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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 04/15/2008
Town of New Boston
Zoning Board of Adjustment

Meeting Minutes

Approved 05/20/08

Members present:  Chairman Dave Craig, Vice Chairman Harry Piper, Ed DiPietro, Greg Mattison, Phil Consolini,  alternates Robert Todd, Chris Colomb, and Laura Todd, Clerk.
Full members voted.

Chairman Craig opened the meeting at 7:03.

Harry Piper moved that the clerk cast one ballot for the slate of officers to be unchanged.  Motion passed.

New Boston Building Inspector, Mr. Ed Hunter spoke to the board regarding the sign ordinance on a commercial lot, Section 318.5., and asked  the board to clarify how to approach two business’ on the same lot.  Harry Piper said he thought the ordinance allowed each business two signs, one free standing and one on a building.  After some discussion, it was suggested that one free standing sign was allowed as a directory and then each business was allowed one sign on their building.  Mr. Hunter said this particular section of the sign ordinance needed to be looked at.

2008-2 Classic Signs, Inc. “Area Variance”
At 7:13 PM, Classic Signs, Inc. presented their application for an area variance for the property of TD Banknorth, located at 1 High Street.  Paul of Classic Signs said the marketing department of the bank has demanded the bank put up a better sign.  A permit for a freestanding sign has been received, but Mr. Tom May of the New Boston branch knows that this sign will not be well received by the town citizens, having had past experience.  So, the strategy is to try to get a variance to allow two additional building signs (20” X 120”) externally illuminated to be installed.  One on each end of the building.  

Tom May said the bank had three signs on the building at one time.  Then CFX put up internally illuminated signs and it was awful, Tom had them taken down.  The freestanding sign will be internally illuminated and Tom knows the citizens will not like it.

Harry Piper said if the variance is granted the freestanding sign will not be allowed.

Dave Craig asked if the three signs were permitted on the building at the time of Milford Coop/CFX bank.  It was not known.

Next the criteria were read.  See application.

Dave Craig asked if any noticed abutters were present.  None.

Greg Mattison voiced concern about the amount of light for the proposed signs.

Harry Piper suggested the new lighting should be the same as the existing illuminated sign.

Dave Craig asked if the sign was carved or flat.  It is a flat sign.

Ed DiPietro was concerned that having signs on both ends of the building would encourage people using the exit as an entrance.

Harry Piper asked if the sign would be exactly as presented (with the exception of the future name change)?  Yes.

Dave Craig asked if the current internally light sign would be replaced.  No.

Phil commented that if we turn you down the pole sign will go up.  Yes.

Harry Piper moved to grant the variance with the following stipulations.
1.  the gross square footage of the signs will not exceed what has been testified to.
2.  no free standing sign.
3.  the illumination will not exceed the illumination of the existing wall sign.
4.  this variance will accommodate the bank name change.
5.  all previous sign permits will be null and void with the acceptance of the variance.

Greg Mattison 2nd the motion.  The motion passed by 4 affirmative votes with Phil Consolini voting against.

2008-3 E. Steve Caggiano “Area Variance”
Brian of M.R. Peter Construction presented the application.  He explained how the barn burned and caught the garage and house addition on fire.  They are replacing the house addition in the same footprint, but want to add a farmer’s porch.  They want to replace the burned garage with a two-stall garage, which is larger.

Harry Piper asked if the proposed garage would encroach into the setback further.  No.

Ed Hunter said the farmer’s porch would be the same dimensions as the main part of the house.

Phil Consolini said the variance is to make the porch longer and the garage larger, but further back from road.  Yes.

Mr. Caggiano presented pictures showing the main house and how the porch would be situated.

Dave Craig asked if any noticed abutters were present.  None.

Bob Todd offered testimony.  He had lived in this house for three years and knew that the garage could not be set any further back from the road because of 20% slopes.  The house is set up high off the road and the usual reasons for setbacks do not apply, because the house in not visible.  There are no buildings across the street only the Great Meadow and all other buildings are out of sight.  

Phil Consolini made a motion to grant the variance according to the plans that were presented.  Greg Mattison 2nd.  Motion passed.

Phil Consolini made a motion to adjourn the meeting @ 8PM, 2nd by Harry Piper.

Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Todd