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September 15, 2010 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           September 15, 2010      
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:35p.m.
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Sue Godin, operator/cable member, Mary Marshall,
        Production Manager
Minutes from Previous Meeting of September 8, 2010: Mary M made a motion to accept the minutes as written. This was seconded by Sue and voted on unanimously.
Correspondence and Communications:
Upcoming Events:
Unfinished Business:
  • Sue showed the board the inventory list she and David had created. The need for approximate prices was brought up and Diane suggested using the B and H Photo.
  • Sue informed the board that David was able to get the speakers in the hall to work.
  • The board continued to discuss the upcoming franchise renewal with Comcast. The members reviewed materials sent home with them as well as new material brought in by Mary M and Mary W. After much discussion the board decided it would be in everyone’s best interest to set up a meeting with the Comcast representative, Brian Christiansen. The meeting was originally for September 21st but has since been changed to Thursday, September 23rd at 5:00p.m.
New Business:
  • The board felt it was best to have David Koles get a background check in order for him to be able to film any upcoming events.
Next Cable Committee meeting: September 21, 2919
Adjournment: 7:13p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman