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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/11/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 11, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Road Acceptance Hearing

A public hearing was called to accept Popple and Swanson Roads. A memo from Planning Coordinator Nic Strong was received to serve as notice the Planning Board confirmed compliance and are ready for the Selectmen to hold a public hearing for acceptance of Popple, Swanson and Wilson Hill Road improvements.    Tax Collector Ann Charbonneau was present and said the residents are eager to have the road accepted to get their mail delivered.  Christine moved to exit the public meeting.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Christine moved to accept Popple and Swanson as class 5 town roads.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Nic will be asked about the Wilson Hill improvements.

2.  7:05 PM             Ann Charbonneau         Tax Collector

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:05 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:55 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  7:45 PM             Rick Martin                     Road Cost Calculations

Burton said Rick called and wanted to discuss the $165 per foot figure used to determine road improvement costs for subdivision developers as he feels it is too high and he wanted the Selectmen to do something different.  Roch Larochelle was present and said if Rick does engineering to prove the figure should be less the Planning Board might do something.  Rick was not in attendance and no change to the policy was made.

4.  8:00 PM             Bob Todd                        LaChance Subdivision

Bob Todd and Mr. LaChance were present to discuss the subdivision plan for property on Lull Road.  They are now working on a proposal to get 3 lots on Lull Road with road improvement from the end of the current pavement to a turnaround with easement on a lot.  The Planning Board has told them the road has to be built to complete class 5 standards and fully paid for by developer but they have also been told there could be room for negotiations.  However there are Supreme Court rulings saying cost of improvements on town roads are contributable to applicants fair share based on formulas.  Bob said Dave was at the last Planning Board meeting and suggested the applicant pay the full share of putting down the sub-grade and his proportional share of the cost of pavement.  Road width and construction is a question because there are no immediate plans to continue the road and 2 current residences are currently traveling on a class 6 road.  Dave said the rational nexus formula could be applied after bringing it up to minimum class 5 standards to a level that can be agreed on if the road is class 6.  The developer has to bring the road up to class 5 because he wants to subdivide the lot.  The developer estimates it would cost approximately $17,000 to bring the road up to the first level of class 5 and then approximately $27,000 more to bring the road up to full class 5 standards.  He asked to be treated fairly.  Daylily/Greenfield Road had a similar situation and the developer paid for the costs.  That developer made this decision because it was a short section of road.  Concessions were made in that situation because there was no further development expected down that road.  There was another situation on Laurel Lane where the road remained class 6 but the applicant had to bring it up to standards where an ambulance or fire truck could get through the road.  Dave said almost the entire benefit of the road would be to the new houses and the rational nexus formula might not help Mr. LaChance much.  Roch Larochelle of the Road Committee said the Dodge property on Lull Road is expected to be developed someday and might be considered in the rational nexus formula.  Lull Road is currently a class 6 road.  Roch said the Dodge property development might be considered and road lanes probably couldn’t be made too narrow.  The roadbed would minimally have to be ready to pave if not paved now.  Bob said the Planning Board initially told Mr. LaChance a gravel surface would be satisfactory.  The Selectmen feel it must be improved to Class 5 standards including pavement.  Bob said they have considered redesigning the development with a common driveway to cut down on the amount of road to be improved.  The Selectmen are not against exploring this idea but this is a Planning Board issue.  Bob and Mr. LaChance are meeting with the Planning Board tomorrow to see if this plan is agreeable to them.


1.  Minutes of November 27, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Doug Hill Construction Christian Road-Adjourned to tomorrow night.    
·       RJ Moreau-Compliance hearing for Popple and Swanson Roads-approved.
·       Proposed Wetland Conservation District Amendments-Setbacks were an issue.  Burr Tupper was present representing the Conservation Committee.  They have agreed to withdraw for another year to work on setbacks.  The revised conservation district will be brought up at tomorrow’s meeting.  A proposed Warrant Article is possible.
·       Public input on Open Space Development regulations-Expected to make clusters more attractive.  Public hearing scheduled for December 19.
·       Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-Building Inspector Ed Hunter proposed an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance definition of structure to require permits for a pool to include a fence to be installed at the same time.
·       Steep Slopes-Willard Dodge from the Steep Slopes Committee was in to discuss the bond requirement when property owners want to subdivide with the intention of building sometime in the future.  At present they are asked to pay a bond today in these situations but he suggested bond be required at the certificate of occupancy stage instead.
·       Bill Matheson-His property needs a fence.  He has been asked to update his site plan with the Planning Board, which he has not yet done.  They plan to ask him to have it done by January or the Board may consider revoking his approval.
·       Renshaw and Jon’s Auto Sales-The businesses are not observing a buffer and junk is piling up on the edges of their property.  Ed Hunter will be informed.


1.          2007 Holidays-Employees are asked to come in a half day on Christmas Eve Day, which falls on a Monday in 2007.  This doesn’t make sense.  The Selectmen decided to wait until next week when Gerry comes in to discuss holidays and overtime before making a decision.  Burton will also ask the Department Heads their opinion at the Department Head meeting this week.
2.          2007 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule-Back to back Monday and Tuesday meetings with the Planning Board seem to be occurring more often and the Selectmen asked that their schedule be revised to prevent that from occurring in 2007.
3.  Town Report Options-The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Burton listing suggestions of changes to the Town Report he learned about at a seminar from the Local Government Center.
4.       Old Building Permits-Process- The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Burton on the status of the old building permits.  The Selectmen might need to send letters to people who have not responded to the Building Inspector’s letter.  Ed will be asked to check with his association partners about recourse in these situations.  The Selectmen will ask which are the problem or major cases.  Christine said Ed might hear from some people that former Building Inspector Dennis Sarette approved their projects although there was no paperwork in their files to this effect.

1.        Road Agent John Riendeau spoke to Christine today about problems he is having with one of his employees.  He was told to have the employee clock out for the day but John didn’t think he had the authority to do that.  Burton read the policy aloud and it was discussed.  Burton said he was planning to have a meeting with John and the employee to deal with the employee’s performance.  The policy may need revision to clarify a Department Head has the authority to take certain disciplinary steps.  The Selectmen will work on it at home and discuss it at a future meeting.
2.        Connie Brown wrote to the Selectmen about the situation at Pulpit Road.  Dave would like to know what the Brown’s attorney suggests which he expects to hear at tomorrow night’s Planning Board meeting.
3.        Sandi VanScoyoc sent an e-mail asking if the Selectmen will support the footbridge on the Warrant and reminding them to make it non-lapsing.  The Article will ask for $15,000 for engineering.  The Selectmen plan to put it on the Warrant.
4.        Jed Callen has agreed to be the moderator at the Deliberative Session.  It is scheduled for February 9 at 7:00 PM with a snow day of February 10 at 10:00 AM.
5.        Town Clerk Irene Baudreau is in the hospital again for the second time this year.  Deputy Town Clerk Nancy Statler has been available to fill in for her.  Burton will send flowers to Irene on behalf of the Selectmen.
6.        Jutras Sign came in today to fix the flagpole.  A lockbox was added and the rope cleat lowered to the box allowing easier access when the flag needs to be lowered.
7.        Thibeault has sent notices of intent to cut timber.  1 is for 100,000 board feet at map 6 lot 14 on Parker Road.  The other is for 25,000 board feet.  Town Forester John Ferguson will be asked to look at it and he is available Thursday.
8.        Randy Parker plans to put a ditch across Mill Street.  A holding tank now pumps across the street at the church.  It is small and becomes inoperable when the river rises and covers it.  Road Agent John Riendeau has been asked about it and he will discuss the options with Randy.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
K.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:55 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

L.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 10:20 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

M.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:21 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien