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July 13, 2010 Planning Board Agenda
July 13, 2010

Notice is hereby given that the Newton Planning Board will conduct a Public Hearing and Public Meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 beginning at 7:00 pm at the Newton Town Hall.  The following items will be discussed:

  • Lewis Builders – discussion regarding change in building design at Sargent Woods.
  • Michael Linksy – discussion regarding Home Business/Home Occupation at 12 Pond Street.
  • 125 Development NH Corp. of Plaistow, NH continuation of a public hearing for an Earth Excavation Permit at Puzzle Lane.  The property is referenced as Tax Map 14, Block 1, Lot 27-4.
  • 125 Development NH Corp. of Plaistow, NH requests a design review for a non-residential site plan at Puzzle Lane.  The property is referenced as Tax Map 14, Block 1, Lot 27-4.
  • Town of Newton, NH continuation of a public hearing to review a proposed addition to the Newton Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Village District Zoning.
  • Other Board Business and Correspondence
  • Acceptance of Minutes from 6/8/10 meeting
  • Manifests
  • Puzzle Lane Easement for Grading and Drainage
  • Mylars received for 14-1-27-1, phase II and 14-1-27-3, phase II (Puzzle Lane.)
  • Frankiewicz – requests clarification on fees for site plan review for 27-4
  • Incoming Correspondence
  • E-mail from C. Mastacouris re: 65 Peaslee Crossing 6/13/10
  • Intent to Excavate – SPE Real Estate
  • Letter from 125 Development Corp re: NPREA deposit 6/9/10
  • Puzzle Lane Drainage Report for Alteration of Terrain
  • DES Compliance Inspection Report for Newton Greenhouse 6/1/10
  • Letter from Bruce Sarro re: paving at 6 Puzzle Lane 6/7/10
  • Letter from DES re: Sargent Woods Dredge and Fill 6/7/10
  • Budget Expenditures through 5/31/2010
  • Letter from Lewis Builders re: NPREA billing 7/2/10
  • Copy of Standard Dredge and Fill Application for Sarah's Way
  • Business Form for Rowe's Corner Market
  • Outgoing Correspondence
  • Notice of Decision – Gundersen
  • Notice of Decision – Singleton
  • Notice of Decision – Araki
  • Workshops/Publications
  • Town and City – June 2010 issue
  • Hanson Pipe & Precast brochure
  • Local Government Center Spring 2010 Publications Catalog
7.      Adjourn

James L. Doggett, Chairman
Newton Planning Board
The Public is Encouraged to Attend