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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/04/02
David Woodbury  Selectman
Brent Armstrong Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00 PM.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Christine Quirk asked when the meetings between the employees and the Selectmen were to take place.  Burton informed her that they would be meeting on March 7th and March 14th.  He also informed the Selectmen that Tim Lamy and Kathy Widener were scheduled to be at the first meeting to discuss issues.


1)  7:00 PM     Irene Baudreau  Town Clerk
Irene Baudreau reported to the Selectmen that everything in the Town Clerk’s office is running smoothly.  The deposits are current and the voting ballots are coming in on Wednesday to be collated and stapled.  The minutes of the Deliberative Session have been completed and the Selectmen are reviewing them.  Voting will be held on Tuesday, March 12th at New Boston Central School.  Irene looked to the Selectmen for guidelines concerning the amount of work that she does for the Tax Collector when the office is closed.  The Selectmen suggested that she use her own discretion, based upon how busy she is with Town Clerk duties.  Tax payments will be accepted and simple copies can be made, but further work needs to be done during the hours that the Tax Collector’s office is open.

2)  7:05 PM     Paula Bellemore Tax Collector
A monthly report was given to the Selectmen:
· Paula has sent out the Barrington Letters, which are reminders for delinquent taxes.  Impending liens will be mailed out next.  Paula would like to make a slight change to the pre-formatted letter and has been in touch with Avitar regarding this matter.
· Copy of Deposit Summary – this is a very specific report and much easier to read, making the bookkeeper’s job a lot easier.
· Nancy from Avitar will be coming to New Boston to show Paula how to do tax related procedures for the entire year.

An additional correction was made to the minutes of February 19, 2002.  Brent Armstrong moved that the minutes be accepted with this additional change.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  Both were in favor.
The minutes of February 25th were reviewed and minor corrections were made.  Brent Armstrong moved to accept the minutes with the corrections.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  Both were in favor.
Planning – Gordon Carlstrom was not present to report on Planning Issues.  A full report will be given at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2001 Audit – Steve Plodzik will be coming to New Boston to do the Town Audit during the week of April 22nd.  He will also be doing the Town Financial Report.
Front Doors – The front doors of Town Hall are potentially dangerous due to the lack of visibility for persons entering and exiting the building.  Therefore, Burton is getting quotes to either insert a safety glass panel in the existing door or replace the entire door.

Brent Armstrong submitted his keys to the Town Hall, as his term as Selectman has expired.  He thanked Dave Woodbury and Gordon Carlstrom for allowing him to serve and stated that his objective was to have some positive, productive input to the Board.  He also thanked Burton Reynolds for his willingness to explain the various issues that he was not familiar with.  Dave Woodbury stated that his service has been very valuable and he hoped that Brent would serve the Town in some other capacity.
Public Service is relocating two telephone poles on Route 13 South near Old Coach Road.  The poles are being moved to the other side of the road due to the unwillingness of a property owner to allow them to trim tree branches.
Mill Street Conservation Area – Betsy Dodge received a letter requesting the use of the Mill Street Conservation Area for the purpose of having a wedding ceremony.  The Selectmen suggested that Burton inform them of the situation involving the Morrisseys of Mill Street.  Brandy Mitroff of Thornton Road suggested that they use an alternative site, such as the new conservation bridge.  Burton will write them a letter.


ADJOURNMENT:  Brent Armstrong moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  Both were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano