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May 11, 2011 Trustees of the Gale Library Minutes
Gale Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

DATE:                           May 11, 2011
PLACE:                          Gale Library
TIME:                           9:00 .am.
CALL TO ORDER:          9:03 a.m.
ROLL CALL:      Sally Woodman, Chair; Carol Szot, Treasurer; Kathy Meserve, Secretary; Terry Caswell, Director; Marilyn Landry, Alternate; Irene Nally, Friends of the Gale Library
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Trustees voted to change the last item in the minutes for April 13, 2011 to read, “On the recommendation of the auditors, we formulated a plan to initial the bills on a monthly basis.” The Trustees then voted to accept the April 13, 2011 meeting minutes with the revision.
CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION:  A notice was received for an orientation program for new library trustees and other town trustees, sponsored by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT:  The report was accepted as written. Terry will investigate whether or not there is a way to display number of patrons who checked out items.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  The report was accepted as written.
  • Sally Woodman motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A: 3, II (a) public employee, at 9:25 am. Seconded by Carol Szot. Roll Call vote: Sally Woodman-aye, Carol Szot- aye, Kathy Meserve-aye. Vote unanimous. Sally Woodman motioned to close the nonpublic session at 9:47 am; seconded by Carol Szot. Per a unanimous Roll Call vote, the minutes of the nonpublic session will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.
  • The Trustees worked on developing an investment policy. Sally will prepare a draft copy of our efforts. Kathy will investigate what is the NH Public Deposit Investment Pool.
  • The Trustees discussed the use of electronic communications outside of public meetings.  We are going to research the development of a record retention policy for the library.
  • Terry presented an estimate from Michael Cote for the painting of the front porch steps for $350.00 and for the replacement of the upstairs fiberglass fire door for $1000.00. The Trustees then voted to spend $1350.00 for these improvements, taken from library funds.
  • Terry presented a list of improvements to the building’s electrical system that has been done in the basement and other places in the building in response to the electrical inspector’s visit. The work thus far has cost $1150.00, which is coming from town funds. The electrician has another visit scheduled, to complete the work.
  • After discussion, the Trustees voted to authorize Terry to purchase 4 new desk top computers for the adult reading room, not to exceed $3000.00 in total value. Terry showed us the new HP laptop that she purchased for the library.
  • The J Room TV/DVD purchase discussion was tabled until next month.
  • The Trustees voted to accept a donation of $100.00 from Kristy Lacroix.
  • The Trustees reviewed the Local Government Center (LGC) Conflict Resolution Workshop.
  • The Trustees reviewed and discussed the LGC Right-to-Know Workshop.
  • Terry presented an estimate from last year from Basement Systems of NH for the installation of a sump pump system.  The Trustees asked Terry to get an updated estimate and to investigate any additional electrical work that would need to be done for this project.
  • Fiberglass Door Replacement –see unfinished business
  • Terry has an appointment with Ed’s Flooring of Plaistow to discuss replacement flooring for the J Room.  The logistics of moving the books is a concern, due to the weight restrictions of the second floor.
  • Sally and Kathy initialed the invoices.
  • Marilyn announced that the Friends of the Gale Library will be holding a book sale on Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 9am until 1 pm. Donations of books can be delivered to Estabrook’s Garage beginning on Thursday, June 9. The Friends now have 200 tickets for the York Wild Animal Kingdom, which will be available for purchase.
  • The Trustees voted to increase the wages for employee Jillian Holmberg from grade 1, step 2 to grade 1, step 4, in accordance with her position as a Library Assistant 1/Float.
ADJOURNMENT: 11:45 a.m.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, June 8, 2011

                                                        Respectfully Submitted\
                                                Kathy Meserve,
