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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/03/2010

Rodney Towne
Dwight Lovejoy
Christine Quirk
Burton Reynolds
Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



Dan MacDonald
Fire Department
Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Fire Department is working on.

An issue has come up with the agreement between the New Boston Fire Department and the Air Force that has been in place since 1992.  There have always been issues with the agreement every couple years but they have always been worked out.  Recently engine 5, which is housed at the Air Force Tracking Station, was sent for repairs by the Air Force.  It returned to the Tracking Station but the Colonel has told Dan New Boston Fire Department volunteers are no longer allowed to drive it.  Dan has requested several meetings and the name of the person who made this decision.  So far the Colonel has met with Dan but has not released the name of the person who made this decision.  The Air Force has requested statistics of the usage of Engine 5 from Dan.  He has gathered the information but will not release it until the person who is making the decisions comes forward.  Dan has notified the media and the New Hampshire Fire Marshall John Raymond.  John Raymond agrees with New Boston’s position and Dan will get that in writing.  Dan feels his next step is to put the Air Force on notice that action will be taken in thirty days as in New Boston volunteers will no longer respond to emergency calls at the Tracking Station.  New Boston also uses Engine 5 when responding to calls in that part of town. Now that New Boston is unable to use the engine, the Bedford Department will be put on automatic to respond to that area of town and would be able to respond in the same amount of time that New Boston currently responds to that area.  New Boston uses the Tracking Station to store the backup ambulance and engine, and even recruited new volunteers from that area of town and Goffstown to respond to that station in emergencies in that area due to the population growth in that area of town.  The new CERT trailer was also planned to be stored there.  Dan would like the agreement between New Boston and the Air Force to continue with conditions added that New Boston can use Engine 5 until 2016 and confirmation that this situation will not happen again.  The last time this issue came up Town Counsel Dave Nixon and another town attorney reviewed it.  There is a backup plan for the equipment stored at the Tracking Station if the Air Force defaults the agreement.  Dan will not make a final decision on this matter without input and approval from the Selectmen and the Fire Wards.  The Selectmen agreed Dan can continue on this matter as planned.
Gerry Perron called Dan as Wolfeboro recently had a problem when they installed 3 20,000-gallon cisterns.  The tanks were repaired but the insurance company then required three brand new tanks be installed in their place.  Gerry called Dan and offered the repaired cisterns to New Boston for free.  Gerry also offered to do the necessary plumbing.  These cisterns probably also come with a warranty.  Dan is looking into this as a donation to the town and is also exploring any additional costs.  They will be shipped to Gerry’s residence until the town is ready to install them.  Dan recommends they be installed in the downtown location near the white buildings.  The Selectmen suggested they be installed after the baseball season and asked Dan to call Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown to try to coordinate the cistern installation with the irrigation the Recreation Department plans to install in the same area.

Weare has recently solved their mutual aid issue by hiring two full time per diem EMTs.  As a result New Boston and the other towns participating in the mutual aid agreement expect to be called to Weare for mutual aid significantly less often.  Weare expects revenues from their ambulance calls will cover these positions.  

The Fire Department plans to implement charging for its ambulance service June 1.  Medicare licensing has been obtained, Medicaid license is in process and the billing company is in place.  The Fire Department plans to charge rates 20% above Medicare’s rate.  The public will be educated about the new policy through an article in the New Boston Bulletin.  The Fire Department does not want residents without insurance to not call 911 when they have an emergency.  A system will be in place for this situation.  A budget containing the anticipated revenues will be sent to Burton and the Selectmen.  Fire Department volunteer Gordon Carlstrom will meet with Karen Craven to set this up in the business office.

Selectmen secretary Linda Sizemore is working on paperwork for the brand new CERT trailer.  The trailer is on the town insurance policy and is properly registered.  It is at the Tracking Station.  Each town that received a grant for equipment for a CERT trailer was assigned a specialty.  New Boston’s specialty is related to traffic. The trailer will be dedicated to the late Steve Hughes during the duck race on May 23 recognizing him for the work he did researching the possibility of this type of trailer for the town.

John Riendeau
Highway Department
Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Highway Department is working on.

The bridge plans for the Lyndeborough Road “culvert” repair were received today.  He has also learned the redirock portion of the project could cost $2-3,00 less than originally quoted.  The plans will be made available to the interested bidding parties tomorrow.  The bids will be due May 10 and will be opened in a public meeting at 4:00 on May 10.  Brown did the tree cutting in that area last week.  The other half of Lyndeborough Road is planned to be shut down May 17.  The Lyndeborough Road residents are detoured through Cochran Hill Road.

The Selectmen reviewed the 2010 paving plan.  John noted asphalt is $65 per ton right now.  He is uncertain if this will go up due to the recent oil spill.  The paving budget is $290,000 this year and at the current price it will cost $284,000.

New stop signs are planned for the end of Bog Road at Bedford Road, Bog Road at Christie Road, Briar Hill Road at Clark Hill Road and at both ends of Arrowwood Drive.  A public hearing will be scheduled and noticed. The Highway Department tested a CAT grader in town for a few days.  They will not be able to test a John Deere grader in town but Moultonborough has one and is willing to let some Highway Department employees test it in Moultonborough.  The Selectmen agreed to send 2 Highway Department employees to Moultonborough to test it.  John will get the bid spec sheets to compare the both graders.

The Highway Department has recently been brush cutting on scenic roads, ditching, grading and replaced two culverts.

John will be out of work this week due to a back injury.  Terry has instructions on what to work on while John is out and John will be available for any questions.

Irene Baudreau
Town Clerk
Town Clerk Irene Baudreau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a new software program from Avitar she is recommending for the Town Clerk’s office.  This program will have many benefits to the Town Clerk’s office and is expected to save them time.  The contract was given to the Selectmen for review and signature.  Turbotech will need to come in to make the computer compatible for the program.  She is also hoping the program will allow residents to make registration payments on-line.  The changes will be noticed in the New Boston Bulletin.  The credit card payment option the town was recently considering was put on hold due to the cost to the town.  Burton will ask Avitar the status of their discussion with the billing vendor and discuss this with Tax Collector Anne Charbonneau.

Chris Krajenka
Police Department
Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Police Department is working on.

He met with Bow about potentially using their dispatch services.  Bow uses a company called 2-way Communications out of Newington, NH for their communication equipment needs.  New Boston has been using Cencom but asked 2-Way to come to town to make recommendations to make New Boston’s equipment compatible with Bow’s.  2-Way recommended equipment costing approximately $7,000 less than what Cencom was recommending.  Chris called Cencom to tell them of 2-Way’s recommendations and they agreed.  Chris has decided to switch communication companies to 2-Way.  The Selectmen agreed.  Burton noted the Goffstown Selectboard is meeting tonight to consider offering a lower fee for dispatch to New Boston and consider offering a system such as Bow is offering to New Boston.  

The DWI Enforcement Highway Grant is in.  New Boston will use the grant to have stepped up DWI enforcement and extended shifts June 11 and 12, July 23 and 24 and August 20 and 21.

A letter was received from Attorney Bill Drescher with his opinion on the matter of Gerald Beloin’s motion to dismiss.

The two new police vehicles are in and ready to be outfitted.  The old car 3 is getting its equipment switched as is the chief’s car equipment and the New Boston police markings will be removed.  This process should be complete in approximately one month.  The white chief’s car will be auctioned along with the other old cruiser.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:42 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:53 PM.     Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Minutes of April 19, 2010
The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2.  Non-Public Minutes of April 19, 2010
The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  Minutes of April 22, 2010
The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Dwight moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1.  Planning:  
The Planning Board discussed earth removal.  Christine was not present for the discussion as she arrived late to the meeting.

There was a lot of discussion about a cul-de-sac v. a through road in the Twin Bridge Land Management subdivision.  Planning Board member Mark Suennen has reviewed the permits and does not feel the applicant has the permits they say they have.  They were asked to produce the permits allowing the through road.  If they do not in fact have them, even a long cul-de-sac may not be an option.  The Planning Board feels a 1400’ cul-de-sac might be more acceptable.  Rodney noted he feels any cul-de-sac waiver of 50-100 feet are acceptable but longer than that is unacceptable.  Brandy Mitroff was present and asked the Board to remind the Planning Board to consider the cost to the developer of off-site road improvements to West Lull Place or rule the subdivision scattered and premature due to the condition of West Lull Place which residents of the new subdivision would be required to travel on.

An application was submitted for a conditional use permit to install a wetland crossing on Wilson Hill Road.  This installation of a culvert is expected to have a substantial cost to the applicant.  Christine missed the sitewalk.

2.  Appointment to ZBA
Harry Piper reapplied for a three-year term on the Zoning Board.  Rodney moved to accept Harry Piper to the Zoning Board for a period of three years.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The Transfer Station Advisory Committee met but didn’t have a quorum.  They did not decide which members would be regular members and which members would be alternates.  They will do this at their meeting May 11.  

3.  Instructions For Large Road Projects
The Selectmen reviewed a memo outlining their instructions to Road Agent John Reindeau regarding large road projects as discussed at the April 22 Selectmen’s meeting.  The memo will be finalized and signed.  The no parking signs for Old Coach Road in front of the ballfields are ordered.  Burton will ask John when they are expected in.  In the meantime temporary no parking signs should be erected in the area.

4.  Job Descriptions
This was finalized a few years ago except for the physical activity requirements portion.  The Department Managers have completed questionnaires regarding the physical activity required in each position and this aspect of the job descriptions is now complete for all departments.  The job descriptions are now complete.  Department Managers are asked to review job descriptions every January to make sure they are current.

5.  Selectmen Meeting Procedures
This document has not been updated since 2001.  The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.


1.  Mid-Year Reviews
Burton has started his mid-year review of Department Managers.  He still needs to meet with most Department Managers.  The Department Managers are working on the reviews for their department employees.  These are usually done in April or May.  The Selectmen asked Burton to remind Department Managers to complete them.


1.  Health Officer Shannon Silver orders a report on water quality at the spring on Route 13 yearly.  Burton asked if the Selectmen want this to continue.  He will check on how much it costs.  Willard Dodge and other residents improved the spring system approximately five years ago.  He will go back to the area to make sure the system has not been tampered with.  The system should be checked yearly.

2.  The Selectmen signed an agreement and release on a Class VI road from Old Coach Road to where a cell tower will be erected on land owned by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests.  This document will be filed with the Registry of Deeds and the Society.

3.  A new insurance company such as AFLAC was started and faxed information to the town for employee information.  

4.  Resident Ryan Hicks died in June.  His mother was the town treasurer for many years.  The Selectmen would like to send a garden plant to her home in his memory.

5.  Burton met with architect David Ely who has begun preliminary sketches for the Old Engine House building and the Town Hall.  The Selectmen will review these.  David will meet with the Selectmen at their next meeting to discuss.  He suggested the Recreation Department and the Tax Collector could move their offices to the Old Engine House and some other department location changes should be made next year, such as moving Karen Craven to the upstairs Town Hall.  He also suggested the town build a building between the Old Engine House and the Town Hall to serve as a conference room.  He was asked to prepare cost estimates by September or October.  Historical Society and Recreation Commission members will also attend the May 17 Selectmen’s meeting to discuss this topic.  Rodney met with Scott Larson regarding the asbestos abatement.  Lee Brown met with employees at the safety meeting.  The Town Hall employees have expressed concern for their safety during the asbestos abatement.  The Selectmen suggested Scott Larson send a representative here to discuss the process with the employees.  Scott is taking samples from the Town Hall, Old Engine House and white buildings.  He will then prepare a report that will then be put to bid.

6.  Lee Brown met with a security camera representative.  The main focus of this is the Police Department.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:48 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 8:55 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien