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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/15/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 15, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             John Stark Scenic Byway Hearing

The hearing was noticed in the paper for a hearing on a section of River Road from New Boston to Goffstown as part of a John Stark Scenic Byway as designated NH Scenic Byways.  The Selectmen believe this also includes part of Route 77.  Burton will find the original paperwork to see where it is supposed to go.  Christine closed the public hearing.  Dave recommended the Selectmen formally accept the scenic byway in the location proposed by the state.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:05 PM             Mark Brown              Conservation Commission Appointment

Mark Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss his interest in becoming a member of the Conservation Commission.  David said he is his neighbor and has noticed he does a great job taking care of his property and has built a bridge over a pond in his yard.  Mark said he has attended 3 Conservation Commission meetings and he feels it interests him but he has a lot to learn about the Commission.  He is applying for a 3-year term as an alternate.  David moved to accept Mark Brown as an alternate on the Conservation Commission for a term of 3 years.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        1.  Minutes of October 1, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of October 1, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       There was a discussion about the Planning Board rules and regulations and the way meetings are run, members are participating and etiquette of how to run a meeting.   Suggestions to periodically rotate chairmen of the Board and treat audience members with respect were made.  
·       Dave Plantier-He needs 2 wetland crossings approved and relocation of the current driveway.
·       The Youngs came in to discuss doubling the size of the hardware store with a 40x60 addition on the side next to the river for more and varied inventory.
2.          Survey:
·       Gordon has a meeting Thursday for the health, dental and life insurance committee.  Fred will be asked to attend this meeting.  Dental coverage quotes were obtained.  Delta Dental offers 9 options and all employees should pick the same option or the price will increase 25% to have more than one option available to employees.  Burton will find out what plan the school offers to its employees.  The committee members have reviewed health insurance.  Burton suggested to Mike Sindoni to look online for expenses of funeral homes in the area to learn what funerals cost to make sure the Life Insurance coverage currently offered is adequate.  $15,000 is currently offered and the Selectmen feel that is adequate for funeral expenses and wish to keep it as it is.
·       How comp time is being handled was examined to be sure it is legal and proper.  The Selectmen reviewed the research that was done.  Department Heads will now transfer the quarterly reports to employees on outstanding the information to the employees instead of it coming to them directly in their paycheck.
·       The employee manual committee is taking the Local Government Center recommendations for an employee manual and making the town manual clearer.  The Selectmen reviewed the changes and suggested the committee create a map from the old manual to the policy location in the new manual and note changes in text with italics or caps or notations of the changes in the new version.  Once complete the manual will be reviewed by the Selectmen, Burton and legal counsel.
·       Mission Statement committee has met.  Christine was unable to attend the meeting.  The second meeting is tomorrow.  Christine will find out more at the meeting including if the mission statement is for the employee manual or for the town in general.
·       Progress on the newsletter is unknown.
·       Roles-The Department Heads met and listed some issues.  The next meeting is not yet scheduled.  The Department Heads said they want to be called Department Managers not Heads but along with that their job descriptions could change.  Information on job descriptions was given to the Department Heads for review and discussion at a subsequent Department Head meeting where they didn’t express interest in change.
·       Pensions committee update is pending the November Local Government Center Annual Conference.  This will probably be worked on next year.
3.           Context Sensitive Solutions Meeting 10/17-Will take place at 7:00 upstairs in the town hall.
4.        Lyndeborough Road Bridge Interview Schedule-Tom Miller who works for NH DOT and is on the Road Committee will attend the interviews.  Hoyle Tanner will interview on October 22 at 7:00, CLD at 7:30.  Edwards and Kelsey will interview at the October 29 Selectmen’s meeting.  SEA and Louis Berger are not interviewing.
5.        Grosso Letter Response-Don Grosso wrote about access to the new library property as they are still using the old access instead of the new right of way.  If they continue to use the old access they will need to use it on a permission asked for and granted basis.  David will draft a response and it will be sent with a copy going to the library.
6.        Bog Road-The Selectmen recommend Road Agent John Riendeau set a date for doing the work with or without the permit the town has been waiting for from NH DES.  John will make arrangements with the contractors working on the project.  DES will be called tomorrow for the status of the permit.  The Tucker Mill culvert needs another expedited permit approval.  The Selectmen will remind John to file permits well in advance for next year’s project on Bedford Road.
7.        Town Buildings Maintenance-The Selectmen reiterated their desire that Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett also work on building maintenance for the town.  The Selectmen feel Gerry should either do the small jobs or be involved in the final decision of which contractor to use.  The Selectmen will notify the departments that Gerry is the one to use for building maintenance issues.


1.          Groundwater Study Contribution-SNHPC requested $3500 per year for three years and wants the money by January 31.  The Selectmen feel this should be approved by the town in a Warrant Article and will write to the SNHPC saying the money won’t be available until after town meeting.
2.          Town Common Tree-The Selectmen decided to keep the large white fir on the common and will write a letter to the editor to be published in the New Boston Bulletin.
3.    Gazebo-The town gazebo was trashed recently after permission was given to the Blanchard family to use it after a funeral.  The barrels were full of beer bottles, and candle wax and litter were found all over the gazebo and grounds.  It is estimated to cost $500 to clean.  Dodge’s Store sold out of cold beer that night.  There were also parking issues.  The Selectmen will notify the family of the damage.  Dodge’s Store will also be asked to be more responsible when selling beer.  In the future the town will ask for a security deposit and an agreement will be signed when permission is granted to use the gazebo.  If the event is town or non-profit related the security deposit can be waived and can be waived at the Selectmen’s discretion.  The agreement will be drafted.
4.    Brownfields Meeting-SNHPC scheduled a meeting 10/30 at 7:30 at their office regarding the Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment Program and asked for a town representative to attend.  They say New Boston has 6 affected properties.  Gordon will consider attending.
5.      Budget Law Changes-A new provision allows the Selectmen’s recommendation to be placed after each money article on the annual town warrant not just after “Special Articles.”   The Selectmen agreed to place this before voters in March 2008.
6.      Twin Bridge Road Development Road Name-The developers suggested Piscataquog Lane, Winding Brook Drive or Deer Run Lane.  John Bunting suggested Page or Fisk Drive, as these were names of families in the area.  Gordon moved to approve the road name Page Drive for the proposed subdivision on Twin Bridge Road.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
7.       Time Card Revisions- Police Chief Chris Krajenka asked to add the reason for overtime to the timecards. The Selectmen suggested changing the page orientation to landscape or redesign the timecard to allow for space.  Burton will incorporate these changes and seek input on the revised form.


1.        Donna and Robert Chase were present to discuss the current land use penalty recently assessed on their property.  Donna presented the Selectmen with a copy of the corrected deed to amend her letter to the Selectmen.  They were assessed the current land use penalty because their parcels were not in the same name.  One was in a trust and the other parcel was inadvertently not in the trust.  This has been corrected.  The Selectmen feel Robert and Donna Chase shouldn’t have been penalized and the $2200 penalty will be abated.  David moved to abate the $2200 land use penalty assessed to Robert and Donna Chase.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.        Gordon distributed copies of the handbook from a seminar he recently attended regarding the human resources role of the governing board and discussed pertinent points learned at the seminar.
3.        Maureen went to work at the Gregg Cemetery and was told to leave by Nancy Loddengaard.  The Selectmen will write to the Lorengards again and if problems persist legal counsel will be sought.
4.        A letter was recently sent to the gravel pit owners regarding the excavation law v. storing material from other pits in their pit.  Bo Strong has requested clarification, as he didn’t feel a site plan review by the Planning Board should be required.  Mary Pinkham-Langer from NH DES feels he will need to go to the Planning Board for approval.  
H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:54 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 10:48 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:49 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien