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April 17, 2014 Conservation Commission Minutes

Town of Newton Conservation Commission
2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
Tel: 382-4405 ext. 17 *
DATE: Thursday, April 17, 2014
TIME: 7:30PM
LOCATION: Rear of Newton Town Hall, 2 town hall road
Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Peter Mears, Sandy Estabrook, Jaclyn Heffner, Nancy Slombo, &Trisha McCarthy, minutes were transcribed and typed by McCarthy.
Chairman Mears called to order with a Roll Call Vote at 7:35pm
Present: Chairman Peter Mears, Vice Chairman Nancy Slombo, Sandy Estabrook, Jackie Heffner, and Trisha. McCarthy. McCarthy transcribed minutes.
Communications and Letters:
Invoice from Knowles Tree Service--Chairman Peter Mears made a motion to pay Knowles Tree Service $1600.00 for the mulching of the Busch Farm with the skid steer machine. Sandy Estabrook second. Discussion: This payment should come from the encumbered funds that the Board of Selectmen approved on 12/30/13. We will attach the Request for Payment to invoice #006643 dated 4/15/14. Chairman Mears signed the request and is attached the Request for Payment with the invoice. All in favor (This invoice was given to the Bookkeeper Administrator Rick Milner)
DES sent Shoreland Impact Permit #2013-01895 at 36 Wilder Grove Rd., Tax map 2, lot 23 located on Country Pond. Permit indicates 1470 square feet will be impacted in order to repair and expand the retaining wall.

Certificate of liability insurance from Nancy & Bill Slombo. The Slomobo's often time maintain the end of Bartlet street as part of our Storm Water Management Plan and usually at no cost to the town. In addition to mowing the Busch Farm on occasion.
Reviewed the "Permit for use of Busch Farm" for the Boy Scouts Annual Jamboree... rec'd original request on 11/13/13 and approved by Conservation Commission. Board of Selectmen have also approved this use. We will ask the Boy Scouts to do some extra clean up as they have done in the past.
Hampstead Water sent a letter notifying Conservation Commission of their intent to expand the lot 75-4 to enlarge Sargent Woods Development. Conservation Commission has questions regarding this expansion. The residents have approved a "Town Wide Water District" in 2011 and will seek clarification from the Public Utilities Commission. We believe the Board of Selectmen must appoint residents to be on the "Committee for a Water District". Any requests for community wells, must be received in writing to the Water District Committee, who will then research the request and either "Recommend or not Recommend" to the Board of Selectmen for their final approval.

Letter was received from Robert White. This Mr. White is requesting the Conservation Commission reinstate the public works turnaround at the end of Town Hall Road.. Town Hall Road is one of the Towns Scenic Roads and therefore comes under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. At this time no action will be taken.

Other Business:
A resident cleaned out one of the trails and left debris at the end of it. Chairman Mears will pick it up and bring to Transfer Station. Some of the items are a Snow Mobil hood and other debris. Conservation Commission will notify the Transfer Station, advising items are coming from Town conservation land so there should be no charge. Jackie Heffner also has been collecting debris along roadside and will be bringing it to the Transfer Station. This should also be at no charge. It was discussed that all conservation members should wear their Town ID to the Transfer Station (when bringing debris from trail and road side clean-up). Jackie said she doesn't have one. Trisha will contact Town Administrator for procedure on updating ID's.
Discussed secretary position. Peter made motion to make Trisha McCarthy as the secretary for the Conservation Commission at the rate of the current secretary. Should Kim Lowther want to become secretary again, Trisha will step down. Nancy Slombo second... Trisha McCarthy abstained, all in flavor. Kim Lowther is also an alternate member of the conservation committee and will remain as an alternate.

Also discussed potential DES violation. Suraci and abutter has complained that terrain alteration has created standing water on his property. The town map is 11, and lot lot 16,17,18. Work was done on lot 19 and that has may have impacted the abutting lots with standing water on lot 16 and 17. Possibly because of improperly installed drainage pipe.(and does not seem to have a permit). Chairman Peter Mears made motion to forward concerns of the potential wetland violations to DES. Nancy Slombo made a motion to contact DES, Sandy Estabrook second this motion and all in favor. DES will be notified.
Motion made by Sandy to have Bill and Nancy Slomobo do some brush mowing at Busch. Second by Peter, All in Favor
Chairman Mears will talk to a Forester to get a price on removing mature timber in order to encourage new growth. Hadley Road may also be a good place to remove mature timber.

Discussion on the” Town Wide Water District”, that was established by Town vote on March 8, 2011. The residents voted in favor of establishing a Water District composed of the entire Town of Newton as this Water District in order to protect our aquifer, water shed and natural resources and drinking water. This warrant article was passed by resident vote of 766 YES, and 192 NO. A Water District Committee must be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. A request will be sent to the Board of Selectmen.

Motion by Chairman Mears to close public meeting and adjourn at 8:30pm Second by Sandy Estabrook, Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trisha McCarthy