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September 20, 2005 Board of Appeals Minutes
MINUTES: Minutes of Tuesday, September 20, 2005
> CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by > Chairman McElroy.
> ROLL CALL: Chairman Tom McElroy, vice-Chairman Alan > French, > Dana Allison, Jack Kozec, Alternate: Ken Pelletier.  > Absent: Bradley Cardoso
> 1. The Board had received the Notice from the > Rockingham Planning Commission concerning the "NH Planning & Land Use Regulation" (2005-2006 edition).  The Board decided that, this year, they would take only the free copy and keep it for research of changes that may have occurred during the year. New editions would be ordered every other year.
> 2. The Office of Energy & Planning had also sent notification to the Board of the 2005 Municipal Law Lecture Series, which would again be held at the Newmarket Town Hall October 19, October 26, and November 2. Mr French and Mr Kozec requested to be registered for this lecture series.
> 3. Also announced was the 2005 Fall Planning and Zoning Conference, scheduled for Saturday, November 5, at the Mountain Club on Loon in Lincoln, NH. Mr. Pelletier was interested. He would check his calendar and respond to the secretary on Wednesday.
> 3. Mr McElroy reported that he had sent a letter to the Building Inspector (and copies to the Selectmen, Planning Board, Health Officer, and Road Agent) concerning the writing of actual ordinance numbers in the denial notices. He had had no response to this memo.
> ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Meeting of August 16, 2005. A motion was made by Mr Allison to accept the minutes as written.  Seconded by Mr Pelletier. Mr Kozec abstains.  Motion carries.
> 1. Review of the Planning Board schedule and the minutes of the work session of August 23.
> 2. Review of the Budget for the remainder of the calendar year and review of the 2005 Accounts receivable.
> ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made at 7:40 PM by Mr Kozec to adjourn. Seconded by Mr Allison.  Motion carries.
> Next meeting to be Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 7:30 PM.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Jeannette S. Clark, Secretary
> Newton Board of Appeals
> Minutes of meeting of September 20, 2005