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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/12/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 12, 2004
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman Christine Quirk               Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator
A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: A Public Hearing was held regarding the mailbox ordinance. The mailbox ordinance was reviewed and a vote was taken to implement as written. There was no public comment and the hearing was closed at 7:03.


1. 7:04PM       Gerry Cornett   Transfer Station Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
       Construction Debris Fees - The Transfer Station has issued bills to contractors to close out year end. Tris Construction was upset to receive a bill of $535.00. Gerry asked the Selectmen their input in the handling of the Transfer Station contractor accounts. All of the Selectmen agreed that the Transfer Station must be a pay as you go facility, no dumping "on account" and getting billed later. Another alternative to these accounts is to make a note of the no payment and not allowed another dump unless the previous one was paid, but this provides too much clerical work and difficulty to prove a mistake. Burton questioned Gerry as to how other transfer stations handle accounts and per Gerry, no other transfer stations have accounts with contractors.
       Bailer - The Transfer Station has received the used bailer and is currently waiting to be retrofitted and properly ergonomically set up. Soucy Electric will be wiring the bailer and will be all set to utilize within two weeks.
       Recycling Volume - The recycling volume is increasing. Signs will be posted for recycling by numbering the various recycling stations so that the traffic will speed up. Most residents appear to be entering with a lot of garbage and are not utilizing the barrels on the other side of the building. The public will be educated with a location chart showing locations of recycling products to hopefully speed up the traffic flow. Residents also need to be informed they can dispose of glass down below.

•       Paper Business - Gerry is currently researching a company out of Massachusetts to do paper business with. This company also wants magazines. The company Gerry had been researching prior, Haycore, was not feasible due to the volume and need of sorting. Currently the market on plastic is increasing in Canada and a company would like to bid on the plastics.
•       Skid Steer - During the last snow storm, the skid steer with a plow was utilized. The plow is specifically designed for use on a skid steer and was provided by Bob LaPointe. This will relieve the Highway Department for the need to plow. Gerry would like to utilize the skid steer to pick up trash in the ball field to handle more town garbage vs. Waste Management. This would be a cost savings of $700.00 for trash removal in the ball field.
•       Metal Pile - All items in the metal pile have been removed. A company in Massachusetts (RAD) will put a 16 to 25 ton trailer, for free, to haul the metal pile weekly. Gerry contacted Harvey Metals for a 50 foot roll off.
•       Scales - Gerry has been advised that smaller scales can be purchased, with the option to add on to the scale for enlargement at a later time. It was agreed to pursue the smaller scale option with the Solid Waste Committee to see what they think.

1. 7:30PM       David Walker    Bedford Designs

•       David Walker, Civil Engineer of Bedford Design, was present to discuss Waldorf Estates. He explained to the Selectmen that currently Waldorf Estate is in the process of Phase III and will be removing the current cul-de-sac on Foxberry Drive and upping the grade of the road, which will be until the summer. There are "no trespassing" signs at the entrance and throughout, as the developer, Joe Foistner, wants to keep the public out due to his concerns of theft and safety in the "construction zone". Waldorf Estates will also have security guards in this area. The Selectmen explained to Mr. Walker that although they understand Mr. Foistner's concerns of public safety and theft of construction items, Foxberry is a public road which cannot be blocked, closed down or have "no trespassing" signs posted. This road has been a town maintained road for approximately 15 years, which cannot be blocked to keep public out of the area. The Selectmen agreed that the road could be temporarily shut down for a day or two while the road is being repaired and that a letter should be sent to the Selectmen with time frames for the closure of the road. An example of Bedford Road, which was closed in 1 to 2 day increments was given to Mr. Walker. The Selectmen also questioned if Mr. McDowell's driveway will be affected by the closing of the road. Mr. Walker stated that they have been in contact with Mr. McDowell and the Postal Office and there are no issues. The Selectmen further noted that concerns relating to roadway safety and temporary changes should be addressed with the road agent, John Riendeau. Mr. Walker agreed that they would speak with John.

1. Minutes of January 5, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.

Corrections were noted. Dave moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Kristi Citak - A follow-up meeting for a beauty salon was rescheduled for February 24, 2004.
Vista Road LLC - There was a preliminary conceptual design review for 14 lots on Hutchinson Road. Vista Road, LLC is willing to conduct a traffic study for the outlet to the lots.
Harvey Dupuis Family Trust - Were present for lot development. A hearing will be scheduled for February so that Harvey Dupuis Family Trust can provide a review of the whole area vs. one lot at a time.
Ivan Byam - Mr. Byam would like to change 3 1/2 acres of his property zoned residential to commercial. The Planning Board approved the petition to change the zoning. It will not become effective unless approved on the March ballot.
Zoning Ordinance - Discussed changes to the building code and zoning ordinance.

1.      Treasurer Change - Gary Luneau will be resigning from the Treasurer position. The new treasurer will be Karen Johnson effective the first of the year. No audit will be necessary due to the transition being the new year.  
2.      Default Budget - A copy of the RSA was given to the Selectmen for review. The budget was approved with one change.  
3.      Placement of 2004 Warrant Articles - Selectmen decided the order of the article for the March warrant.
4.      Date for 2003 Audit - The audit is scheduled for the week of March 15, 2004.
5.      Public Budget Hearing Presentations - Were given to the Selectmen to review and use at the hearing.


1.  Road Committee Meeting - scheduled for this week.
2.   Plowing of the Emergency Access Road - to be addressed.
3.      Search for the Recreation Director - The second round of interviews is scheduled for this week.  
4.      Conservation Committee - The Selectmen are in receipt of an application from Melissa Philippy for the Conservation Committee. An interview will be scheduled.
5.      Elderly Exemptions - Burton has revised the Elderly Exemptions, which are

currently based on rates from the 1970's. These Elderly Exemption revisions will be placed on the warrant.
At 9:10 PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a) for the purpose of discussing Library Trustees performance evaluations. Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.  
At 9:25 PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non public session according to RSA 93A:  Section II (a). Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.
6.      Library - the Selectmen reviewed the evaluations provided by the Library Trustees and agreed with Burton that the ratings were one evaluation level higher than they should be. Burton is to draft a letter explaining why the Selectmen feel this is the case.

I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Prepared by Karen Heselton