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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/03/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 3, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:10PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Susan Road Acceptance Hearing

Dave read the published hearing notice aloud which noticed the hearing to take place on January 2.  The Selectmen waived the error and continued with the hearing.  Michelle Brown from the Planning Board sent a memo confirming compliance and saying Susan Road is ready for the Selectmen’s acceptance.  Gordon moved to close the public portion of the meeting.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Gordon moved to accept Susan Road as a public way.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        1.  Minutes of December 18, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of December 18, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       The Wetlands Protection Ordinance was proposed as conservation wished.    
·       The Tavern compliance hearing was held and it was accepted.  The need for more lighting in the parking lot was discussed and the owner agreed to install more lighting.  The bar plans to open next week.
2.          Holiday Pay Clarification-Burton prepared a memo dated December 22, 2006 compiling what was discussed at the last meeting.  He has discussed it with Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett.  Some Transfer Station employees don’t work Mondays, when many holidays fall.  This and other holiday situations have led to this review.  The goal of this is to make the holiday policy clearer and simple.  Gordon suggested that instead of making an employee take a day off for the holiday they don’t normally work, just pay them straight time for that day.  An employee could choose within 30 days if they want to take a day off or just take the pay.  Gerry suggested that if a holiday falls on Friday when the Transfer Station is normally closed, Thursday could be considered the holiday.  The Selectmen suggested another option-making employees take the last day before the holiday off or take pay in that situation instead of taking a day off within 30 days.  If the holiday falls on a Monday, the employee can choose to take a day off within that workweek at the discretion of the manager or take pay.  Burton will ask Gerry if that would work at the Transfer Station.

Brandy Mitroff was in attendance and wanted to update the Selectmen and apologize to Police Chief Chris Krajenka for how she handled a story she published in the January 2007 New Boston Bulletin.  Brandy said she alone made the decision not to publish the names of the kids involved in the vandalism story, but in the story, she implied incorrectly that she and Chris had made the decision together.  Brandy and Chris have already heard from a lot of parents in town who feel that part of the kids owning up to their actions would include their names being published.  Brandy plans to publish another article on the situation including the kids names in the February 2007 paper.  Brandy apologized to Chris for the problems her article has caused him since it was published.  The names of the kids involved are public information available at the Goffstown District Court.  Chris said he appreciates Brandy’s public apology and response.  He said he understands where Brandy was coming from as the article was meant to be educational not punitive.  The next issue of the paper will be out in a month’s time and Brandy wanted the Selectmen to know about the situation and she and Chris’ position on it in case people in town contact the Selectmen about it.


        2.  7:05 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on what is happening at the Police Department.

·       Chris is in the initial hiring stage for Matt’s open position.  12 candidates will be tested with written and physical January 25 at Weare High School.  Chris is hoping for another officer position to be approved by voters in March.
·       Brian has resigned from the Animal Control position due to medical reasons.  He will turn in his written resignation this week.  These services have been used 1-2 times per month since he started.
·       Chris discussed a communications issue he is having with Goffstown dispatch. He feels New Boston is not getting the service it pays for from Goffstown.  This happened during the storms in May and again recently when Goffstown had an emergency situation but did not communicate with New Boston that the event was going on and they would be unable to field the communication traffic for a time.  Chris said if New Boston had known about the recent emergency problem in Goffstown the communication traffic from New Boston would have been decreased out of courtesy.  Chris said the same day New Boston had problems with the emergency line.  Chris was on vacation that day but Sgt. Kochanek called him after trying to call Goffstown about the problem without success and Chris called the second in command in Goffstown, Stechowych because Chief French was at the incident.  Chris has also asked by phone call and letters for a copy of the tape of Sgt. Kochanek’s call to Goffstown.  So far he has received no response other than being told that his request is with Chief French and that French is upset that Chris went through his second in command about the problem and didn’t go directly to him although he was unavailable at the time.  The Selectmen support Chris’ efforts and will help if necessary.  A backup dispatcher in New Boston may become necessary and Chris has looked into grants and equipment for that purpose.
·       Joseph Foistner offered to donate some computers to the New Boston Police Department.  The Police Department is declining the offer.  The Selectmen agree to decline the offer with thanks.
·       Grant status-Chris spoke to the commander of the air base today who said there was a problem with the qualifications of the installation person from R&R but he assured Chris that the appropriate person will install the first repeater next week.  The deadline for completion of the project is February 2.  Chris is still waiting on the second repeater.
·       The Selectmen asked Chris to ask the driver of the police cruiser to slow down in the downtown area when responding to calls.
·       Chris has re-enrolled at school and began his first class in Sociology at Franklin Pierce last night.  He is working toward his bachelor’s degree by taking one class per semester.  Franklin Pierce offers six semesters per year.

H.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:10 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

I.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:25 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.       Discipline Policy Clarification-The Selectmen reviewed the policy and decided to revise to clarify the policy.  As restated, reprimands are handled at the Department Head level, steps beyond that call for consultation with the Town Administrator, only situations calling for dismissal require approval of the Selectmen.


1.          Sale of Recyclables Policy-This has come up because a resident has been purchasing newspapers from the Transfer Station for $20 to make dog beds.  He had agreed on the $20 amount with Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett to reimburse the town for money they lose when they would normally turn in these newspapers for recycling but the resident recently ran into a problem with another employee when Gerry wasn’t there and asked if there was a way to make the process easier.  The policy has been prepared and reviewed by Burton, Gerry and the Selectmen and they agree to it.
2.          National Scenic Byways Program-The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Planning Coordinator Nic Strong dated December 22, 2006 saying that Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission asked if New Boston would like to participate in the National Scenic Byways Program with other surrounding towns.  The Selectmen agreed.  Burton will inform Nic of the Selectmen’s decision who will inform the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission.
3.  2007 Revenue Estimates-The Selectmen reviewed the 2007 revenue estimates, which are slightly decreased.  A tax spike is trying to be avoided by using surplus from 2006.
4.        2006 Encumbrances-The Selectmen reviewed and signed the encumbrance sheet.  Warrant Article funds can be held over for 1 year generally.
5.        2007 Operating Budget Overview-The Selectmen reviewed the operating budget overview in preparation for the meeting with the Finance Committee Saturday at 9:00 per Lou Lanzilotti’s request.  
6.        2007 Warrant Article Overview-The Selectmen reviewed a list of proposed Warrant Articles.    


1.        Dave received a call from David Craig, chair of the ZBA who asked about the ZBA and Selectmen’s role in applications for building on a Class 6 road.  Burton has an opinion from Town Attorney Bill Drescher on the subject saying the role of the ZBA is to grant exceptions to the zoning ordinance.  The Selectmen can’t grant exceptions and therefore, the Selectmen are not duplicating the ZBA’s action in these situations.  Burton will prepare a response to David Craig for the Selectmen’s review.
2.        A petition Warrant Article from Susan Carr regarding global warming was received.  Susan asked for the Selectmen’s opinion on including this on the local ballot.  Dave feels issues such as this are legally and morally appropriate for the town ballot.  Gordon and Christine feel it doesn’t help the business of the town but only adds to the bulk of the warrant but it is her legal right to include it on the ballot.  The Selectmen feel this type of article is not appropriate for the Selectmen to put on the ballot but the Selectmen cannot deny it being placed on the Warrant or approve or disapprove it.
3.        Bookkeeper Paula Ciarla sent a list of town employees who may still have vacation time left for 2006.  The department heads will review the list for accuracy.  Paula Ciarla requested 19.5 vacation hours be heldover.  Gordon moved to approve these hours.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Don Sims requested vacation holdover that was denied.  He will be informed in writing.
4.        Burton met with the FEMA representative today about the landfill cap repair due to the May 2006 rain event.  They looked at the landfill and the required paperwork was provided so the claim can be processed.  This is expected to be resolved within a month.  So far Burton has not heard from the State about their share of the expenses from the May storms.  Other towns may have had a similar problem and should be consulted for advice on how to handle it.

M.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

N.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien