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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 07/17/2007
Town of New Boston
Zoning Board of Adjustment

Meeting Minutes


Approved 08/21/07

Members present:  Vice-chairman Harry Piper (acting as chair), Phil Consolini, Ed DiPietro, Greg Mattison, Robert Todd, Laura Todd, clerk, and alternate Chris Golomb.

Harry brought meeting to order @ 7:01PM, Laura read roll call.

06/18/07 meeting minutes were approved as printed by Chris, seconded by Ed, and accepted.

THIBEAULT SAND AND GRAVEL, LLC, application for “Use Variance” regarding temporary signs on Parker Road, Map/Lot3/58-0 and 3/57-0.

Harry explained the procedure, the applicant would speak, abutters in favor next, abutter against, then repeat for rebuttals.  NOTE:  no abutters or interested parties were present.

Vincent Iacozzi represented Thibeault Sand and Gravel, LLC.  He started by correcting the information of the size of the temporary signs as 32 sq. ft each.  Stating that the signs were for informational use only.

Harry asked how far off the road the signs were located

Mr. Iacozzi said 35’ to 50”,   continuing to explain that they had gone to the Building Inspector for conditional use and was told they needed a variance.  He then went on to say the signs would probably be there for 3 years.

Harry then asked the applicant to cover the 5 criteria.

Mr. Iacozzi then read from the application (see application)
1.  safety, and orderly flow.

2.  allows traffic to and from site.

3.  traffic control; most trucks are out of town and out of state.  (some material is being hauled to a Title 5 failed septic in MA.) Some of the drivers are first time to the site.  They are having few problems with traffic; the signs are visible 300/400 ft from bridge.  The signs are temporary and will be used only while the pit is in use, they help with traffic.   

By directing the traffic it improves public safety.

Greg M. asked what the property was zoned, asked if the Bldg. Insp., went to site when the signs were first installed

Mr. Iacozzi said partly commercial and industrial, they did not get permits for the signs originally.  They went before the Planning Board, then sign ordinance went into effect, the signs were already built.

Harry asked what was on the site plan approval for stipulations

Mr. Iacozzi said no signs were mentioned.

Robert T. stated these lots are residential/agricultural.  There is a commercial lot across Rte. 13.  He then asked how this business was different from the Strong pit or Neville pit, where there are no signs at the opening of the pits.

Mr. I. said more trucks from out of state for the first time, Strong and Neville have more local customers who know where their pits are located.

Phil C. asked how long this pit has been in operation.

Mr. I, August 2006.

Discussion then followed about the size of the signs for speed issues and safety issues.

Chris G. asked if the 1X4 ft sign (which is allowed) is unreasonable for the speed limit on this road; emergency vehicles have no problem finding houses with numbers much smaller. If truckers are coming from Ma. they need to find rte 114, go through Goffstown and find Parker Road, they should be able to find the pit.

Robert T. said he finds the signs to be for advertising, not safety.  He presented photos to the board of the signs.  He then followed that the application said the signs were directional, so the advertising could be removed and an arrow could be placed for direction.

Discussion followed about OSHA requirements of phone numbers and the regulation that the pit owner needed to follow.  

Phil moved to place the application before the board, seconded by Ed.

Robert T. moved that the application by Thibeault Sand and Gravel, LLC  requesting use of temporary signs at the facility at Parker Road be granted, the size of the signs are approved however, wording on the signs must be revised to be directional only and contain no advertising, so as to meet paragraph D, under definition of signs in section 602 of the New Boston Zoning Ordinance.  Seconded by Ed.

Discussion followed about the motion.    With a suggestion of signs being moved behind the fence,

Mr. I. agreed to taking the advertising off the signs.

Ed. D. said he is not upset about phone numbers being on the sign.

Harry P. said product list and price is advertising.

Chris G. questioned if the board was negotiating or evaluating.  

Harry answered, we never negotiate, and this is just a discussion.

Harry then asked Robert T. and Ed D. if they agree to amend the motion to not disallow phone numbers.  The both agreed.  The motion was called for vote and passed unanimously.

Chris made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Phil @ 8PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Laura Todd, clerk
approved 08/21/07