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April 14, 2014 Historical Society Minutes
Newton Historical Society
Minutes of April 14, 2014
Merrimac Savings Bank

Members present:
Bill Landry
Mary Riordan
Karen O’Malley
Ron Saunders
Mike Hughes
John Meserve
Cheryl Saunders
Barb DiBartolomeo
Kathy Meserve
Marilyn Landry
Sally Woodman

Bill Landry called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Secretary’s Report – Mary Riordan
Sally Woodman made a motion to accept the minutes of December 9, 2013.  Kathy Meserve seconded the motion.  The motion passed 3 yeas, 8 abstentions.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Landry

December 31, 2013:

The Checking income was from donations during the Tree Lighting.  Expenses were for donation to the Newton Food Pantry and the electric bill.  The Money Market income was from interest.  John Meserve made a motion to accept the December 2013 Treasurers’ Reports.   Cheryl Saunders seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014
The Checking income was from NHHC for our April presentation grant and donations.  Expenses were for the electric bill and State of NH Annual reporting fee.  The Money Market income was from interest.  Cheryl Saunders made a motion to accept the Jan 1 – March 31 2014 Treasurers’ Reports.   Kathy Meserve seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

Old Business:

Stage Curtain grant: Bill Landry reported attended a Selectmen’s Meeting explaining the curtains had to be owned by the town to be eligible for the grant.  The Selectmen voted to take back ownership to the curtains.  Bill updated the grant application we submitted last year and resubmitted the application.  He received an email stating the application will be sent to the Arts Council.  He received another email with several questions to be answered.  Bill responded to the questions.  Bill is applying for a DUNS number for the Society.   

Marshall House Barn repair: Bill Landry reviewed his discussions with Selectman Bob Donovan.  Bill will ask Rob Hayes for a new quote on the work taking into account help from the members.  Bill mentioned putting electricity to the barn for lights.  He has spoken to Mike Pivero about digging the ditch for the wiring.  The Society would absorb the cost of electrical materials.  This would be done after the barn is repaired.  Bill will find out what permits are needed.

Web Site Status:  Mary Riordan presented the new Web Site.  The members approved of the format and style.  There was discussion on items to add and remove.  Mary has a list of changes to be made.   Cheryl Saunders made a motion to appoint Mary Riordan as the Chairperson of the Web Site committee and Bill Landry as a member of the committee.  Marilyn Landry seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

New Business:

Submitted 2013 Tax form, 2013 Annual Rpt to State of NH: Bill Landry reported he has filed all annual forms with the Department of Justice, state tax form and tax exemption forms for the Town.
Annual Audit Completed:  Bill Landry reported Kathy Meserve conducted the annual audit of our accounts and found everything in order.

Appoint Executive Bd. Member to replace Diane Morin:   Bill Landry explained that Diane would not be able to continue as an executive board member.  Karen O’Malley made a motion to appoint Barbara DiBartolomeo to replace Diane on the Executive Board.  Kathy Meserve seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a unanimous vote.

Kingston Seminary building Ad Hoc committee representative:  Bill Landry reported he was contacted by Jim Doggett and Dustin Ramey of Kingston about this committee to look into the future of the Seminary building.  Bill asked Dustin for mission statement for the committee that he could pass it on to the members.  Bill has not received any information.  There were no volunteers to join the Ad Hoc committee.

Reports of Curators & Committee Chairpersons:  

Curators:  Ron Saunders would like to schedule a time to remove the Christmas lights from the tree.

Historian: No report

Archivist: Karen O’Malley reported the Myrtle Rogers project is completed.  Karen gave Ron & Cheryl the Betsy Greenwood donated items to determine what we want to keep.
Programs:  Sally Woodman reported our first presentation “Fiddle contests of New England” is on Wednesday April 16th at 7PM in the Town Hall.  Bill will make copies of the NHHC survey. Sally will get the pencils and clipboards.  Bill will bring the check for the presenter.

Other scheduled 2014 presentations are July 30th The Woods – Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln and September 24 Winning the War, Shaping the Peace: Industry, the Civil War and the Birth of Consumerism.

Programs: (Cont.)

Sally presented information on an additional presentation option “Spirits of the Granite State” – a haunted history lecture by New England Curiosities.  The cost would be $100.  It would be on Wednesday May 28th at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall.  The members agreed to add this presentation.  Sally will confirm the date with the presenter.  Bill Landry will add this to the Poster of Events for Wednesday.

Correspondence:  None


Karen O’Malley asked about the presentation for the school that was brought up last year.  Karen noted it would take several people to put something together and teaching experience would be helpful.  John Meserve suggested reaching out to them to find out what they are looking for.  

John Meserve suggested Bill review the slides on the local cable channel as some are very outdated.

Next Meeting:  Monday May 23, 2014, 7:00 PM at the Merrimac Savings Bank.  

Bill Landry adjourned the meeting at 8:19 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Riordan, Secretary