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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/19/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                            Chairman

                                   David Woodbury                             Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk                                Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                              Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the board of Selectman was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:03PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT:  Brandy Mitroff of Thornton Road suggested that the minutes reflect that New Boston Central School has been recognized as the recipient of the 2003 New Hampshire ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE award..


           7:00PM                       Patti Oakes               Recreation Department

Patti Oakes, Mary Barone and Lee Brown were present to bring the Selectmen up to date.

    * Baseball - the program is off to a good start with five T-ball teams and lots of help from parents.  The uniforms were signed out last year with a ninety-nine percent return rate.  Procedures and guidelines need to be set in order to eliminate disorganization next year.
   * Dances – There will be no dance in June due to problems encountered at the last dance in April.  Chaperones were not well informed and the dress code was violated, along with children entering and exiting the building.  Instead, there will be a graduation party for the sixth graders in June, the date to be announced.  Future dances may be restricted to just the fifth and sixth graders.
   * Revolving Fund/Expendable Trust – There was some discussion relating to the acceptable uses of the revolving fund versus an expendable trust.  Burton’s research revealed that an expendable trust may be used for maintenance and operational purposes in cases where there is no revolving fund.  It is not appropriate for capital purposes.  The Recreation department is trying to raise funds for a much needed facility in the future.  A Finance committee member warned that the operational budget will be scrutinized if there is a great amount of money left in the revolving fund.  She added that general maintenance ought to be covered by the fees generated to run the programs.  The Selectmen advised that the user fees should not be substantially more than what it costs to run any given program.  There will be further discussion regarding the use of the revolving fund and planning for capital items.
   * Playground Association – The safety of the Grandstand located at the ball field behind Town Hall is an ongoing problem and potential liability issue for the town.  The Selectmen feel that it is worth approaching the Daniels again in order to preserve the playground and ball field.  Some other arrangements need to be made if the Association cannot maintain the facilities.
   * Invoice from Lee Brown – Burton and the Selectmen warned that the submitted invoices for reimbursement from the town might be looked upon as abuse of a commissioner’s position if there are not strict controls.  They suggested that the process of making purchases or performing work for the Recreation Department be coordinated with Patti and the other commissioners in the future.  An hourly rate should be set and bills for materials should be attached to invoices.

D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The approval of the minutes for the May 5th Selectmen’s meeting was postponed until the next meeting.


1.  Planning – The following items were addressed at the May 13th meeting:

·        AT&T Wireless Service/Cochran Hill Road – The tower will be 3-4 feet in width at the base.  Letters were sent to the twelve abutters; five responded.  One to four foot trees were proposed for planting.  The board suggested ten foot trees at the base.  A decision will be made by AT&T.  Adjourned until June 10, 2003.

·        New Boston Community Church Public Hearing/Major Site Plan Church Expansion – Cancelled by applicant and adjourned until June 24, 2003 at 7:00pm.

·        Geoff & Cyndi Katz – The State Fire Marshall’s office has approved their plans for the building’s interior.  Exterior plans need to be reviewed by the NB Fire Dept.  Adjourned until May 27, 2003 at 8:45pm.

·        Timothy White & Cheryl Christner/4 Lot Line Adjustments, Lull & Beard Roads – Bob Todd has checked with the Shoreline Protection Act and there were no issues.  The application was accepted as complete and the board approved the minor subdivision.

·        Loretta Caterino – The preliminary application for a major subdivision of three lots on Joe English and Bailey Pond Road was approved by the board.

·        Susan Martin/Compliance Hearing – The planning board will hold a site walk on June 1, 2003 to examine the entrance and exit signs that were installed and are now falling down.  The hearing was adjourned until June 10, 2003.


2.  Community Profile Meeting – to be held on May 20th at the New Boston Central School library.

3.  Cable Upgrade Status – Jack Mitroff, head of the cable committee, is working closely with Bob Nelson from Adelphia regarding the build out plans.  Burton informed the Selectmen that he is being updated daily on hook-up locations.


1.  Town E-Mail Addresses – Burton showed the Selectmen a list of fifteen town employees who have been considered for having email addresses on the town website.  The Selectmen are concerned about SPAM mail and viruses entering the town’s computer system.  David Chamberlain of MV Communications is coordinating the establishment of the town email system.

2.  Approval of Warrant For 1st Issue Taxes - The Selectmen signed the warrant so that the taxes may be mailed.  Also, notices of deeds were sent out on Monday, May 5, 2003.


3. Emergency Preparedness Response – Burton explained the state’s plan for smallpox inoculation for the public.  IN the case of an emergency outbreak, New Boston residents will be transported by school bus to one of three designated clinic sites in Manchester.  The inoculation is not required, but would be available to the public in the case of an outbreak.  Goffstown Trucking has confirmed that ten buses would be made available to the town if necessary.

4.  Jeff Martin – Timber Tax – The town has received a check and is waiting for a letter from the landowner, Christine Quirk.

5.  Update on Office Equipment Purchases – Burton informed the Selectmen that the following items had been purchased for use in Town Hall:

           1.  Postage machine -                       $1,964.00

           2.  Fax machine -                               $   209.88

           3.  Printer for Irene & Paula            $   400.00

           4.  (3) Fireproof file cabinets           $   450.00 each

           5.  (2) Air conditioning units          $  220.00 and & $ 250.00

6.  Status of Vehicle Mail-In Registration Program – The State has notified the town that it is ready to proceed with the program and it should be available sometime in July 2003.

7.  Plaque; Col. Sovaiko – A plaque will be presented to Col. Sovaiko by the Police Department late in June; the wording still needs to be determined.  Dave suggested having a proclamation made up in calligraphy from the Selectmen.


1.  Clark Hill Deed – Burton has spoken with the Smiths of Clark Hill Road regarding the signing of the warranty deed, and they will be coming to a Selectmen’s meeting to do so.

2.  Howe Bridge – The wetlands permit has been signed and the mussels were moved on Friday, May 2nd.  The decking on the bridge will be taken down next.  Someone from the US Geological Survey Department will determine the proper procedure for moving a geological survey marker on the site.

3.  No Parking Ordinance – Burton received a response from Attorney Leslie Nixon.  This will be reviewed by the Selectmen at the next meeting.

4.  Absence – Burton informed the Selectmen that he will be out of the office for the next two days, (Tuesday and Wednesday).

5.  Junkyards – Gordon received a lengthy complaint from a resident regarding junkyards in town.  Burton has spoken with this person and explained the town’s procedure for handling junkyards.


A motion was made by Dave Woodbury at 8:45PM to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 Section II (a), in order to discuss a personnel matter with Officer Tim Lamy.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

Dave Woodbury made a motion to exit the non-public session at 9:40PM, according to RSA 91A: 3 Section II (a).  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

I. ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Dave Woodbury to adjourn the meeting at 9:41PM.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano