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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/05/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 5, 2009


PRESENT:                 Rodney Towne              Selectman
                                David Woodbury            electman
                                Christine Quirk             Selectman
                                Burton Reynolds           Town Administrator  


Grange Hall 5:30PM                       Non-Public            Selectmen Office Candidate Interviews


A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:15PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  



            1.  7:15 PM                     Sharon Wason Wason Library Use

Sharon Wason was present to discuss the use of the library building with the Selectmen and representatives from the Library Trustees and Historical Society.  The Selectmen asked her who and how many lineal descendents of George B. Wason, the grantor of the Wason building are.  She said there are sixteen lineal descendents and she is in contact with all of them.  She will contact them and provide a list of them to the Selectmen.  There could also be some possible assigns but that would require some sophisticated research to determine.  The Selectmen asked what consideration must the town give these days to the conditions in the deed and David read the deed conditions aloud.  A copy of the deed was given to Sharon.  David reviewed the town’s options as follows:  1.  The town could disregard the terms of the deed but someone could take exception to that.  2.  The town could continue to abide by the terms of the deed although the use of that property wouldn’t be the main town library anymore.  3.  The parties could go to the probate court and ask the probate judge to set aside the terms of the deed under the theory that it is unreasonable to carry on the wishes of George B. Wason.  Library Trustee Chairman Eric Seidel was present and said the library trustees wish to vacate the Wason building free and clear.  They wish to move the library from the Wason building to the new building and turn the Wason building over to the town.  David noted that the library could maintain satellite locations wherever they want, the Wason building portion could remain in the library’s care but that would complicate accounting, Eric said the library trustees prefer not to continue that responsibility but are willing to have a transition period if necessary.  Historical Society Renovation Committee Chairman Jay Marden was present and reviewed the Historical Society’s plans to renovate the library building for Historical Society and town meeting space and said the Historical Society has funds from the Carr grant they plan to use to redecorate and remodel the building at no expense to the town.  The town is anticipated to maintain the outside of the building and utility expenses.  Sharon wanted to be sure of the tax status of the Historical Society and was told they are a non-profit organization.  She wanted to make sure the building would remain the property of the town and an entity such as the Selectmen would continue to make sure the deed conditions are met.  Historical Society Chairman Dick Moody was present and said the new historical library would continue as a library and meeting room with lots of literature, the rear secure portion would serve as more of a museum.  David asked to get a release of deed from all the Wason heirs.  He asked Sharon for a complete family tree, those who are alive today with spouses and addresses.  Sharon said the family has spoken about this.  They knew a new modern library has been a dream of the town for many years.  Her mother served as a library trustee in the 1980’s.  She said the whole family has strong attachments to the town and her impression is that they are all in favor of having the Wason building remain part of the town and they want to make sure the Selectmen were responsible to make sure the wishes of the deed are adhered to.  David said it will remain a town property and will remain open to the public, free and a place to get information.  Rodney said it would be a library but not the main New Boston Public Library.  Sharon said she is in agreement; she will prepare a list of the heirs for the Selectmen and will contact the heirs with the information she obtained at the meeting tonight.  David said he hopes the Wasons will trust the town of New Boston and relinquish their interest in the building.  Eric said the new library is expected to be completed in March then it will take some time for them to move to the new building and they will probably be moved in by summer 2010.  He stated the library would vacate the Wason building regardless of the resolution of this matter.  The Selectmen will ask town counsel to prepare a release once the heirs are contacted and it is confirmed they are in agreement.  Sharon will update Burton with the responses she receives from the family.  The Selectmen thanked her for speaking with them tonight.    


1.  Minutes of September 28, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

2.  Non-Public Minutes of September 28, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning:  None.

2.    LeClair Builders Road Name-Rodney has done some research on the area of the development and discovered there was a family named Dwinnel that lived there in the late 1800s.  There was also a school on the tracking station property named Sevella Jones School.  This was not very close to the location but is on the east side.  He suggested Sevella could be a road name.  Chancey is also a possibility.  The development is not located on their land but the family lived in that part of town and Bing and Sylvia Chancey still live in that part of town.  The road would have to be a “Lane” or a “Drive” because it is a cul-de-sac.  The Selectmen prefer the “Fieldstone” (suggested by the developer) or “Chancey options and will contact the developer with the name choices.

3.    Property Deed-Three property deed matters were discussed:

·        Selectmen’s Office Assistant Linda Sizemore is calling people who would be affected by easements for the Lyndeborough Road Bridge.  A meeting will be held between these people and the Road Agent, Town Administrator and Hoyle Tanner representatives.  Abutters will also be notified.  Town Attorney Dwight Sowerby’s easement documents will be reviewed at the meeting.

·        Recreation Commission Chairman Lee Brown sent a letter to the Selectmen regarding the Depot asking if the Selectmen want town counsel to review the possibility of transferring the Depot building and land to Recreation Commission ownership.  The Recreation Commission would then use rental income to maintain the grandstand and ballfield just as the Playground Association has been doing for years.  The Playground Association has also considered taking this to a town vote before transferring ownership to help decide if the Recreation Commission should own the property.  Recreation Commissions are allowed to own property by statute and may be allowed to apply rent from owning property to the revolving fund instead of the general fund.  The Selectmen asked if there is any benefit to the town on a long-term basis of owning the building as opposed to a historical preservation group owning the building, as it is historically significant to the region not just the town.  They suggested a state historical department should be contacted for a better long-term use of the property.  Burton will write to Town Attorney Bill Drescher for his opinion.

·        Tax Collector Ann Charbonneau wrote to the Selectmen regarding the Hooper property.  Rodney is researching this.  He spoke to Ann and will work on it further.

4.  Capital Improvement Plan-The CIP schedule was reviewed in preparation for Wednesday’s CIP meeting.


1.    3rd Quarter Financial Review-The third quarter financials were reviewed.  There is 31% remaining.  The departments are managing their budgets well.

2.    Air Force Tracking Station Agreement-Fire Chief Dan MacDonald and the Fire Wards are reviewing the agreement.  The Local Government Center is reviewing the insurance portion and will request the subrogation portion be amended.

3.  Hose Truck Refurb Issues-The Warrant Article provided $35,500 for hose truck refurbishment but it will cost more.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald wrote to the Selectmen about this and was asked to meet with the Selectmen at their next meeting to discuss it.

4.  Non-Public (Selectmen Office Assistant Selection)-Deferred to the end of the meeting.


1.  The dump truck will arrive in town soon.  Burton has sent a request to the Trustees of the Trust Funds to release the money for it.

2.  The Selectmen have prepared a letter to Kim Burkhamer who recently resigned her position with the town as she is moving to North Carolina.

3.  The letters and hangers for Jack McCarthy, the measure and list person for the revaluation, have been received from Brown Graphix.  Letters to property owners went to the post office on Friday to be mailed.  Jack will begin visiting homes on Wednesday to allow time for the letters to be delivered.  Assessor George Hildum was in on Friday and will be here again on Wednesday.

4.  The Selectmen plan to complete Burton’s evaluation during a non-public session at their next meeting.

5.  Burton has reviewed most of the requests and has one disagreement but feels the evaluation process has gone generally well.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time. 

I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:27 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:    Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:34 PM.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  Move to enter Non-Public Session:  David made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:35 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

L.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:    Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  9:50 PM.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

M.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien