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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/23/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 23, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             Moderator Lee Nyquist           Deliberative Session

Town Moderator Lee Nyquist was present to meet with the Selectmen to finalize Warrant Article Wordings/Explanations and Presentation Assignments.

Lee has reviewed the draft Warrant Articles and Explanations and has no edits to suggest.  Following are Articles 9-28 with their assignments.
Article 9-Veterans’s Exemption-Petitioner will be notified that he has to attend the Deliberative Session to move this article and will need someone there to second it.  Dave requested a list of tax exemptions and the impact of this exemption to refer to at the Deliberative Session.
Article 10-Budget-Gordon will give a general overview about this at the Deliberative Session and then take questions.  Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 11-Town Hall Renovations CRF-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 12-Expendable Trust Fund-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 13-Library Roof-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 14-Prepartaion zoning and Subdivision Updates-Christine will move it and Gordon will second the motion.
Article 15-Forestry Pumper Fire Truck Grant-Christine will move it and Gordon will second the motion.
Article 16-Pumper Refurbishing-Christine will move it and Gordon will second the motion.
Article 17-New Ballfield-The Recreation Department will speak to this at the Deliberative Session.  Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 18-Community Center-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 19-Highway Truck CRF-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 20-Highway Department 1-ton Truck-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 21-Backhoe-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 22-Non-lapsing Fund Lyndeborough Road Bridge-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 23-Reserve Fund Gregg Mill Road Bridge-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 24-Bedford Road Improvements-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 25-Police Detail Revolving Fund-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 26-Piscataquog River Footbridge-David will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 27-Close Town Hall Roof CRF-Gordon will move it and Christine will second the motion.
Article 28-Motion to adjourn will be made by Gordon, Christine will second the motion.
Lee has arranged for Woody Woodland to give the invocation at the Deliberative Session.  There will not be any recognitions this year.  The Recreation Department is arranging for snacks and daycare to be provided at the Deliberative Session.
Lee mentioned that the state might begin requiring a handicap voting booth equipped with a dedicated phone line to the Secretary of State.  Lee has been working on a questionnaire regarding this and gave it to Burton for the Selectmen’s review.
Scheduled maintenance of the Accuvote machine including cleaning it and replacing the battery will be done on January 27.
If the Deliberative Session is cancelled on the scheduled date, the snow date will be the next day.  Lee is not available on that date but Jed Callen has agreed to stand in for him if it becomes necessary.  Lee will swear him in soon as Assistant Moderator.

        2.  7:35 PM             Public Hearing-25 MPH Signs

Signs are posted in the downtown area notifying the 25 mph speed limit but a public hearing has to be held to get them enforced.  Gordon read aloud a letter from Police Chief Chris Krajenka supporting this.  Jim Ryan of 9 Meetinghouse Road was present and said he was concerned that loaded tractor trailer trucks would not be able to make it up the hill if they start out going only 25 mph, and was afraid all trucks would be in violation.  Chief Krajenka was present and said the speed of the trucks would not be a problem as long as their speed is reasonable.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present and said that he has observed traffic in this area and doesn’t expect the trucks to have a problem getting up the hill.  Sandy VanScoyoc, Chair of the Foot Traffic and Road Safety Committee was present and stated that the committee supports the speed limit and signs as they have done surveys which indicate that speed is a major issue.  It was also suggested that a sign might also be placed in front of the Community Church.  The public hearing was closed at 7:54 PM.  David moved that they establish a 25 mph speed limit zone with appropriate speed limit signage on Old Coach Road from the intersection of Route 13 to the 35 mph sign and on Meetinghouse Hill Road from Route 13 to the 35 mph sign just beyond the intersection with Bedford Road.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.      Acceptance of Water Cooler and 1 Year Supply of Water for P.D. (RSA 31:95-b)- The Selectmen received a request to accept a gift of a water cooler and 1 year supply of water from Nora Eaton valued at $552.49 for the New Boston Police Department.  David moved to accept the gift of a water cooler and 1 year supply of water to the New Boston Police Department.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.      Acceptance of Computer for Police Dept. Under RSA 31:95-b- Karen Johnson has requested to donate a desktop computer valued at $639.99 to the New Boston Police Department. David moved to accept Karen Johnson’s gift of a desktop computer to the New Boston Police Department.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        3.  7:40 PM             Chief Krajenka                  Police Dept.

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues regarding the Police Department.

·       The Police Department replacement for the back-up Explorer is in and is at Grappone for a final inspection and fluid change as it is still under warranty. Chris is very pleased with the car.  The uplift cost $600 more than expected but the total cost was under $15,000.  It is a 2003 Crown Vic with 23,000 on it.
·       The Ford Explorer may be used by Brian Hardy in the new auxiliary volunteer position for vehicle transports, errands and maybe for animal control.  Instead, Gordon suggested using a highway vehicle for animal control purposes.  Gerry Cornett said that animal cages come in all the time at the Transfer Station that the police can use.  The Ford Explorer will be auctioned similar to the old U2.
·       The Selectmen reviewed the Police Chief’s report to be published in the Town Report discussing the best way to present issues to voters.  The Selectmen and Police Chief still need to review Interim Chief Bruce MacDougall’s report.  The report outlines 18 suggestions for improving the department.
·       Chris has applied to the same school Frank Kohanek went to for accreditation training.  Chris, Cathy Widener and Frank will meet with Chief Nelson to observe the process of accreditation.
·       Chris has prepared a reference checklist for officers to refer to when they respond to calls and gave a copy to the Selectmen for their review.
·       A top to bottom review of the department’s policies and procedures is near completion.


1.      Schedule Employee Appeal-Officer Kelly has asked for an appeal of a disciplinary decision to the Board of Selectmen.  Burton will respond with a letter giving the date of the appeal and asking if he prefers a public or non-public meeting and asking for an outline of what he wants to discuss.  The purpose of the meeting will be for the Selectmen to review what the Chief decided and decide if his decision was appropriate.  Chris will forward a copy of the Police Department SOP on grievances to the Selectmen for their review.


        4.  8:00 PM             Gerry Cornett                   Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss new construction and demolition fees taking effect at the Transfer Station caused by new vendor policies.  Signs will be posted and an article will be in the paper noticing the new fees that take effect March 20, 2006.  David moved that the residential disposal fee be raised from 6 cents to 7 cents per pound and that the unacceptable materials fee structure would be set at 9 cents per pound.  Christine seconded the motion.

There is an issue of low voltage at the Transfer Station and the Friendly Beaver Campground.  PSNH may install a super transformer at the Transfer Station.  Gerry has asked if they might run three-phase instead.  Gerry will be following up on the two alternatives.


2.      Minutes of January 9, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
3.      Non-Public Minutes of January 9, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       Second reading of petition Warrant Articles, all approved.  There were 2 regarding getting out of manufactured housing zoning (Indian Falls and a town wide article to add 1 family dwellings as a permitted use).
·       John and Denise Neville requested to create a parcel of commercial use land on Whipplewill.
·       Planning related Warrant Articles 2-8 was approved for inclusion on the March Warrant.
·       Right Way Builders Sizemore condominium had too many curb cuts and too many driveways that they resolved by constructing a 4 car parking area behind the building.
·       RJ Moreau compliance hearing for wetlands crossing.
·       Right Way Builders Beard Road subdivision continued to January 24.
·       Donald Desruisseaux requested to divide property into two lots on Lyndeborough Road.
·       McCurdy development consisting of approximately 40 lots was reviewed.  The number of lots may be cut down.  This plan consists of many stacked lots among wetlands.  This development was met with strong criticism of the location and entrance as it is known to be a dangerous area.
·       Don Sipe from New Boston Pizza plans to phase out video rental and turn the store into a restaurant.
·       Planning Coordinator Nic Strong has prepared a memo for the Planning Board regarding the Board’s scope of discretion.      
2.          2006 Operating Budget-The Selectmen reviewed the revised Operating Budget.
3.          2006 Warrant Articles-The Selectmen reviewed the revised Warrant Articles with Lee Nyquist as mentioned above.
4.         2006 Default Budget-The Selectmen reviewed the default budget.
5.        Finalize Warrant Article Wordings/Explanations and Presentation Assignments- The Selectmen reviewed the Warrant Articles and Explanations and assignments with Lee Nyquist as mentioned above.


6.       Develop Budget and Warrant Article Presentation Points- The Selectmen developed the Warrant Article presentation portions with Lee Nyquist as mentioned above.


1.        Betsy Dodge forwarded a complaint relative to William Morrissey’s interference with Joe Nangle’s entrance to the Mill Pond Conservation Area on January 10 when Mr. Morrissey would not allow him to enter the premises.  The Selectmen will contact Mr. Morrissey to find out why he did this and to remind him that this has been litigated and he has to allow people to use the property.
2.        The auditors will be here March 6-8.
3.        Deliberative Session is scheduled for Monday February 6 and the next Selectmen’s meeting will be held two weeks later.  An interim Selectmen’s meeting may be scheduled next Monday if needed.
4.        Gordon signed the contract for the Fire Department’s VTECH body for the new Forestry/Pumper truck.
5.        David will make some calls regarding the oil containment system at Nan’s House at the Community Church.
6.        The homeowners on Bedford Road where the water and ice problem is have complained because the Highway Department started fixing the area but have not completed it.  John Riendeau is meeting with Burton regarding this on January 24.  The project is high on his priority list and he plans to work on it again in the spring as soon as the weather allows.
7.        Town Report cover will be a picture of the Town Hall roof being replaced.

L.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
M.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien