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October 27, 2009 Planning Board Agenda
OCTOBER 27, 2009

Notice is hereby given that the Newton Planning Board will conduct a Public Hearing and then a Work Session on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Planning Board office at the Newton Town Hall.  The following items will be discussed:

  • 7:00 PM Ann McKillop Araki of Boise, ID: continuation of a public hearing for a 4-lot Subdivision and Roadway at 9 Sarah's Way, Newton.  The property is referenced as Tax Map 10, Block 2, Lot 10-7.
  • Hen House / 85 South Main Street: Board will review the existing site plan.
  • G.F. Appliance Warehouse: Request to address board concerning proposed business at 2 Puzzle Lane, Unit # 6.
  • Other Board Business
  • Acceptance of Minutes from 10/13/09 meeting
Sargent Woods
  • Question concerning 55+ age restriction
  • Question concerning outstanding invoices and drawdown on LOC
  • Plan NH update
  • Workforce Housing (RSAs 674:58 through 674:61)
  • Subdivision w/in Subdivision
  • Excavation Regulations – Passed October 1982
  • Incoming correspondence
  • E-mail from R. Peterson re: DTC Bill 10/14/09
  • E-mail from C. Burns re: Sign for Home Based Business 10/21/09
  • Important Deadlines for the Official Ballot Town Meeting
  • Memo from Health Officer re: Dumpster Complaint 10/2/09
  • Conferences & Workshops
  • Preparing for a Successful Town Meeting 11/7/09
  • Local Government Center's 68th Annual Conference 11/18 – 11/20
4. Adjourn

The Public is Encouraged to Attend

Ann Miles, Chairperson  
Newton Planning Board