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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/28/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 28, 2009

PRESENT:                Rodney Towne            Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator      

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



        1.  7:00 PM             Page Lane Road Acceptance Hearing

The public notice announcing the hearing was read aloud.  It was published in the Goffstown News on December 18.  The Selectmen received a memo dated December 7, 2009 from the Planning Department saying the Planning Board confirmed compliance of Page Lane at their November 24, 2009 meeting.  There was an issue of guardrail damage on Page Lane but that has been repaired.  Christine moved to accept Page Lane.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

        2.  7:05 PM             Burr Tupper                     Conservation Commission

Conservation Commission member Burr Tupper was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a new fund the Conservation Commission is considering in Betsey Dodge’s memory.  The Conservation Commission has received some donations in her name since she passed and her brother Willard Dodge has told Burr that some money from her estate will go to the Conservation Commission.  It will be a couple months before her attorney, David Craig, settles the estate.  The Conservation Commission has been discussing what to do with the money and they are proposing a Betsey Dodge Conservation Fund to be used for educational or conservation projects in town outside of what the Conservation Commission already does.  The Conservation Commission will also contribute to the fund.  Once the money is in the bank town groups could submit requests for money.  A committee consisting of Conservation Commission members, a Selectman and a member of the Dodge family or their designee will then accept or deny the request.  Details of how the fund will operate are still to be determined.  The Clifford Nyquist fund could be a model for this fund.  The Conservation Commission will meet again January 7.  The Selectmen support this proposal.

        3.  7:20 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Department

        Postponed as he is on vacation this week.

        4.  7:45 PM             Sandi Van Scoyoc                Footbridge
Members of the Footbridge Committee were present to discuss two options for the footbridge.
  • The Mike Tracy site was discussed. This location would be upstream closer to the library location.  The committee met with Mike Tracy last night.  He was concerned about his liability and devaluation potential to his property.  However he is open to further discussion and described his interest as lukewarm.  He walked the property today with Footbridge Committee members and will walk it with his wife and get back to the committee within a week or two with his decision to allow the footbridge at this location or not.  The property is under a conservation easement monitored by the Piscataquog Land Conservancy.  The PLC has voted in support of the land being used for access to and construction of a footbridge.  Access to the bridge at the Mike Tracy site would be easier than at the Tavern site as there is no wetland to cross.  The other side of the location is town property.  That might be an advantage as far as engineering costs.  $35,000 is already invested in the Tavern site.
  • Committee member Jay Marden met with John Montgomery, new owner of the Tavern site.  Jay gave John a copy of the Eggers’ (former owners) proposed easement.  John told Jay they plan to build an inn on the north side of the current Tavern building and would have to move the septic and well location to do this development.  He feels a footbridge at the location would be an asset to his business but the new location of the well would have to be moved.  John proposed trading land with the town.  Jay felt that might be too involved so they thought maybe trading easements would be easier.  The footbridge would have an easement on the Montgomery land and the Montgomery well would have a land qualifying easement on the new library land.  John has provided Jay with a site plan to this effect, which was given to the Selectmen.  John will also provide some engineering costs.  John seems positive about the project.  The library trustees haven’t seen the site plan yet.  The Selectmen want to refer this to Attorney Dwight Sowerby for review.  This probably won’t be ready for a Warrant Article on the March 2010 ballot but it may not need to be a Warrant Article.  Committee member Brenda expressed concern about a river channel possibly developing behind the planned bridge abutment thus compromising it.  
  • The Footbridge Committee discussed this at their meeting December 22.  The deadline for the federal money to be used is October 1, 2010.  An extension could be requested if necessary.  The Tracy location may be ready to be accomplished faster than the Tavern location.  Burton will call Tom Jamison at NH DOT to ask how to switch locations and what is involved in getting an extension after the committee hears back from the Tracys.  Then Holden Engineering be asked to do some work at both sites.  A special meeting should be held in that case with Bill Rossignol from Holden Engineering.  Jay will then tell John Montgomery the committee is also considering a second site.  The Selectmen will ask town counsel about the process of trading easements v. the process of trading land.  


1.  Minutes of December 14, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.  Non-Public Minutes of December 14, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning:  
  • A sitewalk of the Towne property was held.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong, Planning Board Chairman Stu Lewin and David attended.  The only issue was a question of the grade of the driveway and water flow at the top of the driveway.
  • The Planning Board met and discussed the Swinford subdivision at the top of Tucker Mill Road.  They wish to subdivide a small lot to downsize their home.  This will involve a common driveway and some flowage issues.  A sitewalk is necessary and is scheduled for January 2 at 8:30 AM.  David will be unable to attend.  Their surveyor Bob Todd requested several waivers.  The Planning Board requested a statement of non-environmental impact.
  • A public hearing was held to review amendments to the building code.  All the proposed amendments were passed along to voters without the need for a second public hearing.
  • A public hearing was held to review amendments to the zoning ordinance.  A letter was received from Town Counsel December 22 with the changes he proposed.  There were 17 total amendments.  Most were passed along without the necessity of any further comment. Some did require some changes.  The Planning Board adopted the changes suggested by counsel in his letter.  A second public hearing is scheduled for the next Planning Board hearing where the changes will have to be adopted without amendment or rejected due to the timing of the meeting.
  • The Planning Board reviewed an issue with Cheri Chywnski regarding a shed on blocks within a wetland setback.  The Board determined it had minimal impact and allowed it.
2.  Town Report Cover-The Selectmen reviewed photos to be used for the upcoming town report cover.  The choices were two photos of the old and new grandstand either with people on it or without people on it.  The Selectmen prefer to use the two photos of the grandstand with people on it.  
3.  Energy Grant Update-the timeline for the energy grants were announced last week.  Grants will be published January 8, 2010.  Towns need to submit their letters of intent by January 15, 2010 and their applications have to be in by February15, 2010.  The grants will be awarded March 10, 2010.  Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission members will be available for assistance in grant application writing as needed.  Ellen Kambol is getting more details of the bid and quote information that will be required to apply for the grants.  David Ely will get Architect Roger Dignard’s plan for the Town Hall first floor and discuss space needs with each Town Hall department to confirm the space needed for each office, which might reduce, compared to the current plan due to file cabinet space.


1.  2009 Encumbrances-The Selectmen reviewed the list of encumbrances.  These will be finalized in January.
2.  Vacation and Holdover Requests-The Selectmen will review the many requests.  They plan to send a letter to employees informing them that the process will go back to the established personnel policy next year that without good reason vacation time will not be heldover.  The Selectmen will discuss this again at a January Selectmen’s meeting.
3.  Salary Range Maximum-Options-Burton sent a letter to the Selectmen December 22.  Most of the salary ranges remained unchanged except for application of the annual COLA (1% for 2010).  A suggestion had been made to look at increasing the Longevity bonus amounts.  Part of the purpose for the bonuses is to provide a mechanism for partially replacing the merit portion of wage increases once a person has hit the maximum wage rate for the job.  Upon review, it appeared that in most cases the Longevity amount would equal about ½ of a normal merit increase and that seemed fair to the Board.  Considered, but decided against, was allowing a Longevity bonus to be paid should an employee reach the salary range maximum but not yet have the 10 years necessary to qualify for a Longevity bonus.  The Selectmen also reviewed and approved the Fire Department clerical rate.
4.  Operating Budget Topics-The Selectmen reviewed the operating budget and the effect each Warrant Article will have on the budget.
5.  FM Global Grant Acceptance-The town was awarded a $2,000 grant to put a computer with software that will replicate the information (location and addresses) in the orange book, water sources and residents with health issues in engine 1.  A digital camera is also a possibility if there is any money leftover after purchase of the computer and software.  Christine moved to accept the FM global grant for $2,000.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Rodney drove by the culvert at Thorton Road and Pine Road and noted it is still full and has been since spring.  Burton recently checked with Road Agent John Riendeau to see if it was done and he said it was.  Burton will meet with John to look at it tomorrow.  2.  The Selectmen might also wish to meet with him at the location.
3.  The 2010 Selectmen’s meeting schedule was revised.
4.  Burton reviewed the personnel manual after the Local Government Center conference he attended regarding personnel manuals and found some items that might need revision.  He will speak to the personnel manual committee about these changes when Police Chief and committee member Chris Krajenka returns from vacation.
5.  Tax Collector Anne Charbonneau sent a request to the Selectmen to grant an elderly exemption to a resident although they did not apply for one this year.  The Selectmen will review the request and decide.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien