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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/16/02
David Woodbury                  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                        Selectman
Christine Quirk                         Selectman
Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Woodbury at 7:05PM, beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.


1.  7:00 PM             Tracy Gorneault         Non-Public
. Tracy Gorneault, the planning secretary, was present to discuss her discontent with the rate at which she was hired and the advertisement for the position.  The advertisement stated a twelve-dollar range with education and training preferred but not required.  She interpreted that to mean twelve dollars per hour or more.  When asked, Burton told Tracey she was hired at eleven dollars per hour due to her lack of planning board experience, but with the understanding that she would receive a pay raise at six months and again at one year.

Tracey feels that the advertisement was misleading and that she should have been hired at twelve dollars per hour.  She is willing to prove herself and wait for a raise, but feels she should be paid twelve dollars per hour.  Tracey spoke to Burton regarding this matter, but felt that he was trying to intimidate her.  She also feels that Burton is unaware of her job responsibilities and therefore did not feel like a valued employee by him.

She also claims that she is performing tasks outside of her job description and ought to receive compensation for them.  The Selectmen explained to Tracey that the evaluations are based upon job description, and that if there are additional responsibilities, they need to be documented.  Her supervisor can make recommendations concerning base pay, but ultimately the decision regarding pay lies with the Selectmen.  Dave Woodbury advised Tracey to continue working as she has in the past, and she can probably expect the same good raise in March and in the future.  It was also suggested that she consider herself an apprentice with the planning department, with Nic Strong as a very good teacher.   Dave also encouraged Tracey to tell Burton how she feels, and that she doesn’t think he is a tactful manager.  She plans on letting Burton read her letter to the Selectmen.

Christine questioned Tracey’s long term goals.  Tracey stated that she would like to remain in her position for the next ten years.  Christine felt that the advertisement was the primary cause for the misunderstanding.

Tracey inquired about procedures for the Selectmen’s meetings.  The Selectmen informed her that Burton has a procedures manual for the meetings and she can obtain a copy.

Gordon moved to increase Tracey Gorneault’s pay from $11.00 to $11.50 and recommended that Tracey document additional responsibilities of the job.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:30 PM             Bonnie French           Assessment
This appointment was cancelled.  Bonnie met with Tax Assessor George Hildum on Monday morning and the circumstances surrounding the tax abatement were explained.  Buildings on the property had been torn down in 1999 and due to the fact that a demolition permit was not obtained, the assessment was not adjusted until the owner brought the matter to the assessor’s attention in 2002.  A reminder for tax abatements will go into the New Boston Bulletin in the November/December issue and then again in the February issue.  The deadline for abatements is in March.

3.  8:00 PM             Greg Begin              Police Dept. (non-public)
At 8:15 PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a), in order to discuss a personnel matter.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and voted in favor.

At 8:40 PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a).  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Gordon made a motion to send a letter to Patrick Mills regarding his status of employment with the Town of New Boston.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

See attachment for minutes regarding this portion of the meeting.
The Selectmen took a short break at 8:43 PM and the meeting resumed at 8:55 PM.


Minutes of September 9, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the Selectmen’s meeting and made the necessary changes and corrections.  Gordon made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of August 19, 2002 – There was a request from Nicola Strong of the Planning Department to amend the minutes of August 19, 2002 to include her version of
that portion of the meeting regarding the Right Way Builders subdivision on McCollum Road.  Gordon made a motion to amend the minutes using Nic’s rendition.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning Issues –
· Geoff & Cyndie Katz – This appointment was adjourned until 10/8/02.
· At&T Wireless Service – Discussion involved the height of the proposed cell tower to be erected on the Class VI portion of Wilson Hill Road.  At 130 feet, there can be three other users.  The planning board felt they would rather have a higher tower with three users rather than more towers in town, but at this time the application was denied in order to consult with the ZBA.  
· CVI Development – Clark Hill Road:  The Planning Board received a fax for a continuance; the meeting has been rescheduled until September 24th at 8:30 PM.
· Freedom Crossing – Minor subdivision and annexation: This appointment was adjourned until 10/22/02 at 7:00 PM for the deed to be drafted and reviewed by all parties.
· Right Way Builders, Inc. by Rick Martin – This was discussed at the Selectmen’s meeting of August 19, 2002.
· Ongoing Projects/Long Range Planning – After some discussion, the board decided that a Build-Out Study was vital for the planning of the town’s future and asked Nic to check into the cost.  This type of study would be incorporated into next year’s budget.
· Site Walk – There will be one site walk at the home of Brian & Beth Stevens for a compliance inspection and minor site plan for an in-home antiques business.

Employee Evaluation Form - Tim Lamy understands that the number ratings will not be used on the new form, even though he feels that it is a better method.  The employees are concerned about how the ratings are established.  Tim is willing to work on the form with his ideas, with the understanding that it has to be a generic form for all departments.


GZA Agreement for 2003 – Landfill Closure:  The budget is lower than last year’s due to less expenditures.  There is $6,560.00 budgeted for the landfill management project.


Tax Collector’s Hours – Christine questioned the change in hours for the Tax Collector’s office.  Burton explained that there is not enough demand for the office to be open more than twice a week. The hours are published in the New Boston phonebook with a note, “subject to change”, but Christine stated that she would like the hours to be more steady, as they have been changed in the past on various occasions.
Howe Bridge – Dave Woodbury attended the second meeting of the Historical Resources committee.  The final plans were prepared, showing the Right of Way and the newly created slopes.  An archeological study was required on that portion of the newly created slopes, right near the riverbanks, for the presence of historical artifacts.  A quote is being obtained for the study.
Hooper Hill Trucking – Heidi Palmer called Dave Woodbury to bring to his attention that the gravel trucks are using Hooper Hill Road again, and to reiterate that the 35 mph speed limit is much too high for that particular road.  She also informed him that the entire town of Enfield has a speed limit of 25 mph.
Employee Raises – Dave Woodbury reminded the other Selectmen that it takes a certain number of years with raises to advance from entry level to market rate, and that Burton is not in line with the other employees.  He stated that the salary and wage plan should apply to all employees of the town.
Perambulation – The Selectmen will meet with the Selectmen from the town of Lyndeboro on Saturday, September 21st, at the entrance to Granite State’s Gravel Pit on Hopkins Road.  They will locate and mark the town boundaries.
Road Committee Meeting – to be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2002.
Letter from Bill Rosignol – Burton received a letter from Bill Rosignol with his recommendation to use Laminated Concepts for the Howe Bridge replacement.  He stated that a single span bridge would be stronger.  Burton has given Lee Murray a copy of the letter to obtain his comments.
Letter to Clay Drew – The Selectmen reviewed the letter that Burton drafted to send to Clay Drew regarding Bo Strong’s gravel pit operation.  Burton had previously spoken with Bo regarding his complaints.
Longevity Benefit – No conclusions have been reached regarding this benefit and it is considered work in progress.  The Selectmen will discuss the matter further with the Finance Committee.


Al Romano brought to the attention of the Selectmen the single span bridge that was recently completed on Lyndeboro Road.  He noted that the pavement has become rippled, giving it a washboard effect, and questioned whether that was normal.  Burton will bring this to the attention of Lee Murray, road agent.
Al Romano also stated that he observed a gravel truck traveling at an excessive speed through the school zone one morning, and noted that the police cruiser did not pursue the vehicle.
Brandy Mitroff questioned the Police Department’s policy on speeding in general.  Dave Woodbury suggested not to speculate, but to question the Police Department regarding their policy on speeding.
Al Romano informed the Selectmen of an excessive amount of sand on Hopkins Road at the entrance to the Granite State Gravel Pit.  The sweeper made one pass early in the spring, but did not clean the entire intersection.

ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano