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January 4, 2007 Conservation Commission Minutes
Town of Newton
Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 378
Newton, NH 03858

Committee Members:
        Trisha McCarthy, Chairperson  Home # 382-1668, Email:
        Alicia Raddatz          Mary Marshall
        Nancy Slombo            Peter Mears
        Kim Vaillant
        Selectman’s Representative: John Ulcickas
Conservation Commission Draft Minutes for January 4, 2006

Attending were: Trisha McCarthy, Peter Mears, Pat Wonson, Nancy Slombo, Alicia Raddatz

Trisha McCarthy called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm.

Minutes Review from November 16, 2006
Trisha made motion to accept minutes.
Alicia seconded.
All in Favor.

1.      Altus Engineering, Inc.
Re: Georges Way, Re- Subdivision of land. Engineering Review for proposed lot has been completed for Rosewood builders. Conservation Commission will need to review a recent map of Georges Way.

2. Reviewed correspondence from Steve Early. Silt fence was repaired; the Conservation Commission has no further issues.

3. During a recent site walk with S&R Construction, Conservation Commission observed that Mr. Coleman has possibly caused damage   to the culverts and wetlands. A letter of complaint will be sent regarding the damages.

4. Budget Account remaining in the year 2006 is $1,683.09

5. Discussed workshop held in Concord, NH
   Land Resource Management Workshop

6. Reviewed memo sent from the Department of Agriculture, pertaining to endangered species of NH.  

7. Reviewed and discussed email sent from Mary Marshall on December 22, 2006.

“We are being offered an opportunity by the State to apply for grant money that could be used for a number of items:
Trail head improvement for the Busch Farm, creating trails on the Hadley Road property along with the trail head parking. Purchase of land from Jim Pinkerton heirs for trail head and access from Whittier St to most recent purchase of land. Trail head parking for Currierville Road. Trails on Stonach Property.”

     Conservation Commission will go on a site walk along  Busch farms on Sunday   
      January 7, 2007 at 1:00pm. The Recreation Trail Grant Application deadline is
      January  19, 2007.
     Ideas for used of Grant money included, a Parking lot, wetland Crossing, Signs,
    Upgrade and build new trails, Cost for Easement procedures, Lawyers fees, Permitting,
     Surveys, and benches.
     Alicia motioned to speak with Pinkerton,
     Pat Seconded.
    All in Favor

   Trisha made motion for an emergency meeting to be held on
   Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 7:30 pm.
        Alicia Seconded
        All in Favor
8. Pat made a motion for someone to clean up on Currierville Road. Spending up to   
   $150.00  Peter will contact an individual for clean up.
  Peter Seconded.
  All in Favor.

Busch Farms:
Nothing to report at this time.
Nothing to report at this time.

Land Acquisition:
Nothing to report at this time.

Wetland Cases:
Nothing to report at this time.

Old Business:
Nothing to report at this time.