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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/23/02
David Woodbury                  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                        Selectman
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:05PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Brandy Mitroff questioned whether there would be any reimbursement to the Town for Patrick Mill’s police academy expense.  The Selectmen informed her that there would not be, due to the fact that he was terminated and did not resign.


1. Nicola Strong                Gravel Ordinance & Byam Response
Nic Strong was present at the request of the Town Administrator to discuss these issues with the Selectmen.
Gravel Pit Ordinance - This is one of the town ordinances the Selectmen have chosen to  review in 2002. The current one was voted into effect in 1973. Since then a 1979 state statute has been enacted on this subject. The question is: should we continue to have our own gravel ordinance? Nic feels the town would benefit from continuing to have an ordinance that would serve to guide applicants in what they need to do and how they go about complying with the law here in New Boston. RSA 155-E even suggests towns develop their own ordinances partly because it does not speak specifically to the site plan review process. There is still land available on which there are gravel or sand reserves, and there is also the issue of new developments where a large amount of sand or gravel may be proposed to be removed in order to accommodate the development. There have been two of those in the past two years with confusion in both cases regarding the gravel removal aspect. The Selectmen feel the 1973 ordinance should be repealed and another put in its place. Nic suggested the Planning Board or a subcommittee might work on this project in 2003 and placed on the ballot for March 2004. The Selectmen thought we might be able to obtain copies of ordinances in other towns to use as a guide. A lot of time was spent trying to decide who the law intends should oversee gravel matters. Selectman Woodbury felt the best place was the Planning Board. Since 1999 the Planning Board have handled the initial site plan after ZBA approves the operation. The Selectmen have always handled the day to day permitting and regulating. It was finally decided to send the matter to town counsel Bill Drescher for an opinion as to whether splitting functions is allowed under RSA 155-E.
It was noted that no gravel hauling is taking place at the moment on Rick Martin's subdivision pending the next Planning Board meeting.
Byam Response - Burton and Nic are preparing a response to attorney Ryan's letter on behalf of Mrs. Byam relative to issues connected to the Thibeault development and the building of Byam Road. Nic provided copies of some documents to serve as samples of the type of information that is in the Planning Department files. They confirm that most if not all the issues being raised now were raised and considered during the planning process for the development. The Selectmen felt the letter should explain that we feel the process has been responsive and invite attorney Ryan in to review the file for himself. It should also explain why we have the bond and what it is for. After some discussion, it was decided not to send any documents. The letter also needs to state that the legal processes related to the development's approval are final.
Planning Department Secretary - Nic asked if she could discuss her memo on this subject with the Board. Selectman Woodbury said the dollar issue had been resolved until March but on the agenda was the topic of the Planning Secretary's growth game plan. Nic said how the process worked was an additional concern of hers, and she felt their decision was not what either she or Tracey felt was going to happen at the end of Tracey's probation. Her understanding was that, with a positive review, Tracey would go from $11 to the $12 stated in the ad for the position upon successful completion of probation. The Selectmen were going to just $11.50. Nic felt Tracey's skills were the same as the previous secretary, Mel, and Mel had received $12 when she was hired. Selectman Woodbury stated that the Board had considered the arguments in Nic's letter, felt they had made a fair decision, but appreciated Nic might not like it. He felt after their discussion with Tracey that she understood and realized that as she took on new duties both within and outside the job description her salary would grow. Nic said she felt Tracey wanted to take away something positive from the meeting and latched on to that. Nic wanted to better understand the decision; it did not make sense to her. With everything being the same between the past secretary and Tracey, why were we not treating them the same? Tracey understood she had to prove herself but felt once she had, she would go to $12. Selectman Woodbury explained the raise given was based on the salary plan and was high given the plan guidelines. Selectman Carlstrom felt the job description needed to be changed; Nic did not agree stating everything being done was incorporated in the current job description. And she felt $12 was a fair salary for what Tracey was doing. Selectman Woodbury noted that Nic had mentioned an expectation the rate would go from $11 to $12. He asked who the source was of the promise to do that. She said Burton. Burton responded he had not done so. The Selectmen had no recollection of Tracey saying she had been promised such a raise. Burton added that as Tracey grows, hopefully she can help Nic more in tasks outside the current job description. As that happens, the job can be expanded and the range expanded. Nic said Tracey still had things to learn within the current job. Nic asked Burton why he offered Tracey less than Mel. She felt they were quite similar in skills with Tracey being much better with the computer. Burton felt Mel had more experience and more skills. He observed that by the time she left, both he and Nic were readying her to take on more tasks and to increase her pay. She was offered another job with more responsibility for more pay. The Selectmen noted that the Planning Secretary position as well as several others had already been slated to have their ranges changed as part of the overall salary review in 2003.
Freedom Crossing Easement – Burton has reviewed the proposed easement submitted by Don Grosso for the new library in which the roadway would be classified as a public drive, or driveway.  The Selectmen urged him to send the document to Attorney Bill Drescher for his review as soon as possible.  The Town will pay for the review in this case, and the Town will draft easements to the other property owners.

2.  9:00PM              Fire Wards                      Warrant Articles        
In attendance for the meeting were Chief Dan MacDonald, Dick Moody, Dave Rugg, Wayne Blassberg, Clifton Wilson, and George St. John.  The fire wards presented two warrant articles for the 2003 budget year:
New gear and air tanks -  due to the increase in volunteer firefighters, there is also a demand for more equipment.  Typically the fire department budgets for three new sets of gear per year.  There are ten new members this year and they are requesting two additional sets of equipment, totally fifteen sets.  Also, nine air tanks need to be replaced.  The total cost is $17,320.  Training of new members requires compliant gear; damaged gear is not acceptable. Last year six members of the Fire Department became inactive members and turned in their gear and pagers.  The Selectmen suggested that these items, which are necessary for the department to function, be placed within the budget for next year.  
Thermo-Imager – The Fire Department has submitted a grant to Walmart for the total cost of the thermo-imager plus training, totaling $18,500.  The total amount of the grant may not be awarded.  The biggest use for this piece of equipment in other towns is to check a dwelling for hot spots after the fire is out, with less damage to the home.  It would save on brush fires and chimney fires and is very instrumental in locating trapped persons in a burning building.  Dick Moody would like to give a presentation on how it works.  If this grant is awarded, there will potentially be no warrant article for this item.
Automatic Defibrillators – The Selectmen questioned the status of this equipment.  It was presented last year but the Police Department was not comfortable with having them in the cruisers.  On an average, the police arrive at the scene 3-7 minutes earlier than the fire department.  Presently, Rose Meadow Farm of Briar Hill Road is offering to help the Fire Department with the purchase of one of the defibrillators, leaving only one to purchase.  Dan stated that he would like the support of the police department before presenting this as a warrant article.  Dave Woodbury suggested that they contact the hospitals and their Community Outreach Programs as a source of money also.
Naming of Road – Fraser Forest Drive has been submitted as the name of the roadway for the Eric Ferris sub-division off Bedford Road.  The Selectmen and Fire Wards agreed that for clarification and safety issues, it should be shortened to Fraser Drive.  Gordon made a motion to name the roadway of Eric Ferris’sub-division Fraser Drive.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


Minutes of September 16, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the necessary changes.  Christine made a motion to accept the minutes of September 16, 2002 with the changes noted.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Non-Public Minutes of September 16, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the non-public portion of the meeting and made amendments.  It was agreed to attach the minutes as an addendum to the September 16th minutes.  Gordon made a motion to accept the revised non-public minutes.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Webpage -  The Selectmen agreed to post only six months of Selectmen’s Minutes on the webpage in order to save space.  Anyone wishing to see minutes prior to this may contact the Selectmen’s Office for a copy.


Planning – There was no meeting last week.
Employee Evaluation Form – The Selectmen reviewed the revised form.  There will be an Evaluation Training Day held on October 2, 2002.  The Selectmen gave Burton permission to pay for lunch for those in attendance.
3.  New Lyndeborough Perambulation Date -   The Lyndeborough and New Boston Selectmen will meet at the entrance to the Granite State Gravel Pit on Saturday, October 19th at 8:30am for the purpose of finding and marking the town boundaries.
Review of Selectmen CIP Items – there was a brief discussion involving the following Selectmen’s CIP items:
· A Capital Reserve Fund to start in January 2004 to comply with revaluation requirements of the state.
· The continuance of a Capital Reserve Fund for replacement of the Town Hall roof and chimney.
· A Capital Reserve Fund for the renovation of the first floor in Town Hall in the year 2006.
· The exact amount of replacement cost for Howe Bridge should be known in December 2002.
· Consider the replacement of the second bridge on Lyndeboro Road.


Agreement with NBAFS – Chief MacDonald reported that a preliminary document has been submitted for review from town counsel.  Negotiations will ensue after the document is approved.  Bud Nelson, Chief of Forestry, feels confident that the State will reimburse the towns for their assistance with the fire at the Tracking Station.  There were eight towns involved, and all are in agreement as far as payment goes.
Planning Secretary Job Growth Game Plan – The Selectmen discussed and agreed that Nic needs to do more planning work and Tracey needs to do more routine tasks.  Gordon feels that the job description needs to be updated and they need to take another look at the salary range.  Dave Woodbury questioned whether more staffing is necessary within the department.  The Municipal Association has audited the Planning department and found that New Boston is paying a little more than other towns, but having a lot less problems.  Burton stated that adding more responsibility does not necessarily add more value to the job and that working more efficiently will enable Tracey to take on additional work.
How To Best Handle Technology Issues – Kim and Tracey were wondering if the town would be willing to pay a different rate of pay for them to work on programs that will make their jobs more efficient in the future.  Burton pointed out that the employees’ software training is paid for by the town.  This will be discussed further at a later date.


Absence – Christine will not be able to attend next week’s Selectmen’s meeting.
Next Meeting – Burton inquired as to whether the Selectmen wanted to meet on September 30th.  It was decided to wait until Thursday to decide.
Town Clerk Hours – Irene Baudreau is out sick and Paula Bellemore is covering her hours.  A change in hours has been posted.  Automobile registrations can still be done, but the state portion will have to be done at another facility such as Milford or Goffstown.
Vacation – Nic Strong will be taking vacation time October 1st-October 4th.
Public Service of NH – Public Service of NH is offering a price-break to municipalities on lighting fixtures.  Two representatives were in to evaluate the current lighting system and did a cost estimate for the Town Hall.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:02PM.                                                 
Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano