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July 21, 2005 Conservation Commission Minutes
PO BOX 378


MEETING DATE:  July 21st, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Vice Chair Alicia Raddatz.   Attending were Alicia Raddatz, Pat Wonson, Kim Valient, Peter Mears and Mary Marshall.

Minutes:   The meeting for July 7th had been cancelled and there were no minutes to review for June 16th.

Old Business:

        Busch Farm:   Mary Marshall received a call from Phil Auger of the County Extension Service during which he expressed concern for what he believed to be a new ATV trail branching to the left and entering the Atlantic while cedar swamp.   This trail actually has been there several years and at one point the sign defining the fines for wetland violations had been posted along that way, but they were soon stolen.   It was suggested that Alicia contact Chief Streeter to see if the PD could put this path on their ATV patrol list.   Phil Auger suggested following the tracks to find out where they emerge on private property and speaking to those property owners.

        Easements:   The call from Phil Auger was actually regarding interest on the part of Rockingham Land Trust to help us with easements on several of the town owned pieces of land, specifically the conservation land off Currierville Road and the Stonach property.   He informed us that he would be walking both those pieces with another member of the Trust and would get back to us after that happens.

        Land Acquisition:  We will look for an update on the Wilders Grove Association land at our next meeting.   We will also discuss who should be the contact with Nancy Marden regarding the land between Low Road and the Peanut Trail.   

 At this point there was a discussion about needing to establish priorities relative to how the Conservation Commission spends the money in our Conservation Fund:  Should we try to acquire new parcels, easements on land we don't own, or easements on land we do own.   Peter succintly stated the argument for buying land or easement on land we don't own as once the kabd is gone it is gone.   Mary expressed a concern for protecting the aquifers from water districts formed by outside interests, specifically the water under the Stronach property, but at the same time allowed that an easement on the property might not protect the water and that there may be more effective methods for protecting aquifer water.   Mary and Pat will find out whether we can get information on this subject from the sponsors of the Municipal Law Lecture series.

Trails:   Nothing new to report.

Biomonitoring:   It was agreed that the equipment used for the biomonitoring would be stored in the office under the filing cabinets.   We will bring it at the second meeting in August.

        New Business:

                Beaver:   Peter reported that he had not been active with his permit    
yet.   It was suggested that we attempt to breach the dam on Kim's land installing perforated pipes so that we can demonstrate how successful this method might be.   The Commission will meet at Kim's, 19 Peaslee Crossing Road, at 7:00pm before the meeting of August 4th to assess the


We received that year to date budget figures from the bookkeeper.

Other Business:

Kim brought us a question about whether there were any setback requirements for above ground swimming pools from wetlands.    Although there are none, the requirements for a smooth solid foundation for the pool will require a significant setback.

Adjournment:   The meeting was adjourned at 8:49.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Marshall, recorder