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June 12, 2014 Cable Committee Minutes
Town of Newton
Newton Cable Committee
PO Box 378 Newton, NH 03858

The Newton Cable Committee met on June 12, 2014 at the Newton Town Hall starting at 9:00am.

Call to Order: 9:12 am
Roll Call:      Mary Winglass, Chair, Public Relations/Programmer; Sally Woodman, Secretary; Diane Morin, Station Manager; Marilyn Landry, Vice Chair
Minutes from Previous Meeting of May 8, 2014:   Marilyn motioned to accept the minutes as written.  Mary seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Review budget: 42 percent of the budget has been expended.  Most of this went towards salaries.
  • Revolving account: The revolving account has $88,628.32 as of May 31, 2014.
Rolls RS80 Digital AM/FM tuner (40 presets) was purchased for $253.26.
One amplified AM/FM antenna was purchased for $32.99.  Both will be paid out of the Cable Revolving Fund.
Correspondence and Communications:
  • The Board of Selectmen voted to extend Chris Liquori’s contract, as per request of the Cable Committee, for 6 months beginning on May 3rd and ending on November 3rd.
Review Programing Scheduling:
  • Memorial Day Activities: Everything went smoothly and as planned,
  • NHS May Presentation: The Spirits in NH presentation went well.
  • Planning Board: There have been 2 technical difficulties, one was not broadcasting live and the other was loss of audio due to an accidental disconnect of a cable. Both have been addressed.
Upcoming Events:
  • NHS July 30 presentation will not be televised as requested by the presenters.
Unfinished Business:
  • Surplus equipment:  Marilyn and Sally will check this equipment and add any additional items that may be considered surplus. The committee discussed ways of getting rid of the surplus equipment including a possible “yard type sale” to be held at the town hall. The committee will address this issue in upcoming meetings.
  • Lapel Mikes: The FCC is reviewing who can use the various wavelengths so the lapel mikes purchase is on hold until they make a final determination.
  • Windows 7 on old PC:  The operating system has been installed and the PC is back in the cable room.  It will be used as a backup for now.  The plan is to install video editing software on it.  We will wait till we have something to edit before installing the trial version of Corel Video Editing Software.
  • Video editing software:  This software will be utilized when we have an event to use it with.
  • Update from the Station Manager: A new inventory needs to be done as the old one is two years old.
New Business:
  • Mary suggested that the committee look into buying a tablecloth with the words “Town of Newton” and the town seal on it.
  • At this time we are waiting for a quote to purchase a tricaster, slide projector, and screen.
  • Diane changed the radio station because the one being used came through somewhat scratchy. The committee listened until one was found with better sound quality.
Next Cable Committee meeting: August 14, 2014
Adjournment: 9:56am