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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/28/02

Gordon Carlstrom        Chairman
David Woodbury  Selectman
Brent Armstrong Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator
A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00 PM.



1.  7:00 PM     Lee Murray              Road Agent
· Lee Murray was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Highway Department.  
Howe Bridge has been repaired after a two-foot section of the deck fell into the river.  It will re-open on Tuesday with a limit of up to 15-Ton loads.  He suggested that the replacement be moved up as early as possible due to the concrete deteriorating.  Burton will keep Holden Engineering moving on the engineering, and will ask them about the feasibility of adding a sidewalk.  A pedestrian walkway needs to be in addition to the width of the new bridge.  Burton is checking with the State to see if they will finance 80% of the walkway too.
· Burton passed out a bid package for the Selectmen to review of the drainage project for Tucker Mill Road.
· Paving – if Clark Hill Road does not get approved for paving, then the next road to be paved will be Bog Brook Road and then Twin Bridge Road.  Lee anticipates paving Clark Hill Road up to Dane Hill in the future and leaving the rest of the road gravel.
· Byam Road – Mrs. Byam feels that the measurement that is stated in the original agreement has not been determined.  Lee Murray stated that this measurement should be done by a surveyor before the Town accepts the road.  The Selectmen questioned if they could enforce an agreement the Town is not a party to, but agreed they could raise the issue at the road acceptance hearing.

2)  7:30 PM     Lee Nyquist             Town Moderator

Lee Nyquist came in for an organizational meeting prior to the deliberative session.  He reviewed the parliamentary procedures with the Selectmen and then went over the brief changes he had made to the explanation of the warrant articles.  Again this year, there will be no campaigning or passing out of literature within 25 feet of the school.  If a Secret Ballot is necessary, it will be open for approximately fifteen minutes while the meeting is being conducted.  Burton will have Tim Cady contact Lee regarding any visual aids that may be used for the new library project.  The Selectmen discussed articles of special interest.

3)  8:00 PM     Employees       Evaluation/Salary Plan

Nic Strong presented a benefit schedule covering both part-time and full-time employees to the Selectmen.  The employees expected some answers regarding specific questions that were presented to them two weeks ago, in order to show good faith on the part of the Selectmen.  After much discussion, it was decided to schedule an organizational meeting between the Selectmen and the employees on Friday, February 15th, 2002.  Tim Lamy suggested that the Selectmen, administrative staff, and department heads take advantage of an upcoming seminar sponsored by the Municipal Trust on how the evaluation process works.  Selectman Armstrong urged that the Personnel Manual be updated as soon as possible and that copies be distributed to the employees.

D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes of January 7th will be reviewed and finalized at the next meeting of the Board of Selectmen on February 4th, 2002.


1) Planning Issues:

· Samuel Hackler expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Planning Board.  It was decided by the Board that he should be an alternate.
· Compliance Hearing – the compliance hearing for the Harvey-Dupuis Trust Subdivision off McCurdy Road was confirmed by the Board.  It was determined that there were a couple of outstanding items by Dufresne-Henry.
· Work Session – sub-division regulations were reviewed along with site plan review regulations.
· Paul McGuire - There was some discussion with Paul McGuire who bought John King’s property on River Road, and wants to run a kitchen and bath business.

2)  Budget Issues and Warrant Articles - Wording for articles 18 and 19 involving the Recreation department was discussed in detail.  Chairman Carlstrom distributed a copy of a three-page document that he wrote explaining the change in how the Recreation Department’s revenues will be handled in the future.  This will be submitted for publication in the New Boston Bulletin.
Burton reviewed with the Selectmen the changes and details of the other warrant articles.  Warrant articles were assigned to the Selectmen for the Deliberative Session.  The Selectmen signed the warrant and operating budget.

3) Mill Street Conservation Area – Dave Woodbury attended the court hearing for the Morrissey’s temporary injunction.  The Court listened to both attorney Nixon and Callen and has all the necessary documentation to come to a decision on the case.  It was the opinion of Selectman Woodbury that the judge may rule in favor of the Town, and a decision may be reached within a couple of weeks.


1) Mark & Rhonda Luedke – The Luedke’s would like to purchase from the Town a piece of property that was owned by the previous owner of their home.  It was obtained by the Town through a Tax Deed, but it was thought that the Town’s policy is not to offer for sale property that has been obtained in this manner.  The land would be sold at fair market value, not for the overdue tax amount, but it is unclear as to what is done with the excess proceeds from the sale.  Burton will check with the NH Municipal Association on this matter.

2) AT&T Cell Antenna – AT&T would like to rent the bell tower in Town Hall for the placement of an antenna for cellular telephones.  The Selectmen suggested inviting AT&T to inspect the building to determine how effective this would be.


1) Gift Certificate – Brent spoke with Sandra Gendron regarding what type of gift to obtain for Willard Dodge and it was decided that a giftt certificate to a bookstore would be appropriate.  Dave Woodbury moved to give Willard a $50.00 certificate to the Toadstool Bookstore in Milford.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2) JFL Enterprises – Attorney Bill Drescher wrote to the Town regarding the status of JFL Enterprises.  JFL Ent. Has filed for bankruptcy and Mr. Foistner’s attorney has withdrawn from the case.  Attorney Drescher is seeking guidance from the Town.  Selectman Woodbury suggested that he acquire a copy of the bankruptcy stay.

3) Questionnaire – Tim Cady has sent a questionnaire to see how various groups mights possibly use the meeting space that is proposed in the new Library plans.  Results should be in soon.


I. ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Dave Woodbury to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 PM.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Prepared by Cindy Romano