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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/05/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 5, 2004
PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman David Woodbury                Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. 7:OOPM       Judy Keefe/Pat Jennings School Playground
     Judy Keefe and Pat Jennings were present to give an update to the Selectmen.
Playground project - The current artist, Ron King, of the Artist in Residence Program has been working with all the children of the New Boston Central School. They have come up with 3 ideas they would like to do which is a fitness trail, fairy garden and to mark the trails that are around the area. The Selectmen asked what was the fairy garden. It was explained that Tracy Cain, author, has written a book and has a video about fairy houses. The houses which the fairies stay in are built with natural materials such as rocks, sticks and bark. If the fairy house has been ruined, it is believed that the fairies did it. The author will be coming out to work with the kids on May 5. The working dates for this project will be May 3 to May 7 and May 10 to 15 and will include two Saturdays.
Bedford Walmart Grant - The Bedford Walmart has heard of the project which they would like to support. Judy Keefe will be sending Walmart the information on the project. The PTA would also like to financially support the project.

2. 7:15PM       Lee Brown/Leo Joy       Skateboard Park
Lee Brown, Leo Joy, Alex and Thomas Joy were present to speak with the Selectmen.

Lee Brown asked the Selectmen if they had options they could explore for the Skateboard Park. They questioned the Selectmen as to the reason the Skateboard Park was voted down. Dave explained there is no known reason why it was voted down, whether it was strictly by finances or due to people being leery of new ideas but recommended they continue trying for this park. Lee questioned the ramifications if

they received private contributions and grants if they could do anything now rather than waiting. The Selectmen advised that this vote was just a few weeks old and it was not recommended to continue to go ahead with the project at least for the present time. Leo stated they cannot go forward to apply for grants unless they have a site and the Selectmen's approval. They will revisit with the school for an agreement and would like to obtain the Selectmen's continued approval. Christine questioned if there was enough grant money to pay for the whole project. Leo stated between private money and grant it may pay for the whole thing. The Selectmen agreed that the Recreation Department would update the board frequently regarding their progress on the site and obtaining funds.

Also present at this time were the boys who worked very hard on the Skateboard project. The Selectmen all spoke regarding the fabulous jobs these boys did on this project and that they were very proud of them. Congratulations were given the boys present and the boys who could not attend.

2. 7:30PM       John Bradfield  Finance Committee Applicant John Bradfield was present to meet with the Selectmen. John has been accepted to the Finance Committee as an alternate. John comes to this position with expertise in budgeting and analysis and it was explained how important his role will be in the advisement of finances.

David Woodbury moved the appointment of John Bradfield as an alternate to the Finance Committee. Gordon seconded. All were in favor.

3. 7:40 PM      Gerry Cornea    Review of Scale Quotes Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
Proposals and contracts for various companies for the purchase of a new scale were reviewed with the Selectmen. Gerry has chosen the Metro Toledo 7560 made by Altec 30X11 for $25,811.00. The Metro Toledo provides an outstanding warranty which includes a 5 year no risk, all inclusive labor, parts, travel, mileage and $300 inspection fee for state certification. They will also provide the crane. The price is bound for seven days. Gerry stated most of the work to set up the scale will be done by Transfer Station. The Highway Department will assist with grading. Gerry expects to come in under budget on this project. Gordon made the motion to accept the RFP Metro Toledo scale from Altec Weighing Systems for $25811.00. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

4. 8:00 PM      Roger Dignard   Town Hall Renovation
Roger Dignard was present to discuss with the Selectmen the Town Hall Renovation.
Office Space - Roger will meet with the individual offices to obtain their space needs and room sizes for a square foot summary. Recommendations made were the Recreational Department not be upstairs, Burton Reynolds, Town

Administrator and Paula Ciarla be provided with a quieter area due to distractions. The Building Department could also be utilized as this area is large which provides space for 3 people that are in part-time. Also discussed was the upstairs grange area. It was agreed that putting an elevator for access would not only be very expensive but would utilize interior space. The upstairs needs to be safe and economical.
Storage - Storage was discussed. Each department needs to maintain record retention and must be considered. Off site storage is also an option.

Roger thanked the Selectmen for the opportunity to assist with the Town Hall Renovation and will contact Burton soon to begin.

1. Minutes of March 22, 2(m4 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. Gordon moved that they be as accepted as amended. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2. Minutes of Non Public of March 24, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the Non Public meeting of March 24, 2004. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor. These minutes will be sealed for 10 years.

1. Planning:
Vista Road - The applicants provided changes on their plans going from 300 feet at 10% grade to 150 at 10% grade with two year phasing. There is a question if the cuts, hairpins and drainage issues have changed much. The various departments are to write back to the Planning Board with their comments on the final design. Christine would like to have the Road Committee review these changes. The Selectmen agreed that a meeting needs to occur with both Dufresne-Henry and the Road Committee together. Burton is to obtain the current status from Nic.
Harvey Dupuis Family Trust -16 lots on Carriage Road - conditional approval of the concept of the preliminary plan was accepted. This will be done in 2 phases, 8 each year.
Warren Drive - The Planning Board received Bill Dreschers letter regarding unanswered questions which the Planning Board will release to the applicant for answers.
Indian Falls - The application was not complete at this time and was withdrawn.
Rick Martin/Right Way Builders - this hearing had been cancelled.
June Edwards - Subdivision by Doherty and Tuckermill Road. This will be a 6 lot subdivision (4 front lots and 2 back lots). A site walk is scheduled for April 17th in which Conservation would also like to attend.

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2.      Appointments - Applicants for 3 year term as full members were reviewed. Gordon moved Joe Nangle and Burr Tupper be appointed to the Conservation Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Nancy Loddengaard and Tim Trimbur be appointed to the Forestry Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Brent Armstrong be appointed as rep to the So NH Planning Commission. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Lou Lanzillotti be appointed to the Finance Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Bob Todd and Mary Koon be appointed to the Open Space Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved that James Nordstrum be appointed to the Planning Board. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved that Dave Hulick be appointed to the Recreation Commission. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Bo Strong be appointed to the Road Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved Jim Federer be appointed to the Solid Waste Committee. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon moved that Harry Piper and Ed DiPietro be appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. David seconded. All were in favor.

1. Building Department Fee Schedule - A new fee schedule for the Building Department was reviewed and agreed upon by the Selectmen. David moved Dennis Sarette's recommendation regarding the New Boston building permits as per his submission of March 23, 2004 be adopted effective May 1, 2004. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2.  Audit Results - The results of the Town's audit were reviewed with the Selectmen. The audit and results were done in 3 days, sooner than anticipated. Paula Ciarla was recognized for the outstanding job well with all of the necessary transactions with each of the various departments. Very little adjustments were needed to be made whereas the average adjustments for other towns is between 15 to 40 items. We had 5.
3. DRA Response to March 11 Letter - Bob Anderson of the DRA responded to
I           inquires regarding the warrant article for the Capital Reserve Fund for the
   revaluation. Should the Town not perform a re-evaluation, DRA will go to
   the Board of Land and Tax Appeal and will arrange for a company to come in
   and perform the assessment with no say by the Town. Burton has met with
   George Hildum for suggestions regarding an update. Lots will be reviewed
   and updated. The Town will need to advise the public that this has to be

A response regarding the requested police vehicle was also given. DRA stated if the Town felt safety was being impaired due to an unsafe vehicle, an
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application can be made and considered with the money coming from the unreserved fund balance. The request would have to be approved through the Budget Committee or a public hearing must be held, then a request to the DRA can be written. The DRA strongly advised against placing new vehicle costs as part of the operating budget.
4.      Request for Tax Waiver - Leona Collins request for tax waiver was reviewed. The Selectmen agreed that this could not be allowed. It has not occurred in the past, nor should it start. It was explained that a lien could be placed on the property and payments could be deferred, but the lien would be paid back to the town once the resident was to sell the home. A letter will be written to this resident denying the tax waiver request.  
5.      Virtual Town Hall - Information for the Virtual Town Hall website was discussed with the Selectmen. The Virtual Town. Hall specializes in designing websites for municipalities. It was agreed that the Town needs to be more aggressive with the website and to move ahead. It will be discussed with each Department Head at the next meeting.

1.   First Quarter Financials - were reviewed by the Selectmen.
2.      Monitoring System - New dialers are being installed in each department.
3.      Primex Conference - A Primex conference has been scheduled at
Wentworth by the Sea. Burton will register to attend and will obtain the
written material for the Selectmen.
4.      FEMA - FEMA is currently trying to determine if there will be federal money for our   
latest storm/flood. They are currently obtaining the financials from the towns worst hit and then a decision will be made.
5.      Washout - Brenda Humphries has contacted the Town regarding her woodlot
being washed out. Gordon stated this needed to be looked into.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: Discussion occurred regarding the various roads and washouts. Brandy mentioned the wash out condition of Thorton Road during the recent storm. She also stated the culverts had not been cleaned out, and had not been cleaned for about 3 to 4 years. Landowners in this area have done things on their property that increases the amount of run off. The Selectmen agreed that a culvert maintenance inspection program be designed for preventative maintenance.

The Community effort with the volunteers and Volunteer Fire Department and Highway Department was also noted and commended. Mentioned was a fire fighter had forced the Good Neighbor Bakery to close for safety concerns. David asked if the Town has a procedure in place which justifies closing businesses. Burton will obtain the proper procedure and this incident will be investigated.

Also to be commended is Dennis Sarette and Shannon of the Building Department for

their assistance in helping the Walkers' find suitable housing while their house is being repaired.

Kim DiPietro was present from the Forestry Committee to present a recreational use policy for the town forest. As they had to close the Lydia Dodge lot due to partying, fires and 4 wheel vehicles entering, signs were posted stating no motorized vehicles. Due to the request from a local resident for the use of snowmobiles, a temporary permit was given while they were working on the policy. The new policy for the town forest was just voted on which states: the use of wheeled motor vehicles is not permitted on town forest land until and unless a responsible club comes before the forestry committee with a planned trail maintenance and means of self enforced with the exception of individuals needing handicapped access. This will eliminate all motorized vehicles except snowmobiles or except handicapped people who would like to use the trails. This policy will allow snowmobiles. A meeting will occur with the Department of Resources Bureau of Trails for a Public Hearing regarding the use of the Town Forest.

Christine made a motion at 10:30PM to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II Section (c) in order to discuss input from Town Counsel on the Police Department review. Gordon seconded the motion. Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 10:50 PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 II Section (c). Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

I. ADJOURNMENT: Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton