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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/14/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 14, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made.  


        1.  7:00PM              Open Space Committee    Proposed Easements

Ken Lombard, Cindy Wilson and Alex B.  Noftsger were present to discuss and obtain approval for proposed easements off Laurel Lane and Mason Drive.  Both Cindy and Alex have donated a portion of their land; 3 lots totaling approximately 120 acres.  Gordon moved to accept the Conservation Easement from Alex B. Noftsger on Map 12, Lot 103, 104 and 105.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Gordon moved to accept the conservation easement by Cindy Wilson and Alex Noftsger for Map 15, Lot 65.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Irene Baudreau notarized all documentation at this time and the Selectmen thanked both Alex and Cindy for their generous donation.   

2.  7:30 PM             Library Trustees

The Library Trustees were present to meet with the Selectmen in follow up to a prior meeting.    

At this time, Brandy Mitroff clarified a memo submitted by the Library Trustees regarding personnel issues/evaluations.  Brandy stated she has never seen an employee evaluation and that Burton and the Selectmen are very cautious and the line is never broken.  What she does obtain is information such as their memos that are covered under the "Right to Know Law" and may be made public.  No comments from the Library Trustees were made.  

Tim Cady spoke regarding the library staff, performance evaluations and the library budget.  The Library Trustees desire to set their own wages and perform the employee evaluations without following the guidelines now in place for town employees.  They also wish to present their budget with only a summary for the salary line.   It is the Library Trustees opinion that they are “following the law as Library Trustees” and to provide this information to the Selectmen is “inconsistent with the law”.  Tim stated if the budget is not agreed upon by the Selectmen, the Selectmen can modify and the Library Trustees can negotiate.    

David stated this was a serious matter.  He explained the Selectmen have to provide an operating budget that reflects a due diligence review of expenses.  If the library were to have an increase in their budget, the Selectmen and Finance Committee want to know the details of why.   The Library Trustees argued they were not town employees.  The Selectmen wondered to what degree the public would care about this technicality, they receive town employee paychecks, town workers' compensation benefits, retirement benefits, etc., and are funded by the public.  David mentioned the library's bottom line operating budget can be submitted and discussed.  The Trustees would have to decide if they wanted to place any amount in dispute on a warrant article.  

Christine Quirk stated the Library Trustees duties could be reviewed with Attorney Leslie Nixon.   She also expressed the opinion that the Trustees could work within the framework everyone else uses, the law does not prohibit it.  

The Library Trustees demanded that the library staff performance reviews be returned to them as they feel they should not be with the Town files and are suppose to remain with the Library Trustees.  Burton will give the performance evaluations back to the Library Trustees.

At this time, Deanna Powell asked the Selectmen to deliver the message to the public "we are following the law".  


        1.  Minutes of June 1, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        1.   Planning:
Lull Road Corporation – The applicants were present for subdivision of 2 lots on West Lull Road.  They are to submit the driveway application for the larger parcel.     
Clark Hill Realty – A hearing did not occur as the applicants submitted a letter for continuance.
Jim Dodge - Ice Cream/Garden Stand –  Compliance Hearing – approval was given for the Ice Cream and Garden Stand.  
Daniel Donovan  – The applicant was present for a major subdivision on Bedford Road.  Due to wetlands, the Department of Environmental Services and Conservation would like to attend in the site walk.  Questions were raised regarding an easement in the back of the property in which Claire Dodge is familiar with.  This information may possibly be obtained at the DES level.
Rick Martin – Right Way Builders – The applicant was present to submit plans for subdivision on Beard Road.  The applicant has already sold lots to various owners.   The applicant is to now submit his plans on two applications and is scheduled for a site walk on July 6, 2004.  
Tim White – Beard Road – Approval was given for conditional use for two wetland crossings.  
Vista Road – Burton has spoken to John Riendeau – the Road Committee is to have a meeting with Dufresne & Henry to discuss road issues.  
Harvey Dupuis – The lot line adjustment was accepted as complete and approved for Carriage Road.  
        Driveways – It was recommended for applicants to obtain workable permit to use for driveways until the driveway has been installed properly and is finalized.  


·       Deaf Person Sign – Irene Wright of Styles Road has requested a deaf sign be posted for Steven Wright of Styles Road who likes to walk along the road.  The Selectmen agreed to the sign with the cost being incurred by the applicant.  David moved the request for the deaf sign for Steven Wright, requested by Irene Wright.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.   
·       White Buildings Lease Proposal - Burton received from School Superintendent Daryl Lockwood a lease proposal for the White Buildings.  There were some concerns with a couple of sections as the proposal provided puts all of the expenses on the Town.  Currently costs are shared with the school.  Revisions will need to be made and submitted.  A copy of the suggested changes were forwarded to the Recreation Commission for comment.
·       Fuel Oil Contract – Burton will be putting a notice to bid for the Fuel Oil Contract in the Goffstown Newspaper.  
·       Welfare Conference - Burton was in attendance for the Welfare Conference to discuss local welfare guidelines.  Topics such as affordable housing, Section 8 and recovering costs were discussed.  
·       Newsletter Idea - Burton was in receipt of a newsletter from Ken Lombard from a town up north.  When residents are sent their tax bills, a newsletter is sent along with it discussing town topics.  The Selectmen did not feel such a newsletter was needed here because of access to the public via the New Boston Bulletin.  

·       Comments on Police Review - Various levels of accreditations were discussed and it was agreed that Level I is the best for a small community.  
·       Ridgeview Lane – As discussed in the prior Selectmen’s meeting, the Selectmen have looked at the damage of the stonewall on Ridgeview Lane.  Based on how the stones fell, it does not appear they were pushed off the wall by a snowplow.   
·       Vista Road - Currently there are two more items missing prior to acceptance that is scheduled for July 13, 2004.  Gordon noted that it was not appropriate for the applicant to be present when the Road Committee meets with Dufresne & Henry for compliance with the town specifications.  


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton