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June 9, 2010 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           June 9, 2010    
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:44p.m.
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Sue Godin, operator/cable member, Mary Marshall, Production Manager
Minutes from Previous Meeting of May 26, 2010: Mary Marshall motioned to accept the minutes as written. Sue Godin seconded and the minutes were accepted as written.
Correspondence and Communications: None
Upcoming Events: Sign up for swimming
Unfinished Business:
  • Slides and a video of the Memorial Day Parade, the services, and acknowledgements are up and running.
  • After a discussion of how the whole filming process went the committee feels it would be a help to have the following: 1. a power splitter ( referred to as a ‘pigtail’ splitter), 2 heavy duty 100 foot extension cords, 3. Velcro ties/straps, 4. Two aluminum 2 foot high platforms, 5. a second camera, 6. Headsets to allow for communication, 7. A schedule of the order of events for any event being filmed, and 8. A sign signifying who we are and perhaps a flag for the next Memorial Day Parade where the camera is.
  • Diane explained the updates for the Nexus that she had implemented.
  • Tom’s demonstration has been postponed to the June 23rd meeting.
  • Mary M. will move the ‘Special’ time slot from 5:00a.m. To 7:00a.m. so that it will run from 6:00a.m. To 8:00a.m. It is felt this would be better for our audience in general.
  • An email will be sent to Tom Gasse indicating the need for the length of time of meetings to be indicated for scheduling purposes.
New Business:
  • New replacement parts for the tripod and speaker stands are needed. Mary M motioned to purchase the needed parts. Sue seconded and the motion was passed. Diane will send the specific information for ordering to Mary W.
  • It was noted that there was a hum from the speakers when there was a lull in incoming audio. Diane will research the possible causes and at our next meeting the speakers will be tested.
  • The cost of the Prism software will be researched by Mary M. A decision to buy or not will be made at our next meeting.
  • Mary W said she felt it would be nice if we could have the tablecloths reaching lower in the front so people’s feet did not show. The committee discussed possible solutions. The possibility of adding red or blue cloth to the existing tablecloths was mentioned. Mary M said she would check out prices for materials. For now a temporary solution could be to slide the cloths forward and tape them to the table as well as placing the microphones strategically.
  • Mary W mentioned that Tavish helped her publish a slide she had created for the Memorial Day Parade.

Next Cable Committee meeting: June 23, 2010

Adjournment: 6:45p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman