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August 18, 2010 NCAT-20 Cable TV Minutes

DATE:           August 18, 2010
PLACE:          Town Meeting Hall
TIME:                   5:30p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:  5:40pm
Roll Call:      Diane Morin, Chairman; Mary Winglass, Public       Relations/Programmer, Sally Woodman, Secretary;
        Sue Godin, operator/cable member, Mary Marshall,
        Production Manager, Tom Gasse
Minutes from Previous Meeting of July 22, 2010: Mary W made a motion to accept the minutes and Sue Godin seconded.  The motion passed with 1 abstention by Mary Marshall.
Budget: Read and discussed for discrepancies.  None were found.
Correspondence and Communications:
  • Letter from Comcast to the Board of Selectmen was read.  The letter was notification of name change of HD set-top box fee.
  • Kim Hughes letter thanking everyone for implementing new payroll forms was read.
  • Nancy Wrigley notified all departments that an inventory of equipment is needed for insurance purposes.  Prices and pictures were requested.  The committee will work on getting a list together before September 30, 2010.  Tom will check to see if he has a list of inventory from a prior year that we can work from.
Upcoming Events:
  • August 30, 2010 the Board of Selectmen will be holding a meeting which they would like to have on cable.  Sue will schedule the meeting.
Unfinished Business:
  • The tablecloths are done and look great.  Thank you Mary M.
  • Mary W. said there is a meeting on August 24 in Concord for the New Hampshire Coalition for Community Media (NHCCM).  Diane will check on an agenda to see if it is appropriate to send a member.  Mary W. will check with NHCCM about other towns contact negotiations with their cable providers.  We are looking to see if how much grant money other towns are asking for.  She will also communicate with Dot Grover from the Coalition about our contract updates.
New Business:
  • A motion was made to offer David Koles a position, as cable operator only, beginning at grade V step 9 @ $11.17 per hour by Sally and seconded by Mary M.  The motion passed unanimously.   Diane will send an email to David Koles offering him the position.  If he accepts the offer, the Board of Selectmen will need to approve.  The earliest he could start would be September 7, 2010.
  • Diane has the cables needed to setup a second VCR.  She will get to it as soon as possible.  The second VCR is needed because there are 2 requestors that use tapes.  We would need to have someone go to the cable room and swap out the tapes if we do not setup the second VCR.
  • Diane suggested we interview the department heads that will be using the facilities purposed by Chief Streeter.  Mary M. will do the interview.  We need to wait on this until BOS approves of the plan.
  • Tom made a motion to purchase a USB drive for backing up the PC and Nexus.  It was seconded by Sally. The price was $99.00 and will come from the cable equipment item budget.  Diane will contact Sylvania to have her purchase the drive.  It was voted unanimously.
  • A motion by Mary W to have Tavish work with her at the Town Hall creating slides for channel 20.  He will be given 10 hours between now and December to work on these.  The motion was seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.
Next Cable Committee meeting:  September 8, 2010
Adjournment:  7:25pm

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Sally Woodman