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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/17/2005
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 17, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             Sandi Van Scoyoc                Liveable/Walkable Community  

Sandi Van Scoyoc, chairman of the Foot Traffic and Road Safety Committee, met with the Selectmen to discuss finances for the Liveable/Walkable Community project.  They are trying to do fundraising.  She called the State Division of Charitable Trusts who said towns have the ability to accept gifts that are given to the town on behalf of a public service and the town could keep the money for a project, like Liveable/Walkable Community.  People can make their checks payable to “Town of New Boston-LWC” and the funds could be earmarked for the Liveable/Walkable Communities that way.  The major expenses right now are mailings and copying.  The Selectmen would then accept the money as a gift and the funds would be deposited into a special account so the money would not go into the general funds.  Committee has not applied for non-profit status.  They may do so in the future.  Short range projects are planned, such as crosswalks, as well as long range projects that may require more funding and take years to get grants.  The Selectmen agreed to accept funds but encouraged establishing the non-profit.


1.      Minutes of October 3, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
        2.  Non-public Minutes of October 3, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  Gordon was unable to attend the meeting but reviewed the meeting agenda with the Selectmen:
·       Subdivision on Wellswood Farm-Peter deRoeth split the main lot into 2 lots.  Minor subdivision lot line adjustment.
·       Middle Branch Road/Route 77-Charlie Houghton’s piece of land was sold.    
·       Cliff LaBree-Submitted application for public hearing major subdivision 2 lots.
·       Roger Dignard-Compliance hearing.
·       David Nixon-Compliance hearing for Lyndeborough Road land.
·       James and Claire Dodge sitewalk scheduled at New Boston Self Storage.
·       Daily road inspection reports for active subdivisions.
Dave asked if the intents to cut on Vista Road were coming up for discussion soon at the Planning Board.  Gordon is not aware that it is but will check on this.

2.          Police Chief- The Selectmen reviewed and revised the press release “New Boston Hires New Police Chief.”  Changes were made and it was distributed to the Selectmen, Chris Krajenka and the members of the press who were present at the meeting.  Burton informed the Selectmen that the physical and the polygraph have been completed.  A letter has already been distributed stating the elements of the contract but they have not been incorporated into the contract yet.  Burton plans to update the contract on the computer this week.  The contract is for a salary of $61,000 a year for 3 years.  Since all conditions are met, the Selectmen wish to hire Chris as the Police Chief.  Chris will give his notice at his current job tomorrow and be ready to start as New Boston’s Police Chief on November 1, 2005.  Chris will be sworn in and given his badge at the Selectmen’s meeting on November 1, 2005.  Dave moved to authorize Gordon as Chair of the Selectmen to sign the contract hiring Christopher Krajenka as Chief of the New Boston Police Department when the contract is prepared.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.          Gravel Pit Letter-The Selectmen reviewed and revised a letter to send to the Tingleys asking them to fix the berm.  The letter will be mailed on October 26.  Dave suggested that the stage should be set now for a more aggressive requirement in the spring for reclamation.  It should be made part of the renewal form letter reminding them that reclamation is required and they should be properly bonded.  Burton will get the state gravel tax appraiser, Mary Pinkham Langer, involved.


1.          COLA for 2006-Burton is concerned as there is a significant difference between the COLA for last year and the COLA for this year.  Transportation and energy are the big items.  Either the Social Security Administration’s inflation adjustment or the National Annual CPI can be chosen.  Dave suggested using the Social Security figure of 4.1.  The effects of what is going on in the world market and energy combined with the two hurricanes caused a tremendous sudden spike, which should go down.
2.          Health Insurance Increase For 2006-The Selectmen reviewed a chart showing the prices of the various health plans covering town employees.
3.     Military Recognition- Kevin St. John has sent an e-mail asking the Selectmen to designate a Sunday around the Thanksgiving holiday to honor people in the military.  The Selectmen feel that Veteran’s Day already is a perfect time to do this but will also include the Sunday after.  Dave will prepare a proclamation in response to this.


1.        Thibeault tree cutting issue-Kim prepared some estimate but now more area is planned to be cut than they originally thought.  Significant erosion controls may be needed.  Any land they wish to deed to the town should not be cut.  DES is involved but the timber laws don’t seem to give much protection to the town.  Ernie Thibeault Vista Road LLC plan a subdivision, which may be affected negatively by the planned clearcutting.  Town attorney Bill Drescher will be consulted on this and a letter will be filed concerning affects to the subdivision.
2.        Wilson Hill Road/Bedford Road-Mr. Reed has hired Attorney Greg Michaels who has suggested a compromise regarding improving the site line at this intersection.  The Planning Board feels that the Selectmen have to decide how to handle this.  The Selectmen may seek guidance from the Planning Board or the Highway Department.  Burton will communicate with Attorney Michaels.
3.        Burton expects to receive the new tax rate by the end of the week.
4.        A Liveable/Walkable meeting is scheduled for Thursday. Dave will attend.  Burton and Gordon will be at the CIP meeting.  
5.        The library is a big CIP issue.  Since no building is approved, they might not be able to use their CRF to build the roadway they wish to do.  An independent committee may be needed to help gather public support for a new library.
6.        Burton has been working with Road Agent John Riendeau regarding road improvements and roads needing paving.  Gordon suggests that Joe English Road needs attention. The bad corner on Bedford Road should be worked on soon.  A box culvert and two more culverts need to be installed on Bog Road.  The cutting of trees and grubbing is done.  Gravel will be delivered tomorrow.
7.        Bob Anderson from the DRA has suggested putting the police vehicles lease on the Warrant every year instead of making it part of the Operating Budget.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien