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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 07/24/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
July 24, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


John and Vera Magruder of 244 Clark Hill Road and owners of a property near the New Boston Tavern and Dan MacDonald, also an owner of a property located near the New Boston Tavern were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss their concerns about the plan for a 95 seat sports bar expansion at the New Boston Tavern.  John read aloud a letter he and Vera prepared for the Selectmen.  They are concerned about the effect of the sports bar on the character of New Boston and property values.  They want the change in business use denied.  The Planning Board is checking with the Police Chief about his opinion on the situation but he is on vacation this week.  John, Vera and Dan are concerned about the potential for more accidents and noise the sports bar will cause and feel it will affect the whole town, not just the downtown area.  They said they are not against bar businesses but are concerned about town character and the capability to police.  The bar would be open 7 days until 1:30 am and the police go off duty at 11:00 pm.  Dan feels this issue is beyond Planning Board duties and that is why they are here to see the Selectmen.  They request the Selectmen send out a mailing notifying the whole town of the plan for a sports bar and hold a public hearing for input from the town on it.  The Planning Board feels it is beyond their realm of responsibility to notify the whole town of the plan.  The Planning Board will discuss this again at the August 8 meeting.  John, Vera and Dan plan to get the word out to people in town through letters to the editor in the New Boston Bulletin and Goffstown News.  They also feel the goals of the New Boston Speaks Committee contradict this kind of facility in town.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong prepared a use of property.  The state has already approved their portion of the plan.  The Selectmen chose not to send out a mailing taking a position on this situation.  John, Vera and Dan will work on preparing a mailing to send to town residents.


1.  7:15 PM               John Riendeau         Road Agent

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Highway Department.

·       John discussed the need for a foreman position in the department.  He says the town always had a foreman until he became Road Agent.  He feels the department needs to have someone appointed to be in charge when he is not there to get things done and keep things moving and make decisions on a day-to-day basis at the work sites.  John hopes this will free up some of his time so he can catch up on paperwork and other projects he has been putting off such as policy and RSMS.  In the past the Highway Department had a secretary and a foreman and John has neither working with him since he became Road Agent.  John and Burton will meet to discuss the work John needs to catch up on and to work on the Road Agent and Foreman job descriptions.
·       The Highway Department has been patching spots and is caught up on grading.  North Middle Branch Road was missing 2’ of material, which they fixed.  
·       The tilt bucket for the backhoe came in just in time for clearing ditches.
·       Parker Road-John spoke with Mike Thibeault because All States will be grinding the road next week. Mike offered to go up the ditch line, clean it out, do rip rap, start making the material for the road base and offered some equipment.  Mike asked if signs could be installed on Parker Road notifying of trucks entering the pit and the Selectmen agreed.  John has been in contact with Mike Hanson about the Howe Bridge pavement fix and Mike will call Bill Rosignol at Holden Engineering about the proper procedure.
·       John recommends a 6-ton weight limit on Bog Road and will post the sign.  John asked the Selectmen to send a letter to DES requesting them to expedite approval of the work on Bog Road due to start of school.  John was planning a box culvert with an open bottom but has decided to use a regular box culvert because it will cost $20,000 less.
·       Dumping on Sherburne lot-John is trying to reclaim that and has been sending dump trucks in.  Christine reminded him that the original agreement was to send in dump trucks only in September and October and Lee would give notice if extra trucks would be coming in.  Christine would like John to do the same.
·       Joe English Road will be patched.
·       Mowing will begin the first week of August.
·       Burton said Warren from FEMA called him today and said he met with John and Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett and he wants Burton to finish up some worksheets before their meeting on Friday so they can be submitted.  Burton will ask the Conservation Commission if the town or state owns the conservation bridge.
·       Stuart Clark Insurance sent a letter regarding parking at their new location saying the police had asked them to put lines in for head in parking and had suggested the Highway Department might do this.  The Selectmen feel they will probably need a site plan and will send the letter to the Planning Department as it is not the Highway Department’s responsibility.
·       John has not heard back from the state regarding the library crosswalk and will call them tomorrow.

2.  8:15 PM             Jeffrey & Jacqueline Fillmore   
Waiver for driveway Permits on Map 13, Lot #16-2 & 16-3

Jeffrey and Jacqueline Fillmore were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss their driveway preferences at Map 13, Lot #16-2 and 16-3.

Dave read aloud a summary of the subdivision and driveway situation prepared by Nic.  Jeffrey stated he has a buyer lined up that wants to buy both lots 16-2 and 16-3 and only wants one driveway going to the lots.  Jeffrey doesn’t want the driveway to be placed half on one lot and half on the other and is also trying to preserve some large oak trees and keep the driveway from becoming too wide.  The buyer has accepted a declaration of common driveway and easement.  His neighbors also have one driveway for their multiple backlots.  The Selectmen felt the best way to deal with this is for the Fillmore’s to attend tomorrow night’s Planning Board meeting, tell the Planning Board their preferences and make the necessary changes to their subdivision plan if that is the wish of the Planning Board and execute a modified class 6 form and the Planning Board should approve it.  


Nonah Poole met with the Selectmen on behalf of the garden club regarding removing some of the juniper bushes on the town common as they are getting too large and will soon take over and cover the walkway and the gazebo.  They will need help from the Highway Department and will also contact dig safe.  This will probably be done in the fall.  The Selectmen had no objection.


1.  Minutes of July 10, 2006 - The minutes were not ready for review and will be reviewed at the next meeting.  

1.         Planning:     
·       New Boston Tavern Expansion-Abutters were present.  There may be prior approval for 95 seats but that may have been on an occasional basis for functions at Neville Hall.  The Planning Board requested a double door be installed to keep noise out.
·       Master Plan Committee-The Committee projected New Boston’s population will be 15,000 in 25-30 years which is the full build out.  David Ely went through the major points including the need for more affordable housing.  He suggested affordable housing be allowed anywhere in New Boston and the Conservation Commission agrees.
·       Right Way Builders-Lot line adjustment.  Trees will be left in the middle of the cul-de-sac.  A dam permit is needed.
·       George and Donna Chretien-Compliance hearing lot line adjustment.
·       George and Donna Chretien condo-Release CO and use permit.



1.         Assessor, George Hildum wrote about the acreage at Bailey Pond offered to the town for purchase.  Map 11, Lot 54.  Burton will also consult the Open Space Committee about this potential purchase.
2.        A letter came in from Liz Bedard at NRRA regarding Gerry’s concerns about their scales.  The Selectmen will send a letter in response.
3.        Burton will leave some information from Michelle about buying postage online as opposed to using a postage meter for the Selectmen’s consideration.
4.        Brad Johnson’s temporary trailer permit expires September 1.  He requested an extension to June 2008.  He expects to move into his house within a year but added a couple months in case of unforeseen circumstances.  The Selectmen think they can only extend by 1 year and will do so by letter.
5.        The 2005 100% tax rates are out and New Boston ranked 85th of 216.
6.        Burton will leave some information from the Local Government Center about their legislative agenda for next year for the Selectmen’s review.
7.         Burton spoke with Peter Baudanza today, as the Interim Building Inspector Ed Hunter has been to see him about his travel trailer, which he is living out of without a permit every summer for several years.  Peter built a barn on Cochran Hill Road and is still working on the house, which he expects to complete in 4 years.  Burton will research this, as it may have been ok to have a temporary trailer when he first started the project.  Burton will find out when the rule about temporary trailers went into effect, state law about septic and if Peter has any building permits.
8.        Judy McLean of 4 Pheasant Lane wrote, as she was unhappy with the Highway Department when they went to unplug a culvert on her road and damaged some of her shrubs.  The town right of way was full of water at the time and the Highway Department had to go onto her property to unplug it.  
9.        Burton has prepared a memo to the department heads regarding his concerns about the employee survey timeline, which the Selectmen approved.

J.       PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

K.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:00 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

L.  Move to exit Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 10:15 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  Building Inspector Appointment- The Selectmen voted 3-0 to hire Ed Hunter as the Building Inspector.

N.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:16 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien