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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/27/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 27, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.

1.  7:00 PM              Gerry Cornett          Transfer Station
Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  

·       Solid Waste  – The solid waste count is down 22%.  Last year the total was 1936 tons and to date it is at 1511 tons.  
·       Paper – Gerry stated the biggest increase in revenue was mixed paper.  The paper count was 86,000 pounds above 2003.
·       Tires – There was a decrease in the need to pay for the disposal of tires from 48 tons last year to 3.1 tons in 2004.  The year 2003 saw us dispose of a backlog of tires and most in 2004 could be added to our hopper loads.  We are now allowed to include a dozen or so in each load.     
·       Plastics – There was a total of 12000 lbs this year and Gerry noted the market for plastic is currently not there.  
·       Trailer – Gerry requested approval to purchase a trailer that will cost $1,000.00. The   Transfer Station leases the current trailer for $650.00 per year.  The Selectmen agreed on the purchase of the trailer.  
·       Scales – The scales are up and running.  Gerry noted he has received a couple of complaints, as contractors would like to dump asbestos and other items not allowed in the construction debris dumpster.  He has recommended that these contractors contact Clean Harbors for assistance.  Gerry explained that should these items be hauled out to the waste facility and they shut down for the day thus turning away 150 trucks per day, they   would charge the Town for their losses.  Gerry also noted private haulers are doing test runs to see how close they can come to our required percent of recycled items per load.     
·       Roll-offs – The roll offs are being painted over the next few months. The roll offs and trash trailers will have the Town of New Boston labels installed per the State of NH RSA.  
·       Waste Oil – Gerry stated 25 to 50 gallons of waste oil come in per week. The Transfer Station has cleaned out all of the anti-freeze and waste oil.  
·       Plow – Gerry asked the Selectmen if a used plow and plow frame could be purchased to go on his pickup truck for $2500.00.  This plow would be used to plow the Transfer Station property.  Currently they have to rely on the Highway Department once they have completed their town runs.  Gerry also offered that he too could assist the Highway Department if needed.   The Selectmen agreed this plow could be purchased but the Town would hold the title.  
·       State of NH - RSA’s – Gerry explained to the Selectmen that the Transfer Station is not an approved Hazardous Waste Facility.  He would like to consider the enforcement of the RSA’s with fines ranging from $500 to $5000 for hazardous dumping such as asbestos, oil based paint, solvents and pool supplies. Gerry recommended signage could be utilized with the RSA’s and an article explaining the RSA’s be put into the newspaper.  Burton and the Selectmen recommended that Gerry meet with Chief Begin and the Solid Waste Committee to discuss.  Keeping such wastes on hand requires special permits and expensive containment facilities.  The preferred method of handling the disposal of such items is via the annual Hazardous Waste Day.  

2.  7:20 PM              Irene Baudreau         Town Clerk
Irene was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  

·       NHDMV - Information was provided explaining the NH Department of Motor Vehicles and functions that would be performed by the New Boston Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk.  Functions such as new, renewal and transfer registrations, late renewals, title applications, issue initial plates, replace full sets of plates, replace decals, cut credit memos, refunds, receive money orders or travelers checks and issue agriculture, farm and tractor plates.  At this time, the NHDMV has postponed the installation of the computer based program of Phase I.  Once it has been installed, there will be a 6-day training period.  
·       Avitar – The new computer based program from Avitar called “Clerks Works” has been installed and is running.  The new program is designed to provide an organized and efficient way to handle non-motor vehicle Town Clerk duties ranging from vital statistics information to the dog licensing process.    


        1.  Minutes (both Public and Non-Public) of December 13, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Right Way Builders – Beard Road – Rick Martin submitted a plan with 23 conventional lots, each having a duplex on them.  There would be 46 residences, an amenities building and manager building.   There were issues with the private road that is still being proposed as one way and would serve for fire purposes.  The Planning Board was not in favor as the road is to be conformed to Town specs and there is insufficient site distance for the second entrance.  An impact study was provided.  
·       Kathleen Houghton – Middle Branch Road/Route 77 – The applicant submitted plans to create a back lot with a 50-foot right of way to Route 77 but does not want to use this right of way, instead wants to use existing driveway.  A wetland permit will be needed.  The second portion of the application was to split off a larger portion.  The applicant asked for waivers that were granted.   
·       Straus & Ridley – Beard Road – The applicants are currently working on two wetland crossings and do not have erosion barriers in place.  There is also a possible lot line dispute with the neighboring lot owned by the Andersons.  
·       Frank and Dottie Fillmore – Jessica Lane – The applicants submitted a subdivision plan.  They were informed of the proposed Steep Slopes Ordinance.  The applicants are unwilling to wait and would like to continue forward with their subdivision plans.  
·       Aggregate Industries – The small plot of land to be donated to the town was approved.
·       Karen Morin – Greenfield Road – The applicant submitted plans for a 5-lot subdivision.  A site walk is scheduled for January 8, 2005.
·       Miscellaneous:  Driveway regulations were not discussed and will be discussed tomorrow, December 28, 2004.  
·       Rock Business – Summit Drive - Complaints have been received regarding the rock business of Carol Hayes and Richard Herget.  Although there does not appear to be erosion, there is heavy truck traffic.  
2.         Downtown Crosswalks – A letter to be sent to William Lambert of DOT and to be  
copied to the New Boston Speaks Committee was reviewed by the Selectmen.  Gordon also recommended contacting the Town of Greenfield regarding their crosswalks.  
3.         2005 Budget Review - The Selectmen reviewed the 2005 budget.  The Finance
        Committee meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2005.  


1.         Health Insurance – Finance had questioned paying 100% of single coverage.  Figures
have been developed with everyone paying 20% or 25% of the costs.  These results will be shared with the Finance Committee.    
2.         New Road Name Procedure – The Selectmen reviewed a generic letter created by
Nicola Strong of the Planning Department and Burton that outlines the policy for naming of roads with copies of the town road rules to be provided to subdivision applicants in the future.    
3.         Road Discontinuances or Classification Changes – A letter was received from Dick
Moody requesting Baker Lane be discontinued.  Other current roads; Shed Road, Bittersweet Lane, Simon Farm, Pulpit Road and McLaughlin Road could be discontinued or changed to a Class 6 as these roads are only utilized as driveways.  It takes the vote of the Town to discontinue or make roads into Class 6.  It was decided the background information such as abutting lots would need to be reviewed in this consideration.  
4.         2005 Revenue Estimates – The Selectmen reviewed the 2005 Revenue Estimates.  


1.         Vacation Request Policy - Gordon requested that a change be made in the vacation policy and asked that it be followed up with Attorney Leslie Nixon.  Gordon did not believe it was proper to deny holding over accruing balances but you can stop accruing any additional time.   
2.          Newspaper Article – The Selectmen discussed the recent article in the Goffstown Newspapers regarding the Fire Wards request for additional coverage over and above workers compensation.  It was confirmed a meeting would be held to clarify coverage on January 3, 2005 at 2:00 PM.  
3.         Vacation Time Carry Over Request - A request has been received from Kim Burkhamer requesting to carry over vacation time to next year.  Approval was given.  

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
At 9:40 PM, David made a motion to enter into non-public session to discuss an employee evaluation.  Gordon seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  

At 10:02 PM, David made a motion to end the non-public session and enter back into the public session.  Gordon seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton