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September 11, 2013 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes

DATE: Wednesday September 11, 2013
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION: Gale Library, 16 S Main Street


  • Call to Order: Marilyn called the meeting to order at 10:05am
  • In Attendance: : Marilyn Landry, Chair, Kathy Meserve, Treasurer, Diane Morin, Secretary, Terry Caswell, Director, Anne Banks, Lynne Camp, Sally Woodman: Alternate members
  • Secretary’s Report: Kathy reported that some of the minutes are missing or need signatures.  Morin will print out and sign the May 8, 2013 to be then placed in the book.
Kathy motioned to accept the minutes from August 14, 2013 as written.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Communication and Correspondence:
  • Director’s Report: Terry reported that mice are in cellar.  She has been in contact with the Pest End to take care of the problem.
Terry asked Len to power wash the building.  Kathy asked if he will be doing the whole building.  Terry would like him to. Kathy was concerned if the job might be too much for one person.  Terry would like him to do the part of the building where the mold is.  Because the town owns the building there is nothing the trustees need to do.
Marilyn motioned to accept the Library Director’s Report as written. Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Kathy reviewed the budget and we are still on track.  Kathy will order business checks for the library.
Diane motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Unfinished Business :
  • Newton Municipal Complex Plans and Review: The Trustees and Director did a site visit to the Bearce’s property with Chief Larry Streeter.  The tour included a tour of the buildings that will be turned over to the town.  After the visit, Anne Banks drew up the proposed plans and Diane sent them to the Newton Municipal Committee for their consideration.
  • Marilyn spoke of a conversation Diane and she had.  While Diane was at the town hall, State Representative, Mary Allen, asked Diane if anyone from the library would be at the Committee’s meeting.  Diane told her she would ask.  Marilyn spoke to her husband, who is on the committee, and he does not believe that anyone from the library needs to be on the committee.  John Meserve and Bill Landry are the library advocates.
  • Older TV and DVD: Sue Mears’ daughter took the DVD player.  Terry ensured that Sue signed all the appropriate paperwork.  The TV is still available.  After some discussions it was decided that the TV should be brought to the Transfer station.
  • New Business:
  • 2013 Town Audit Review:  Terry will make the report available to the public.
  • Preliminary 2014 Budget Review: Terry will research new AC units and ask the Town Administrator to add it to their list of what is needed/recommended.  To be continued at next month’s meeting.
  • Director’s Annual Evaluation: Each Trustee will fill in the evaluation form.
  • Library Rules & Behavior Policy Review: Two amendments were made to the policy.  A grammar correction and removing the guns/weapon line as it violates NH state law.
Diane motioned to accept the policy as amended.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Vehicle Use Policy Review:  There are changes that affect library staff.  Terry will file it for future reference.
  • Non Public Minutes:
Marilyn motioned to accept the minutes as written from the non-public meeting held on August 22, 2013, along with Kathy’s attachment.  The minutes and attachment will remain non-public.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Donations:
Diane motioned to accept donations in the amount of $30.80.  Marilyn seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • New Recorder: Diane will research and purchase a new audio recorder to replace the one being used by the Trustees.  She will look for one that can download the audio onto a computer.
Marilyn motioned to purchase a new recorder, not to exceed $100.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Friend’s News: Terry passed around a photo from the Trustee and Friends luncheon.  The Friends made $296 selling tickets to York Wild Animal Kingdom. The Friends are making plans for future events.  They are also looking at selling movie passes as a fund raiser.
  • Invoice Review:  The Trustees reviewed and signed the monthly invoices.  September invoices need to be signed on September 27, 2013 by 12:00pm.
  • Non-Public Meeting:
Marilyn motioned to go into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) at 11:10am. Kathy seconded and a roll call was taken.
Roll Call:
Meserve Yes
Landry  Yes
Morin           Yes
Marilyn motioned to come out of non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) at 11:15am.  Kathy seconded and a roll call was taken.
Roll Call:
Meserve Yes
Landry  Yes
Morin           Yes

  • Adjournment: Marilyn adjourned the meeting at 11:20am
  • Date of Next Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2013 at 10:00am
Posted on /  /2013: Newton Town Hall, Gale Library, Newton Post Office and the
Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin