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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/13/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 13, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

Dwight Lovejoy was present to meet with the  Selectmen to discuss the decision to install a stop sign at Howe Bridge.  The Selectmen decided to replace the yield sign with a stop sign as the yield sign doesn’t work as well as it was originally hoped it would.  They are now hoping a stop sign will get people to yield better at that intersection.  Dwight doesn’t think it can be enforced.  The main concern is during the day when the big trucks are driving through.  Loaded trucks will be forced to stop and restart to go up the hill.  People coming up Parker Road and entering the intersection have a sight line problem.  Lines will be painted to direct drivers where to go.  Dwight doesn’t agree with stopping the majority of the traffic but there is no way to make everybody happy.  The stop sign was recommended because the yield sign wasn’t working.  Dwight requests that the police patrol the intersection from time to time in the future to make sure people are stopping as he has never seen this intersection patrolled and it needs to be enforced.  Janet White is also present.  She also lives on this road and says there is a bump in front of her house (#119) that caused someone on a bike to fall and break their collarbone recently.  She suggests a sign warning of the bump should be installed.


1.  7:00 PM             Eric Seidel             Library Trustee Appointment  

Eric Seidel is present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss his qualifications to be a Library Trustee.  He has lived in town for a little over 3 years.  He decided to run after hearing about the opening by word of mouth.  He is a professional engineer and is experienced in meeting protocol, project management and working with diverse people.  He is also a trustee of expenditures at the Community Church.  He was on the Board of a private swim club when he lived in California.  He has heard about the addition and rehabing the library.  He will be involved in budgeting procedures at the library.  Dave moves that Eric Seidel be appointed to replace Barbara Woodland and to serve until the next election in March 2006.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Eric will be sworn in.  Burton will send a letter notifying the library of the appointment.

        2.  7:10 PM     Janet White     Piscataquog River Advisory Committee
Janet White is present to meet with the Selectmen and discuss her desire to be a representative on the Piscataquog River Advisory Committee.  She has lived in New Boston for 5 years and lives across the street from the river.  She believes it is the heart of New Boston and wants to be part of maintaining its integrity.  She believes the procedure is the Selectmen have to write to Mike Noland at DES recommending her nomination.  Dave moves the Selectmen nominate Janet White as a representative to the Piscataquog River Advisory Committee and that they take the necessary steps to nominate her.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

        2.  7:20 PM               Nicola Strong         Planning Department

Nicola Strong was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss several issues and to respond to Gordon’s memo regarding stacking and backlots.  He is concerned that the regulations for backlots may be still open to interpretation.  Nic states that the property in question is a backlot because of where it lies on the curve in the road.  There are others in town like this.  The Planning Board had considered putting language in the backlot regulations about curves but decided it was too difficult to explain.  This property owner should have asked for this lot when he applied for the original subdivision.  DES is also giving him a hard time about it because he didn’t ask for it the first time.  The reason backlots are allowed is it allows for shorter frontage.

Regarding the Master Plan, they are starting work on the transportation chapter-traffic, intersections that need help, roads with high traffic counts.  The data will be combined and they will work with the transportation and livable walkable downtown committees from New Boston Speaks.  It is a concern that if Bedford Road became impassable another way out of town is needed.  This is an emergency management issue.  The Master Plan surveys are being returned from people in town.  1900 surveys went out.

The Steep Slope Committee is working again.  They had a sitewalk recently, which was beneficial to the members in demonstrating how the parameters of the ordinance affect different properties.  They are considering that the requirement for 1.5 acres of flatland is probably too much and taking the standard requirements from the ordinance and put them in subdivision and site plan regulations.  The ZBA feels out of depth with these requests.  They are taking a cautious approach of not approving variances or approving them with conditions.  They don’t want to increase lot sizes in the defined areas.  The committee is leaning toward having standards in place and allowing construction to take place if the lot is engineered and inspected.  They don’t want the slopes scraped down as they want to keep the natural topography as much as possible.  When asked if cluster developments will be allowed, Nic said they will keep the underlying districts the same using steep slopes as an overlay.  The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission has an example of this type of regulation that Keene has.  The Selectmen asked if the driveway on Bog Road that slopes from the hillside coming in on a steep angle is stable.  Nic says growth can be planted to stabilize it.  When asked who should oversee driveways, she answered John Riendeau is out there observing and he reports problems to the Planning Board.

Nic feels there are still communication issues between the Planning Board and the Road Committee.  The Road Committee is not understanding Planning Board procedures.  She will put together a list of issues not yet resolved and will specify the forum in which she would like these discussed.  Then Nic and Burton will prepare a memo to the Road Committee to get these resolved as some of the things are needed for the Master Plan.  There is no time to resolve these issues at the Planning Board meetings.

Nic’s schedule since maternity leave is she is in the office Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and works at home Wednesdays and Thursdays.  She is finding that she is interrupted less when she is at home and uses this time to review minutes and do research.


Minutes of May 31, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes of May 31, 2005.  Christine moved for their acceptance.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  None.
2.           Wilson Hill/Bedford Road Intersection-Dave DeBaie, the traffic engineer for Dufresne-Henry, wrote saying that the multi-way stop sign suggested by Mr. Reed is not recommended because it is not consistent with other intersections in the same area and the 2 roads don’t have the same volume of traffic.  He observed traffic between 4-6:00 PM and saw 242 cars on Bedford Road and 18 on Wilson Hill.  The Selectmen will ask assessor, George Hildum if the proposed changes to Mr. Reed’s stone wall and ledge will affect Mr. Reed’s property value.  The town will try to come to an agreement with the Reeds to avoid having to take the property under highway layout regulations.
3.          Junkyard Literature Distribution-Burton has received the packets from DES.  These outline best practices for salvage facilities.  The list of junkyards in town to receive the packets was reviewed and revised.  The Selectmen approved the cover letter that will accompany the packet.
4.        Signs on Common-Dave suggests that the policy include signs on any town property including the Transfer Station, Highway Shed and public ways.  The proposed policy was reviewed and revised.  The Selectmen will also get input from Linda, the Recreation Commission and the Planning Board on the proposed policy.
5.        Sump Pump Installation at Town Hall-Plumber, Dick Heroux, looked at the situation downstairs last week.  Switches and 2 sump pumps with separate ways out will be installed.
6.        Address Ordinance-Gordon recently drove by Cliff LaBree’s residence and noticed that his house number is definitely out of sequence.  Planning will write to him about this.  A draft ordinance was reviewed and revisions recommended.  Burton will work on it further and send it to town counsel, Leslie Nixon, for review and comment.


1.          CLU Penalty-Regarding Betsy Whitman’s property at 304 Cochran Hill Road, Map 10, lot 63.  The Selectmen agree to go with George’s recommendations and signed the form denying her request for a reduced penalty.
2.          Part-time Records Clerk for Police Department-Ellen Harding has applied for this position. She currently works for the Goffstown Police Department.  Dave moves that Ellen Harding be hired as the Part-Time Records Clerk for the New Boston Police Department.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.      Welfare Guidelines Project-Maria Brown from Milford will help the town of Lyndeborough and Burton set up welfare guidelines and will show Burton how to use the computer program.  Burton found the June 9 meeting of local welfare administrators helpful.  The group plans to meet every couple of months.  The next meeting will be in August.
4.        LGC’s Assigned Values to Government Buildings-The town’s buildings were appraised.  Some of the values seemed high.  Burton will check with George and also ask for the methodology of how they came up with the values.   


1.        The LeClairs are moving and it is possible the property may be subdivided.
2.        U2 may get an aluminum body instead of plastic.  The chassis is waiting to be paid for.  The Fragmentation Pack will be portable instead of built in.
3.        They have recently done extensive landscaping at Scott Belanger’s old house on Bedford Road where water was flowing onto Bedford Road and creating an ice sheet during the winter.  If a culvert is to be installed there, it should be done now.  
4.        The Homeland Security drill Saturday was a success and the police department learned a lot.
5.        Howard Towne came in to see Burton regarding the Welcome to New Boston signs, which are in need of replacement.  Roberge Signs gave Howard a quote of $1,166 which would take all of the money the Grange has.  Howard asked if the town could help pay for this.  Burton suggested putting something in the paper asking for a sponsor to help the grange pay for this.  They will talk again tomorrow.
6.        Rick Martin came in to discuss the road names John Bunting recommended.  He has his heart set on “Heritage” for his planned 55 and older community.  He wanted Howard Road for the cul-de-sac but the town already has Howard Lane.  Pinball could be used.  The Selectmen don’t care for “Heritage” as it doesn’t conform to the street name ordinance.
7.        Randy Parker came in requesting a lease agreement for his building being used by the town.  Burton will call Claire Dodge for a comparison quote and give this matter to Leslie for review.
8.         A proposed letter from GZA to Catherine Wright at DES in response to her letter regarding the landfill closing was given to the Selectmen for review.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien