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February 21, 2012 Board of Appeals Minutes
Newton Board of Appeals
P.O. Box 378
Newton, N.H. 03858

MINUTES: Meeting of Tuesday, February 21, 2012

CALL TO ORDER at 7:30 PM by Chairman Tom McElroy

ROLL CALL:   Chairman Tom McElroy, Vice-Chairman Alan French, Bradley Cardoso, Jack Kozec, and Alternate Matt Burrill.
Absent:  Dana Allison, and Alternate Ken Pelletier.

GUESTS: Brendan Flint and Amy  Flint.

Meeting of January 17, 2012.  A motion was made by Mr. Kozec to accept the minutes as written.  Second by Mr. French.  All in favor.  Motion carries.

Alternate Matt Burrill made a voting member in the absence of Mr. Allison.

Brendan T. Flint
                                62 Wilders Grove Road
                                Newton, NH 03858
                                (Map # 002-03-018-1)
The Applicant is requesting a variance from Residential A Zone Area Regulations, Section XIV, #3, dealing with Location on Lot.  He wishes to build a 19’ x 20’ framed one-story structure (garage) with 1 overhead door, 1 access door, and 2 windows.
The Board review the materials provided by Mr. Flint.  Mr. Flint explained his request, as well as the positioning of the proposed garage.  It would be moved to the back side of the lot due to the slope of the lot and also for the visibility of travelers on Wilders Grove Road.  Wilders Grove Road is only 16’ wide, and this lot is within a curve in the Road.

The Board reviewed the Variance Standards (Criteria):
  • All OK with the given explanation.
  • All OK with the given explanation.
  • All OK with the explanation
  • All OK with the explanation
  • All OK with the explanation
Mr. Cardoso makes a motion to grant variances to Brendan Flint of 62 Wilders Grove Road:  a variance of 37 ft. from the centerline of the road, a variance of 23 ft. on the west side of the property, a variance of 4.8 ft. on the east side, and a variance of 10.4 ft. at the rear setback, according to the Plan dated February 7, 2012 by James M. Lavelle Associates, of Hampstead, NH.
Second by Mr. Kozec.  All in favor.  Motion carries.

Mr. Flint is made aware of the 30 day period where any person affected by this decision has a right to appeal.


ADJOURNMENT:    A motion was made at 7:50 PM by Mr. Kozec to adjourn.  Second by Mr.  French.  All in favor!   Motion carries.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeannette Clark, Secretary