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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 07/26/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
July 26, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Gordon Carlstrom was not present for the meeting.  

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made.  


1.  7:00 PM                     Dan MacDonald           Fire Department        
Dan MacDonald and the Fire Wards were present to speak with the Selectmen:  

1.      JAWS – The Fire Department has received the grant for the JAWS rescue equipment in the amount of $10,100.00.   The Town received the electronic transfer deposit today.    
2.      Hand Tub Association – A question has been raised as to the stewardship of the hand tub, the antique hand pump.  At one time there was the Hand Tub Association formed in the 60’s and was in existence until the 80’s.  The ownership of the tub belongs to the Town of New Boston.   The Fire Wards wanted confirmation that it does indeed belong to the Town of New Boston as they would like to once again utilize the tubs in parades and events.  It was agreed that the hand tub does belong to the Town of New Boston but is not insured under the town policy.  Currently Bea Pierce pays $300.00 from an existing Hand Tub Association fund.  Bea has been paying the insurance policy approximately 6 to 8 years.  The Fire Wards all agreed the existing money should not go into the general funds but be given to the Trustee of Trust Funds for the maintenance on this antique equipment.  As the insurance policy on the hand tub is due to expire, Dan will bring all of the information to Burton to have entered on the town insurance policy.  
3.      Staffing – Currently the Fire Department is at full roster with 50 people.  Dan MacDonald is currently getting proposals for emergency medical training for certification that is required for the Fire Department.  Dan has located a training program, which will come to the Fire Department and train on Wednesday evenings once per month for two years.  The cost is $2500.00 for the program.   
4.      Homeland Security Grant – The Fire Department has applied for the Homeland Security Grant this year with the assistance of a professional grant writer.  The hopes are to obtain the grant to apply to new fire/pumper truck. Currently the Homeland Security Grant is reviewed by a 20-panel review team.  They have received 17000 applications to date.  No information regarding the acceptance or denial of the grant request has been received.    
5.      Firehouse – Dan and the Fire Wards all expressed their concerns about the storage of fire equipment, supplies and trucks.  Currently the firehouse is too small and any new fire trucks need to be ordered around the size of the firehouse.  Currently fire and rescue equipment is scattered in different locations, as not all equipment will fit into the existing firehouse.  In case of an emergency, it could take 2 to 3 hours to gather the necessary equipment for an emergency situation.  It was suggested with the town growth and the necessary equipment needed, that a new firehouse/location be considered.  Dan asked if the land next to the proposed library be considered.  The Selectmen agreed that with the growth, a new fire station at a new site should be investigated.    

                2.  7:20 PM              John Riendeau                  Highway Department   
John Riendeau was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  

1.      Speed Signs – A prior list provided by Chief Begin and Lee Murray had been put together for speed limit signs.  Some have been placed.  Currently the priority of the placing of speed signs will concentrate on the high traveled roads.  The Federal standards require the larger 24X30 signs, which are $25.00 a piece.  The Selectmen will review and approve the list so that John can order and begin placing.
2.      Paving – Bedford Road and Joe English Road have been prepared to be paved.  An old buried culvert was found on Joe English Road and cleaned.
3.      Doherty Bridge – The mussels have been removed and preparation will begin for the reconstruction in mid August.  Currently a contractor is set up at the 4H grounds to begin making crushed gravel and some stone used for under drain projects.   
4.      Sherburne Lot – Under DES regulations if you excavate more than one acre at a time, a permit must be obtained so keeping to less then one acre, John will have the already used area sloped and reclaimed.  A small area will now be opened up.   Christine noted that after the recent work had been done on the Sherburne Lot, the Friendly Beaver Campground utilized their own equipment and graded the road.  She asked in exchange next time the Highway Department has the grader on this road, if they could grade up to the campground.


        1.  Minutes of July 19, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.      Planning:  There were no new updates as no Planning Board meeting  
occurred since the last Selectmen’s meeting.    
2.      Boston Post Cane  – Burton has located Boston Post Cane replicas in
Peterborough, NH.  They originally purchased them through a company, which required a minimum order of 50.  Peterborough has extras and will sell to the Town of New Boston for $100.00 a piece.  Burton is to call Pam of Peterborough Town Hall to set up an appointment for Christine and David to meet and view the replica.  

1.      Town Web Site Layout – The information for the Virtual Realty Website has been received.  Currently Burton and the Selectmen are to work on the homepage.  David suggested pictures of Molly Stark Cannon or Joe English Mountain.  The computer program Adobe will have to be purchased for the Virtual Realty website for $500.00.  This will allow users with WordPerfect or Mac computers to access the site.  It also allows documents to be downloaded while often are protected and can be “viewed” only.  
2.      Retirement Plan Options – The NH Retirement Plan options were again reviewed.  It was decided to not take this program, as the potential drawbacks are the employee must be employed for 10 years prior to being vested and they also have limited access to their plan funds.  The plan also keeps the town’s contribution should the employee leave rather than give to the employee.   Nationwide is currently being used as it is designed specifically for municipalities.  
3.      Personnel Issues – Non-Public:  At 9:55 PM, David made the motion to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel issues.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.    

This was informational in nature and required no decisions on the part of the Selectmen.  

At 10:10 PM, David made the motion to exit the non-public session.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  


1.      Dog Licenses – the procedures for dog licenses performed by the Town Clerk and Police Department were reviewed.  
2.      Transfer Station  - A complaint was received from Alice Gilcrest regarding an $82.00 charge for bringing in wood from an old porch that she felt was an excessive charge.   In researching with Jerry Cornett of the Transfer Station, the porch indeed was a heavy load and was appropriately charged.  
3.      Pine Trees - David noted dying pine trees at the location of Route 13 and Howe Bridge that should be removed as soon as possible.  


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:11PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton