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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/10/03
PRESENT:                            Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

                                               David Woodbury                 Chairman

                                               Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                               Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:06PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Brandy Mitroff, editor of the New Boston Bulletin, apologized to the Selectmen for the extra ballots not being folded.


           1.  7:00PM                  Chief Begin              Police Department

    * Chief Begin introduced Mr. Frank Kochanek for an interview with the Selectmen.  Frank has applied for a full time position with New Boston.  He is thirty one years old and is currently residing in Milford.  He grew up in Pelham, New Hampshire, has been in the military, and has been employed by the town of Allenstown for the past two years.  The Chief reported that he has undergone and passed the psychological, physical and criminal tests and comes with high recommendations from the police chief of Allenstown.  Frank expressed his desire to work with the community and the schools and is interested in the DARE program as well.  He is available to begin work on Monday, March 17th.  Christine motioned to accept Frank Kochanek as a full time officer for New Boston.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Frank will begin his new duties following the swearing in ceremony to be held on Monday, March 17th at 10:00AM.
   * Review of the No-Parking Ordinance was deferred until March 24th at 7:15PM.
   * Pagers –John Riendeau has been given the alpha pager, which is capable of sending text messages.  The Selectmen agreed to purchase a pager at a cost of eighty dollars for Lee Murray as he will continue to work for the town as needed.  Lee will pay the monthly fee of eight dollars.  The pager will come back to the town when Lee does not need it any longer.

2.  7:20PM                  John Riendeau         Highway Department

   * John Riendeau introduced Mr. Charlie Byam as applicant for full time employment with the highway department.  Charlie lives in Weare and has worked for the town of New Boston in the past.  He has been snow-plowing for New Boston for the past three to four years.  Charlie knows the town and has also shown an interest in learning how to run the grader.  John would like to send Charlie to a grader training course offered by New Hampshire’s Municipal Association.  There was also some discussion regarding the NHMA’s flagging course, and possibly having it held in New Boston for members of the Fire Department as well.  Gordon motioned to change Charlie Byam’s employment status from part time to full time.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

   * John and Lee made a visit to the Federal Surplus Store in Concord on Friday.  John brought back the form to be filled out by the town and suggested that other department heads be listed on the form as well for the future.  The Selectmen will need to sign the form.
   * The re-paving of portions of Bedford Road was discussed.

3.  7:45PM                  John Neville             Gravel Pit

John Neville was present to discuss the status of his gravel pit on Riverdale Road with the Selectmen.  Under the current R-A zoning laws, stock-piling of materials is not permitted.  In order to bring his permit into compliance it would be necessary for excavation to take place on the site.  A gravel pit that becomes inactive for more than two years also faces reclamation issues.  Mr. Neville explained that he has been using the gravel pit as a holding area for materials that are left over from jobs, and then uses it as needed.  If necessary, Mr. Neville will haul the materials to his other location on Route 114.  His intentions for the property are to hold onto it for his children to build on at a later date, but if the Selectmen determine at this time that the current stockpiles must be hauled out, he would probably sell the property as house lots.  He stated that he has contacted his abutters and they would rather that the pit remains the way it is.  The Selectmen will review the gravel ordinance and Burton will contact Mary Pinkham Langer at the state level to determine what needs to be done.


           1.  Minutes of March 3, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and minor changes were made.  Christine moved to accept the minutes with the changes.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning:

·        Cell Tower – The balloon test was held at two locations in town on March 7th and 8th.  The balloon was flown at 150 feet on Cochran Hill Road and at 130 feet on Wilson Hill Road.  The location on Wilson Hill Road may not be economically feasible due to the site work necessary to place the tower.  The Cochran Hill Road location had optimal coverage, was an easy walk-in, and was difficult to spot.  However, if placed, the station can be seen from the road, but shrubs would hide the fence.  Verizon is still interested in the bell tower at Town Hall as a possible location.

·        Site Walk/Tris Construction – five lot subdivision.  One lot has wetlands issues, but permits should be obtainable.

·        Resignation – Brent Armstrong has resigned from the planning board, therefore creating a vacancy.  Nic Strong will be at the polls on Tuesday handing out brochures and speaking to the public.

·        Cable Contract – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s letter to Adelphia.  An agreement will have to be made with AT&T in Goffstown to set up an interface with New Boston.


           1.  Coverage at the Polls – Burton discussed coverage at the polls with the Selectmen.  Christine plans on being present during the day and Dave will be helping in the evening with counting and certification of the count.

           2.  Planning Board Rotation Changeover – The Selectmen would normally change rotation on the 15th of March.  Gordon’s status on the board is undetermined due to voting, therefore, Christine agreed to do the next rotation.

           3.  Area Emergency Response Planning – Burton explained that the meeting was regarding medical issues.  The discussion included training on bio-warfare with an emphasis placed on hospitals.  Towns will report to designated sites, but these sites will not become public knowledge until necessary.


           1.  Warranty Deed – Burton has the warranty deed for the Smith’s property on Clark Hill Road from Attorney Leslie Nixon.  Reference to the septic system was erroneously omitted.  Burton is going to let the Smiths review the deed for any other changes before sending it back to Leslie for final language.

           2.  NHMA Booklet – Burton reviewed the Town & City pulication with the Selectmen, pointing out some interesting articles.

           3.  Library Employees – Burton received a copy from the Library Trustees outlining how they would like to handle the library employee raises.  The Trustees will be coming in next week to meet with the Selectmen.

           4.  Tax Deeding – Burton distributed a list of properties to the Selectmen that are due for tax deeding.

H.  PUBLIC:  None.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano