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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/28/2005
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 28, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             Mike Sindoni            Recreation Department

Mike Sindoni and Lee Brown were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss new projects they are considering for the Recreation Department.

Mike said he has been approached by volunteer baseball coaches, Peter Van Scoyoc and John Huddelston about mosquito control at the Old Coach ballfield in the spring.  This request is due to concern about outbreaks of West Nile Virus and EEE especially since the field is surrounded by forest and wetlands.  Mike recently attended a Municipal Pest Management seminar.  Mike learned that spring is the best time to treat for mosquitoes to try to kill the larvae although late summer is when the outbreaks seem to occur. A representative from Municipal Pest Management would come out and survey the town at no charge and give a quote for services needed.  Mike will set up a town inspection and quote process soon.  The Selectmen asked him to also get a separate quote for the downtown ballfield area.  Mike has also been trying to speak to the State Department of Health and Human Services about this topic.  He will keep trying.  He will also contact other towns that had the treatment done last year and notify the Conservation Commission that this is being considered.  

Lee spoke to the Selectmen about a raffle the Recreation Department is considering as a fundraiser to rebuild the downtown grandstand.  This will involve people buying raffle tickets to win prizes that will be awarded daily.  The prizes will be worth approximately $40 each.  Tom Joseph is working on website enhancement so people can buy tickets online.  They are considering using PayPal, which E-bay uses for people to buy online.  Money will be raised in other ways for this project as well.  There is uncertainty about the legality of this type of fundraiser and Lee will check into it with the Municipal Association and check the RSAs about lotteries.  The Selectmen are also concerned because the Recreation Commission would be improving property that they don’t own but Lee feels that someone needs to take initiative on the grandstands as they are unsafe and people are being put in harm’s way by continuing to use them as they are.  Some materials will be donated and some recycled.  He stated this project is a high priority for the Recreation Commission.  Insurance liability issues have not been addressed yet and Lee will check with the Local Government Center about this.

Lee said the Recreation Commission is putting forth a Warrant Article of $20,000 for construction of a practice field and parking area on Old Coach Road.  The completed project is expected to cost between $25,000-30,000 according to a quote from Skip Gomes and the Commission will use some of their revolving funds to fund the rest of the project.  The project will probably not be totally completed this year.  They plan to erect fencing between the field and the Police Department firing range and do hydroseeding next year.  Some money may be saved if clay can be used from the Highway Department supply.  Bob Anderson, the DRA auditor was consulted about the Warrant Article language and he said there is no need to mention the money coming from the revolving fund in the Warrant Article but it will be mentioned in the Warrant Article explanation that will be printed in the New Boston Bulletin.

Lee asked if the access road along the Playground Association land could be plowed for after-school program kids to travel and for use as a pathway in emergency situations for kids to go to the evacuation site.  Lee will ask the Playground Association for permission to do this.  The path will be wide enough for a car to pass through.  Cones will be erected to remind cars not to drive through the path.  Cones are up the rest of the year at this location but people often drive through anyway.  This could be plowed this year on a trial basis.  A temporary sign will be erected saying the path is for emergency use only.  A meeting regarding the Willard’s school is scheduled for tomorrow night at 5:30.  Lee wishes to schedule a meeting regarding the proposed recreation building CRF with the school board and would like at least one Selectman to attend.  Finance is meeting January 7 to discuss what to recommend.  Nancy Biederman and her playground group are pressuring the Playground Association to turn over the playground to either the town or the Recreation Department.

2.  7:30 PM             Road Committee          Beard Road Subdivision

Brian Dorwart, Chairman of the Road Committee, was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss his findings regarding the Beard Road Subdivision intersection.

Brian prepared a letter that reviews the Road Committee’s advisory position on the Beard Road intersection.  This position is based on safety and cost to the public.  The intersection is considered to be unsafe where the developer plans to intersect Beard Road because of the sight distance and improvement here will affect properties at the intersection.  If no development occurs the intersection needs no improvement.  Dufresne-Henry will review the Road Committee’s recommendations then the developer will be contacted about what needs to be done.  Brian mentioned that not everyone at Dufresne-Henry is an engineer and it is a good idea to make sure a registered engineer stamps the engineering review recommendations.  The roles of the Planning Board and Selectmen need to be clarified.  Pat Paniciocco was present representing Right Way Builders. She requested that communication between the town and Right Way be improved by giving Right Way copies of correspondence and information in a timely fashion so they can be aware of issues.  They have been requesting clarification of the regulations for months with no response.  She was told that a precedent to this situation is the intersection of Wilson Hill Road and Bedford Road.

Tom Clapp of Beard Road was present, as his property will be affected by improvement of the intersection.  He hand delivered a two page letter he prepared to the Selectmen that will be put in the Selectmen’s read folder for their review.


        4.  Salt Use-Road agent John Riendeau was present.  The Selectmen asked him about salt use on Bedford Road due to the delayed ice clearing off the road after this past storm.  They asked if more straight salt should be used on high traffic arterial roads.  John mentioned that New Boston doesn’t treat both sides of the road as other towns do but tries to treat down the middle of the roads.  He suggested trying a stronger mix of salt and sand on high traffic arterial roads to try to improve ice clearing.  Generally, salt works faster than it did in this situation.  The salt budget may need to be increased.


1.      Minutes of December 12, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.      Non-Public Minutes of December 12, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.   

1.         Planning:  
·       There was a public reading of zoning ordinance changes subdivision regulation changes and non-residential site plan review.    The issue of the steep slopes watch dog issue was explained further and the watch dog issue is not as severe as believed because the subdivision regulations as originally written give the Planning Board the option to call for independent review by Dufresne-Henry and the majority of the plans that you would see under steep slopes would be similar to septic reviews which haven’t been traditionally reviewed by town engineers.  A second public hearing is scheduled for January 10.  Everyone seemed satisfied with the documents as presented.  Christine Quirk and Jay Marden were also present at the meeting.  There was further discussion about the feasibility of another person working in Dennis Sarette’s office but there are questions on if there would be enough for that person to do.  Burton spoke with Dennis about code enforcement that is part of his job but he doesn’t seem to carry through on it.  The more subdivisions go in, the code enforcement portion of his job will become more important.  Dennis feels that when you have volunteer boards doing things it is a challenge but he feels other boards should be enforcing what they are responsible for, including the Selectmen and Planning Board.  Dennis has no problem going out and inspecting things but feels the appropriate board should enforce what they are responsible for.  There is some confusion about what the different boards are responsible for and what the job description of the Building Inspector is.  Burton is to review.
·       Susan Road/Carriage Road intersection-The Planning Board has to determine which side has the greater hazard in this situation.  The solution may be to ask the Road Committee if there is a way to make the decision.  Susan Road cannot be raised because of water runoff complications.
2.          2006 Budget Changes-The Selectmen reviewed the list of Warrant Articles and the budget.  There was $4,300 of changes to the operating budget.  Burton will e-mail the Warrant Article list to the department heads to make sure they are complete.
3.          Dodge Timber Tax Report-Based on the forester, John Ferguson’s report, it seems that the amount paid in yield tax by Jim Dodge was correct and he will be notified of the decision.


1.          Library Trustee Appointment-Kathleen Collimore has applied to replace Joe Constance until the election in March 2006.  Dave moved to accept Kathleen Collimore as a Library Trustee until March 2006. Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.          Revision to Retirement Plan-Burton reviewed the Nationwide Retirement Solutions document with the Selectmen.  Dave moved that the Selectmen adopt the Nationwide Retirement Solutions document.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.     2005 Encumbrances-The Selectmen reviewed and signed the list of Year 2005 Encumbrances.
5.       Revolving Fund for Police Details-The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Burton dated December 23, 2005 regarding this subject.
6.      2006 Revenue Estimates-The Selectmen reviewed the 2006 revenue estimates.
7.      2006 Valuation Estimates-the Selectmen reviewed a memo from Burton dated December 22, 2005 regarding the 2006 Valuation Estimates.
        8.   Imaging Technology-Burton asked if the Selectmen would like to add $9,600 per year to the budget for pictures of buildings in town.  Assessor George Hildum was consulted and said he would like it from an assessing standpoint but wouldn’t do it because you are just renting the pictures every year and will never own them.  Burton will check with the department heads to see if they feel this is necessary.

1.        The fire truck grant may need to be accepted publicly by the Selectmen.  A public hearing may need to be scheduled for this purpose before the money is spent unless the paperwork showing it was already done is found.  Christine suggested making a separate folder for public hearing paperwork to refer to later when this type of issue comes up.
2.         Additional vacation holdovers were approved.

I.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
J.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:15 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:    Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 11:22 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:23 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien