circuit Rider Planner

1. Board Business

Question about status of Sargent Woods project – Pettit to follow up with Atty. Somers at DTC.

Reuben requested copies of all blank forms, checklists & applications in both paper and electronic form.

Discussed conceptual and design review procedures.

2. Non-public discussion of resumes received for the AA position

3. Ordinance worklist
Board has put eight zoning articles on the March warrant. Updated worklist for 2007 to include:
Regulations – can be done at public hearings
-       Appendix B, Design Standards – Roadway Length (2.8) & restriction on cul-de-sac length
-       Buffers between zones
-       Open space requirements
-       Recodification of site plan & subdivision regs. – Reuben likes the Goffstown model

Ordinances – can only be changed by vote of the Town Meeting
-       Junkyards
-       Capital Facilities impact fee
-       Recodification of zoning ordinance

4. Master Plan
RPC’s contract has been extended through the end of June. Pettit to follow up on request for a draft of the vision chapter and a progress update on CIP. Robinson has asked the Planning Board to take charge of the project, as it appears that the original Master Plan committee has disbanded. At its February meeting, the Planning Board will establish a subcommittee whose mission will be the completion of the project.

5. Acceptance of past meeting minutes:
Review of proposed amendments, drafted by Pettit, to June 13, 2006 and September 13, 2006 minutes. The minutes for these two dates contained multiple errors which are proposed to be corrected from videotapes of the meetings; amendment language is attached to this document. Motion by Allen with second by Miles to accept June 13, 2006 and September 13, 2006 minutes as amended.

December 12 & 26, 2006 and January 8, 2007 minutes tabled until the February meeting.

6. Schedule of upcoming public hearings:
Allen brought up schedule conflicts (Feb. 13 is deliberative session, Mar. 13 is Town Meeting) for the next two months’ public hearings. Accordingly, the Board cancelled the Feb. 13, 2007 and Mar. 13, 2007 meetings. Public hearings will be scheduled for February 27, 2007 and March 27, 2007. Additionally, because of the President’s Day holiday, the TRC meeting for March public hearing has been rescheduled to February 26, 2007.

7. Discussion of applications to be scheduled:
a) Whispering Pines/Pica – was continued to March 27, 2007. Pettit to notify applicant of date change. Finnigan will review the applicant’s traffic counts and report back to the Board.
b) Rosewood/George’s Way – was scheduled for February 13, 2007. Pettit to notify applicant of date change.
c) Essex Equity (Boches)/Quaker Grove – has reapplied for preliminary review. TRC reviewed the application on January 23, 2007 – meeting notes to be sent to applicant. Board was unanimous in its denial of applicant’s request to waive new fees & reuse fees from its prior (withdrawn) application, as that hearing had been noticed and advertised. Applicant should review TRC notes and then present the project to TRC at its February 26th meeting, at which time a decision will be made as to scheduling a public hearing.

8. Discussion of encumbered funds for purchase of office equipment:
Discussion of the need to purchase/lease a new printer/copier/fax/scanner and desktop computer. The Planning Board office equipment (fax machine, copier) was donated many years ago; fax machine does not work and needs to be replaced, and copier is obsolete and many functions are non-functional. Pettit presented several proposals and explained the functionality needed. Motion by Miles with second by Finnigan to authorize Pettit to negotiate the purchase or lease of these two pieces of equipment with the appropriate vendors passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Minutes transcribed by Kim Pettit, NPB.