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April 15, 2010 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
(603) 382-4405 ext.17
Committee Members:
Peter Mears, Chairperson (603) 548-4417
Nancy Slombo, Vice Chairperson
Trisha McCarthy, Selectmen’s Representative
Kimberly Lowther, Secretary
Shelia Bergeron
Mary Anne Lapierre
Sandy Estabrook
Brian Valimont
Pat Wonson

Conservation Commission Minutes for April 15, 2010  

Nancy,  Sandy, Shelia, Pat and Mary Anne.

        Nancy called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.
        Kim recorded the minutes.

Christine Lewis Morse, President Lewis Builders Development, Inc.
Joshua Manning, Civil Planning Manager, Lewis Builders Development, Inc.
               Harold Morse, General Manager, Lewis Builders Development, Inc.
Joshua Manning discussed the Wetlands Impact Permit that was granted in 2004, that has recently expired. There is approximately 991 square feet of wetlands. Currently Lewis Builders has been working with the Department of Environmental Services and is seeking an Expedited Review. Conservation was told by Lewis Builders that there will not be any changes to the new application. All information will remain the same as that filed in the 2004 Permit. Lewis Builders confirmed that they will not be cutting anymore trees.
Nancy had questioned the Trolley Track and asked if Planning Board had any concerns.  
 Joshua replied that there were no concerns from the Planning Board. Per Conservations Site walk on April 8, 2010, Nancy told Joshua that she thought the site looked very well kept and asked for a Detailed Wetlands Report.                 
Joshua asked for a commitment letter of support. However, Nancy would like all the Conservation Members to review the Detailed Wetlands Report and the property before such letter is granted.

Shelia motioned to have all members of Conservation review the plans for Sargent Woods dated from 2005 and to make any inquires that are needed at an upcoming meeting to determine whether Conservation will vote on a Commitment Letter of support. Sandy Seconded. All in Favor.

Discussion: Joshua told the board that a letter from Conservation will help expedite the application process.
Christine Lewis Morse, Harold Morse, and Joshua Manning departed the meeting at 7:58pm.
Conservation members are still concerned with our water supply and our aquifer. Shelia emphasized that importance of a water district that would protect the towns’ water supply. A town water district would prohibit the sale of our most valuable resource. All residence of Newton would maintain their own individual well as they do today.           

  • Local Government Center- 2010 Local Officials Workshops.
  • Bank Statement. – Deposit of DTC excess closing funds and Interest paid.
Ending Ledger Balance as of 2/28/10 is $90,371.82.
  • Ben Meadows Catalogue.
Other Business:
 Receipt from the Newton Post Office. – Nancy motioned to pay Kimberly Lowther $8.80 to reimburse her for the purchase of stamps. Shelia Seconded. All in Favor. No further discussion.

Updates from our Last Meeting:
  • Site Walks for April 8th- Pheasant Crossing – Conservation members felt that the new gravel poured for parking did not impact the wetland area, and was not with in the 200 foot buffer zone.
Plan NH: Sandy updated the Board on the latest Plan NH meeting. She discussed the rules of a village concept and the possible sites for a Village District- Newton Junction, Rowes Corner, and Main Street. The next meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2010. This will be a workshop meeting, reviewing land use and mapping.
Conservation members discussed zoning for business in multiple areas throughout town.

Minutes:  Nancy motioned to accept the Minutes of April 1, 2010 as presented. Shelia Seconded. All in Favor. No further Discussion.  

Stronach Land: Nancy motioned to Volunteer herself to mow the Stronach Land located at the end of Bartlet Street in effort to clean up  for Earth Day. Shelia Seconded. All in Favor. No Further Discussion.

  • Non Public Business: Members of Conservation went into a non public meeting to discuss an alleged Health issue.  Members will vote to determine if the information presented will later become public information.  
Announcements: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Lowther
Newton Conservation Commission