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January 10, 2013 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes

DATE:                           January 10, 2013
PLACE:                          Gale Library
TIME:                           6:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:          6:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL:                      Marilyn Landry; Chair, Carol Szot; Secretary, Kathy Meserve; Treasurer, Terry Caswell; Director,                        Anne Banks, guest.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Kathy motioned to accept the December 12, 2012 minutes, Marilyn seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Also, Carol brought signed copies of minutes of the May, June, August and November meetings to adjust the on-site records.


DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Brief discussion was held about the recent staff meeting and the ideas to improve everyday functions. Kathy questioned the result of the check-up of the furnace and Terry reported that it is running at 83% efficiency. Marilyn motion to accept the report.  Kathy seconded, and it passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Kathy submitted Month of December, “End of Quarter”, andEnd of Year” reports, finalizing the 2012 budget to be submitted to the Town Report. Carol motioned to accept and Marilyn seconded, and it passed unanimously

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Pantry project is progressing and the electrical and building jobs are being coordinated. They‘re expected to be completed in the next coming weeks.
Terry has been pleased with the response of the new Building Maintenance guy, from repairing the faucet aerator to responding to faulty, blinking florescent lighting. The Fire Escape staircase repair is still awaiting further input from Town Hall.

  • The Trustee will submit a Warrant Article that asks the voters to make the Library Director position full time and to include benefits. Marilyn will send the wording to Town Hall which will reflect the 2013 rates.
  • Kathy motioned, and Marilyn seconded, to accept the donation of $1.55. It passed unanimously
  • Marilyn motioned and Kathy seconded, to accept, the generous donation from the Friends of the Gale Library the sum of $2,500.00 toward the pantry renovation. It passed unanimously.
  • Change of verbiage was incorporated in the personnel policies to include the requirement to submit a Criminal Record Release Authorization Form for all present and future employees and volunteers to be implemented upon signing of the policy. The Library will incur the cost.
  • Terry presented a review from PEW Research Center discussing the growth of E–Book readership versus physical book sales. The scales indicate E-book sales reflect growing ownership of e-readers. She also mentioned the E-book and Audio book borrowing grew by 8% in the 2012 year, at the Gale Library.
  • Terry noted an article in the latest NHLTA newsletter about frequently asked questions concerning requirements for the Annual Town Report. It was agreed that we meet the points on the list. The newsletter also announced that the date for the Spring Conference will be May 20th, 2013.
  • The membership fee for the ALA has shown a small increase over the 2012 rate.
  • The Friends of the Gale Library earned over $300.00 raffling Christmas Gift Baskets. At their recent meeting they discussed fund raising ideas for the coming year. Terry reported their enthusiasm for the participation in the Pantry Project.
  • Monthly invoices were reviewed and initialed. The Trustees will arrange to meet later in the month to initial those remaining.

ADJOURNMENT: 8:40 p.m.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, February 14, 2103 at 6:30p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Carol Szot, Secretary  
The Public is always welcome.