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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/01/2010

Rodney Towne, Selectman
Dwight Lovejoy, Selectman
Christine Quirk, Selectman
Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald, Victor and Amy Parrish, Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown, Recreation Commissioner Kim Borges, Recreation Director Mike Sindoni, David Ely, Ellen Kambol and Brandy Mitroff were also present.

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   




1. 6:00 PM      Dan MacDonald           Radio Circuits and Cistern Grant

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects he is working on for the town.

The Fire Department budget typically contains $2,000 for cistern maintenance but that was taken out of next year’s proposed budget as the department plans to have the recruit program handle this task.  Dan asked if a weedwacker is needed for other areas in town as the Fire Department plans to purchase one but could turn it over to the town next year if the town needs it also.

The Fire Department, Highway Department and Town Hall all have snowblowers.  A snowblower is needed at the library.  The Fire Department snowblower will go to the library and the Town Hall snowblower will be used at the Fire Department as well.

The town communication radio program was discussed, as the FCC requires all to be narrowband ready by January 1, 2013.  Dan is working with the Fire Department, Highway Department, Recreation Department, Transfer Station and CERT to identify incompatible units and prepare a budget to purchase equipment to bring the town into compliance with FCC regulations.  Meanwhile it was discovered the radio circuit from transmitter to Town Hall and there to the Highway Department is not working as Fairpoint inadvertently disconnected it but will replace it.  This will cost $20 per month to maintain a circuit bootleg from the Town Hall to the Highway Department but the Selectmen determined this to be worthwhile as it provides the Town Hall access to the radios and provides a service to the town.  The base radio at the Highway Department is not working and would cost $700 to repair but would not be narrowband compatible.  Dan spoke with Highway Department Manager Terry Gordon and the Fire Wards and decided to convert one the Fire Department has to a Highway Department frequency and replace the one at the Fire Department to improve emergency infrastructure. This could cost up to $10,000.  The Fire Department has money to replace 40 pagers this year but instead they could buy 10-20 new pagers and install the new base radio this year with the money and purchase the remainder of the new pagers needed next year.  The $300-400 fee to convert the Fire Department radio to Highway Department is expected to be waived if the $10,000 base radio is purchased for the Fire Department.  The Selectmen gave Dan permission to research this idea further.  The Highway Department needs $3,000 for two Highway Department compatible mobile radios at $1,500 each and 6 portables costing $3,000 total.  This will be paid out of the Highway Department budget.  They do not need digital radios.  Radios for the Recreation Department, Transfer Station and CERT would be paid for out of the Emergency Management budget.  $1,400 mobile radio for the Recreation van, radios for the Transfer Station pick up, backhoe and one portable at $4,500 total, and 1 portable for CERT at $2,900.

The Fire Wards recently learned Hollis got a new fire truck and the one they put out of service is on auction.  The Fire Wards are considering purchasing it for the Tracking Station to replace the forestry truck the Fire Department is currently using there until 2016 when Engine 2 is planned to go to the Tracking Station.  The Fire Department asked a mechanic to look the truck over and he recommended paying up to $5,000 for it.  It needs maintenance including springs in the next 3-4 years at a cost of $1,000, they were told there is nothing wrong structurally, has rust needing repair and exhaust pipe and muffler at $1,500.  The Fire Wards are willing to pay up to $6,000 for the truck, the Selectmen approved paying up to $5,500 for the truck and gave Dan permission to bid on the truck on Friday.  It is a 1989 FMC with 31,000 miles on it.  The equipment it will come with was reviewed and the Fire Department has the other items needed to put it in service.  The money will come from a surplus in the rescue calls line due to the decrease in mutual aid responses to Weare.  The truck also comes with defibrillator and rescue equipment so $1,500 is allowed by law to be taken from the ambulance call revenue account.  The Fire Department expects to recoup $2-3,000 when they plan to sell it in 6 years.  The pump was not evaluated but the Fire Wards were assured it was working when it was shut off 2 months ago.  $1,500 will have to be added to each year’s maintenance budget due to the addition of this vehicle.  It is expected to greatly enhance fire protection to residents.

The contractors broke ground at the site of the downtown cistern installation today.  The project is on schedule.  A second hydrant by the Town Hall is being considered.  Jon Strong, Lee Brown, D&S Excavation and Gerry Perron are working on it.  They met last Thursday, prepared a construction schedule and are expected to be done by December 1.  Water can be delivered until mid-December.  A pump system may be added to refill the cistern and irrigate the ballfield and that expense is included in the grant.  The grant is $228,000 with a 50% softmatch covered by the town which consists of the value of the cisterns and plumbing work provided by Gerry Perron.  An ad will be placed in this week’s Goffstown News to notice the grant acceptance hearing scheduled for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2. 6:15 PM      David Ely & Ellen Kambol        
Old Engine House and Town Hall Renovations

David Ely and Ellen Kambol of Windy Hill Associates were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of the Old Engine House and Town Hall Renovation plans.

They have been working pricing the cost of the Old Engine House renovations.  They extended a limited invitation to New Boston general contractors, contractors that advertise in the New Boston Bulletin and any contractors that previously expressed interest in bidding.  Out of 11 companies 2 bid and both came in higher than the project can afford at $40-50,000.  Greg Mattison was the low bidder at $43,600 with allowances.  They are now working on a hybrid structure with volunteer labor offered by other contractors with Greg as the lead contractor on the project, or another published bid process will be started to keep costs down.  The heating system needs to be addressed.  They are also looking at other areas for cost reduction.  $33,500 is allowed for the project per the Warrant Article and an additional Warrant Article may be needed for the shortfall.  A 10% contingency is also needed.  They plan to do the building envelope, security and ADA compatible bathroom work first and change the electric heating system later. The original plan was to tie the building in with the Town Hall boiler but other alternatives may be considered now that the Town Hall renovation grant was denied.  The Recreation Commissioners and Windy Hill Associates will work to get bottom line cost numbers, consider a Warrant Article, the electric heat differential and consider separate heat system options before reporting back to the Selectmen.  The Selectmen agree their plan for the bidding process is appropriate.

David Ely then spoke about the Town Hall renovation.  He asked for permission to cut a hole under the stage to discover the structure to see if it will hold the weight planned after renovations and the Selectmen granted it.  Then he will put in cost numbers for reinforcement.  A sprinkler system is planned for the area of police record storage and a fire enforcement system may be needed in the area as well.  The heating system will be considered again.  Approximately $180,000 is available in a CRF.  Insulation in the ceilings and other areas could also be included in the project.  Windy hill Associates plan to meet with the Selectmen at their November 29 meeting.

3. 6:45 PM      Lee Brown/Mike Sindoni
Groundskeeping For All Town Facilities

Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues the Recreation Department is working on.

The Recreation Commission attempted to evaluate the money spent this year on landscaping at various locations to make a decision on what to spend next year.  This budget line was overspent this year.  The overage will be covered by the Transfer Station budget this year.  Almost the total budgeted amount was spent on the common but the budgeted amount was based on mowing in previous years only and much more was done this year, as this year was a groundskeeping maintenance experiment.  Goals were met but the budget was short.  The plan will be restructured and prioritized in the future.  Kim’s guideline for maintenance at each facility was used.  The plan took more than 10-15 hours per week to implement for town areas only, not including recreation facilities.  The ballfields were covered under the Recreation budget.  This discussion is about town properties not recreation properties.  They will not plan to water in the future.  He also noted the Farmers Market on the common results in significant wear and tear on the area.  The Selectmen will consider a cost to use the area.   Lee asked if each department’s landscaping budget should be combined to one townwide landscaping budget.  He met with the gardening club to see how they would like to help with landscaping of town areas but they would prefer the planting and upkeep to be done by others.  The town will consider contracting a landscaping company and different professionals.  The town will check with the departments to learn the extent of landscaping they would like at their facility.  The budget will be prepared and the work will be sent to bid unless continued to be done by town forces.

The commissioners have been discovering a problem with the revolving account.  In March it was discovered there should be $30,000 less in the revolving account due to five to six years of payroll taxes that were charged to the revolving account but they did not realize it.  $20,000 was repaid to the town and $10,000 is still owed and will be paid next year.  Another problem is the revolving account could have decreased revenue once the school takes over one white building.  Recreation will need a facility to handle the afterschool program in that situation.  The revolving account is also used to maintain facilities and make program improvements.  A recreation field maintenance sheet was reviewed.  A wishlist of facility improvements was reviewed.  It needs to be articulated where the revolving account is going and what it will be used for and a discussion is necessary.  The Recreation Commission has studied what other towns of similar size do and need to determine what is fair for the town to contribute, what recreation contributes or cut back.  The afterschool program may have to be moved.  They would like to try it for a week or two upstairs in the Town Hall soon.  They approached the school about using a classroom but Principal Rick Matthews was not in favor.  They could approach the School Board if necessary.  They will also ask Rick if the school conference rooms, library, music or art room could be used instead of a classroom.  They will try to keep the program to quiet indoor activities.  The town contributes $90,000 to the recreation program each year to pay for salaries and department administrative fees.  Program fees increased last year.  The revolving account also pays for community wide programs such as summer concerts and the winter carnival that the community is not charged for.  The revolving account cannot handle the Old Engine House renovation overage, the free activities (programs), all improvements desired and field maintenance.  The town discussed last year during Finance Committee meetings it would help with Town Hall field maintenance and the gazebo fund is available for gazebo maintenance that was included on the improvements wishlist.  A list such as this can be considered every year and the town can decide if it wants to contribute toward the items listed each year.  The item of dead trees on Old Coach Road will be considered to be removed under the Highway Department budget if they are in the town right of way.  The paving request at the entrance of the Old Coach Road ballfield will probably be done the next time Old Coach Road is resurfaced.


1. Minutes of October 18, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2. Non-Public Minutes of October 18, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1 Planning:

Clarifications of items at the Lorden Revocable Trust development between McCurdy and Susan Roads were discussed.  Final approval of the development is expected soon.

The final hearing was held regarding the Michael Boyle commercial area at his home business.

The final approval of the Townes Family Trust subdivision at South Hill Road was issued.

John Neville cancelled his appointment.

Twin Bridge Land Management presented a plan including the elimination of the second cul-de-sac that was accepted.  A discussion was held regarding a piece of open space land originally proposed to come out at West Lull Place but now they propose a lot line adjustment with abutter Mr. Martel and there is discussion of turning the property over to the state or town with easements.  Mr. Martel is not happy with this plan.  A statement was made that just because it is publicly owned open space the public shouldn’t have access to it.  The Selectmen disagree and would like the Planning Board to ask Mr. Martel to put the driveway on his land where he originally had to prove a driveway could be placed instead of using the easement he obtained for the driveway.  The length of cul-de-sacs was discussed and will be discussed at the November 22 meeting.  Brandy Mitroff referenced page 41 of the subdivision regulations and these will be researched.

The town is considering advertising for a one day per week employment opportunity in the Planning Department.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong wants to keep this position in the Planning Department but the Selectmen feel this position might not be needed until the Department gets busier and would like to discuss it with Nic.

2. Road Agent Interview Questions-Deferred to non-public.

3. Selectmen Meeting Procedures-The Selectmen reviewed and revised the Selectmen Meeting Procedures document.

1. Bridge Aid Workshop-Burton and Road Committee Chairman Tom Miller will attend a NHDOT Bridge Aid Workshop Friday and report what they learn to the Selectmen.

2. Election Attendance Schedule-town Moderator Lee Nyquist asked the Selectmen to be present during voting.  Dwight will attend 8:00AM – 12:00 PM, Christine will attend 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM and Rodney will attend from 3:00 PM to close.

3. LGC Conference Topics-Burton and Fire Inspector Russ Boland will attend the two-day LGC Conference in Manchester November 17 and 18.

4. Contracts with LGC & Primex-LGC and Primex are trying to encourage long term insurance contracts with premium rate discounts.  New Boston used Primex for workers compensation and will soon also be eligible for a discount by enrolling in its “Prime” program and uses LGC for property/liability insurance with a 3-year commitment.

5. Benefits Costs For 2011-Health Insurance premiums are expected to decrease this year.  If employees stay with the same plan they will decrease 3.2% but if their change the plan 8% would be saved on the premium.  The Selectmen will consider the options to present to employees.

6. Town Facilities Keys Storage-There is concern for security in the Town Clerk’s office.  The lock has been changed.  There is now one key with special state regulations of who can handle it.  The regulations will be reviewed.  A knox box will be considered.


1. Doug Hill resigned from his position on the Planning Board.  The Selectmen wanted to be sure he was thanked for his years of service.

2. Skip Gomes approached Dwight with a new trash pump he received that has never been run and he was wondering if the town would be interested in purchasing it. Dwight will look at it and make a recommendation.

3. Road Agent interviews are scheduled for Monday.

4. The CIP meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

5. The tax rate will be set Wednesday at 9:00 AM.

6. The Lyndeborough Road bridge is now open.

7. Line striping of roads will be done Wednesday.

8. Paving of Lyndeborough Road from the Francestown Turnpike to Butterfield Mill Road and Shelley Lane is expected next week.

9. The Finance Committee is meeting Thursday with the Recreation Department and Fire Department.

10. Burton is meeting with Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett Wednesday to review the Transfer Station budget.  He has met with the library.  The Finance Committee will meet with the Transfer Station and library November 11.


Victor Parrish was present and thanked the Selectmen for their service and asked about the structure of the Selectmen’s office and chain of command after he attempted to set up a non-public meeting with the Selectmen.  He also mentioned if the town has an old generator it wants to get rid of the church is searching for one as it is considered one of the town emergency backup locations.

I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(b) at 10:25 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 11:10 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:11 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.