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Board of Selectmen's Minutes12/17/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 17, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Susan Carr from the Climate and Energy Committee was present to meet with the Selectmen and discuss the status of the committee’s projects.  She listed the committee’s history and asked a task force and action plan be created for an energy use inventory of the town and town reduction in fossil fuel use.  The Selectmen would like more information before deciding to join the EPA Energy Challenge.  Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission has liaisons with the EPA Energy Challenge and can be contacted with questions about the program.  The committee offered to call David Preece from SNHPC but the Selectmen will ask Burton who should make the call.  Susan asked what town committee/department will be the task force to create the action plan.  Susan said some towns use the Planning Board for this purpose and she asked if New Boston’s Planning Board could work with this committee.  Susan asked who would work with the EPA once New Boston joins the Energy Challenge.  The Selectmen think the Climate and Energy Committee would do most of the work.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett might be able to help some if he has time.  Susan asked for a more efficient way of communicating with town officials rather than coming to board meetings.  The Selectmen said Burton is researching a proper status of the committee with the Local Government Center.  Susan asked if the energy plan piece should be added to the master plan.  That will be decided when more is known.


        1.  7:00 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen and introduce Josh Santos, the newest candidate for an officer in New Boston.  He passed his physical entrance exam today at the Police Academy.  He is starting at the Police Academy January 7.  He has been working in house at the police department since December 7.  The administrative hiring tasks are done and he has been outfitted.  He will be sworn in after he finished the Police Academy.  He graduated from Plymouth State University in May with a major in criminal justice.  His prior work experience is in retail customer service, which he thought was a good field to work in to learn about people and how to solve problems to prepare him for police work.

Chris mentioned that dispatch did not notify him of a motor vehicle accident currently happening that he could have responded to when he signed on to work this morning.  He will contact them on this matter.

2.  7:15 PM               John Riendeau         Road Agent

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Highway Department is working on.

·       The ’97 International had a problem due to the cam sensor that was fixed but the rearend gears went a couple days later.  That is now being fixed.
·       A Mack had a problem last week with the solenoid sensors that was fixed.  
·       The other Mack needs some minor improvements but otherwise is running the same as usual.
·       The buses needed the Highway Department to pull seven buses out of snowbanks during the storm on Thursday.  It is unreasonable of the bus company to expect the Highway Department to perform this service.  The Selectmen will consider sending a letter to the bus company.
·       Frost is now the hold up on completion of the Bog Brook Road bridge project.  DES requires a “natural bottom” so the boxes needed fish baffle modification.  This project was planned to be started today and work on it all week but now it is pushed back to the second week in January due to the days off for the holidays.
·       The permit from DES is still needed for the Tucker Mill Road culvert repair project.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald sent a letter to the NH Emergency Manager about the situation and DES gave the Bog Brook Road permit soon after but the Tucker Mill Road permit has not yet been received.

3.  7:30 PM             Hoyle-Tanner                    Lyndeboro Road Bridge

Road Agent John Riendeau and Hoyle Tanner met with the Selectmen to discuss the Lyndeboro Road bridge project.  The Selectmen asked if they would keep the same engineer on the project for the life of the project and Hoyle Tanner said a team is ready for the project and they plan to have the same engineer assigned to the project from start to finish.  John and the Selectmen reviewed the proposal contract prepared by Hoyle Tanner.  Hoyle Tanner will send it to the state for review.  Hoyle Tanner will notify the Selectmen if the state has any comments or recommendations.  The Selectmen will sign it once the state sends a letter back saying it is satisfactory.  Hoyle Tanner is interested in putting new abutments in to widen the bridge and keep the abutments out of the river.  Road modifications are expected to encroach private property.  Survey work will be done once the snow melts.  Bridge types will be considered.  John feels time limitations could be an issue.  The plan is to close the road and work on the bridge during the summer when school is out.  The road can be partially open during the road modifications.  A preform deck was considered.  This might not help save time but might be better quality.  Hoyle Tanner is not sure of the impact preform would have on the cost.  Concrete arch is one of the fastest viable options to construct.  Steel truss was the town’s least desirable option and it was removed from the proposal.  


        1.  Minutes of December 3, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of December 3, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       The Energy Committee met with the Planning Board.  The Committee was there to suggest minor amendments to the zoning ordinance, building code and subdivision regulations and presented additional information on the EPA Energy Challenge which was added to the Selectmen read folder.  David Preece from SNHPC and a woman from the EPA in Boston also attended the meeting.
·       A lot line adjustment between Pat Jennings and her neighbor was approved.
·       The Van Tassel subdivision was approved.
·       Jay Marden created a subdivision/lot for his daughter to build a house, which they have done and they returned to the Planning Board for a certificate of occupancy.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter was concerned about the driveway and they agreed when it was approved that the driveway would have a 10% grade.  Now the driveway doesn’t meet the driveway regulations and it is a 12% grade.  Jay said he presented a subdivision in 1988that was never built with a 12% grade in the driveway and feels the driveway is grandfathered.  The records were reviewed and the plans didn’t look the same.  The Planning Board voted to give the certificate of occupancy now on the condition that the driveway is modified to a 10% grade before August.
·       Rick Martin was present and expressed his concern about the excessive timber cutting on a property near Beard Road that he is planning to purchase and develop.  He said the current owner, Garretson, hired someone to cut trees and raped the land.
2.          Survey-The employees are scheduled to meet with the Selectmen at the second Selectmen’s meeting in January to discuss the status of the committees.  Burton expects to clarify the process for making decisions and changes, discuss committee recommendations v. final decisions, and discuss the status of the personnel manual and newsletter committees.  The job descriptions will be worked on as part of the review of the evaluation process.
3.          Budget Topics-The Selectmen reviewed the budget information to be presented Thursday at the Finance Committee meeting and will review the information further at home.


1.          Dental Plan Change-The Selectmen reviewed the information on the proposed dental plan option change to plan 3A and decided not to change it at this time.  The town will keep option 2A with a $750 yearly limit instead of the $1,000 limit of plan 3A.  A memo to the employees explaining the decision will be prepared.  Employees will be reminded to use their reimbursement account for dental expenses instead.
2.      2007 Encumbrances-The Selectmen reviewed the list of encumbrances and will sign it.
3.  Timber Trespass-The Selectmen decided to send a letter to the owner of the land near Beard Road that had excessive timber cut to tell him that the forester will assess the damages and determine the amount he owes for the timber trespass in the spring.  The Conservation Commission is also very concerned as the stewards of the town owned land where a fence was damaged and there are now erosion issues because of the excessive timber cut.
4.        2007 Goals-The Selectmen reviewed the list of their goals for the year and the status of each. Most were worked on if not accomplished.
5.        Chancey Easement Signing- The Selectmen signed the easement.  Ken Lombard said he expects the town portion of the easement to be completed this week.  The federal portion will probably be completed in the spring.  

1.        The Selectmen discussed planned town hall maintenance.  Mark Ciarla is scheduled to work on a support for the Planning Department floor soon.  Gerry is expected to install screens in the cellar windows for ventilation next spring and pour a retaining wall at the top of the boiler room stairs soon.  The town hall energy inventory was also discussed.  
2.        Resident and neighbor to the town hall Jim Ryan expressed his concern about the condition of his sideyard and the Selectmen’s opinion of it.  Burton will tell Road Agent John Riendeau to talk to Jim’s son who will then relay a message to Jim that the Selectmen are not critical of Jim’s efforts to improve his sideyard.
3.        Residents have been plowing snow across the road and leaving snow in the road. The Selectmen will start taking pictures and noting the addresses where this is occurring and send postcards asking the residents to stop doing this.  If the residents do not stop after receiving the postcards the police will be sent to enforce it.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: David made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:05 PM.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session: David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 11:20 PM.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:21PM.   David  seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien