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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 08/05/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

ABSENT:                 Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order by Chairman David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05PM.



1.  7:00PM              Carriage Road Acceptance Hearing
A public hearing was held in order to accept Carriage Road, formerly known as Sharon Road, as a town road.  The name of the road had been changed about two years ago.  The deeds have been received and everything is in order with Lee Murray, road agent.  Hearing no opposition, Christine Quirk motioned to accept Carriage Road per RSA 674:40-A, as a town owned and maintained road.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:10 PM             Patti Oakes     Recreation Commissioner Appointment
This appointment was cancelled due to the candidate not being able to attend.

3.  7:15 PM             Employees               Benefits
In attendance for this portion of the meeting were Linda Sizemore, Kim Burkhamer, Nicola Strong, Tracy Gorneault, Irene Baudreau, Patti Oakes, Lee Murray, Terri Gordon, Nathan Strong, John Riendeau, Michele Brown, Sarah Chapman, Bea Pierce, Bonnie Koch, and Tim Lamy.  The Selectmen sent a memorandum to the employees informing them of the changes and decisions made to the benefits plan, at their request.  The employees did not understand the reasoning for the decisions made by the Selectmen and were expecting another meeting with the Selectmen to discuss the issues brought before them.  Selectman Woodbury addressed a letter from the employees point by point.  The evaluation form is work in progress via a committee, and all department heads need to be part of the process.  Dave suggested that the Finance committee be included for the next pay benefits meetings, as their opinion is very important to the voters.  Christine explained that the Finance committee would have an objective opinion and also be a good source of fresh ideas before the budget season starts.  Burton will contact the Finance committee and provide previous information to the members.  The Selectmen stressed that it is important for all employees involved to be patient and work together on this.


Minutes of July 8, 2002 – These minutes were previously reviewed and the necessary changes had been made.  Christine motioned to accept the revised minutes.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of July 22, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made changes.  Christine motioned to accept the minutes as corrected.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning -  
· CVI Preconstruction Meeting – on July 30th a meeting was held with the developer, Nic Strong, a contractor and Brent Armstrong and Burton Reynolds.  The construction process was discussed.
· Parker Land – Tim Cady informed Burton that the library is tentatively planning an open house for Saturday, October 6, 2002.  They have approval from DES and are talking about naming the roadway, appraisal of the lot, and the deed for the Right of Way.
· Freedom Crossing – the final hearing for the sub-division will be held at next week’s Planning Board meeting.  The Selectmen are in favor of the sub-division.
John Newton Dodge Road – review of the response letter was post-poned due to Gordon’s absence.
Gravel & No Thru Trucking Ordinances Review  
· Gravel Ordinance - The State statute is a comprehensive review of all gravel pits.  The Town ordinance allows the town to enforce stricter rules.  The existing town ordinance does not do anything more than the state statute already does.  Voters will be asked at the next town meeting to repeal the prior ordinance and use law.
· No Thru Trucking Ordinance – The Selectmen reviewed a proposed ordinance submitted by Chief Greg Begin.  The amount for the first violation is yet to be determined.  Trucks on Bedford Road must have a final destination point within New Boston.  The definition of a truck should be consistent with the state.  Restriction of destination point to a New Boston location should limit thru trucking.  The Selectmen will review this ordinance further.
Audit Quote – The Selectmen approved a three-year contract with Plodzik and Sanderson, auditors, after reviewing a quote from another firm.  Burton is to clarify that for the new rates, completion of the MS-5 Financial Statement is included.
Town Hall Front Door – Burton presented the Selectmen with a quote for new doors.  The cost would be $2300.00 for two hollow steel doors, each with nine panes on top, two panels on the bottom.  This price includes installation and the door will be primed, ready to paint.  Christine made a motion to accept the proposal for new entrance doors to Town Hall.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The doors will be scheduled for installation during the third week of September.  Dave also suggested that the town consider removing the large, overgrown yew that is growing up against the building to the right of the handicap ramp.  It is probably too big for pruning and may be causing water damage to the wood siding.

The Selectmen took a fifteen minute break at 9:05 PM.


Riverdale Road Signage – A petition was submitted for various signs to be placed at the intersection of Riverdale Road, River Road and Depot Road.  However, this intersection is within the town of Weare, and therefore determined by that town.  Burton will write to the town of Weare.  The Selectmen agreed to cooperate if signage needs to be within New Boston.

Compensation Materials - Burton presented material to the Selectmen from the American Compensation Association that he feels would be beneficial as a neutral source of information on pay plans and pay scales.  The cost of the seminar is over one thousand dollars to attend, however the materials may be purchased separately at a cost of three hundred twenty dollars.  Selectmen are reviewing the materials.

Warrant and Budget Master Calendar – Burton distributed a master calendar to the Selectmen which includes the various committee meetings.

Handouts For New Town Appointees/Officials – Burton has assembled a packet of information to be given to new appointees and officials.  The department heads will be asked for their input.  The Selectmen gave their approval.

Painting/Siding of Town Hall – Considerations were discussed with the Selectmen regarding either the painting or re-siding of the Town Hall.  It was suggested that Burton contact a contractor who is experienced in dealing with lead paint.


Silting in the Piscataquog River – There was severe silting in the river during a recent thunderstorm.  Pictures taken indicate that a culvert on Byam Road may be the source.  DES is coming to determine the cause.

Danville Effort – A lobbying effort has been sent to the town of New Boston for support.  Currently, 22 of 244 towns have tentatively signed up.  The Selectmen decided not to support the effort.

Tax Deed – Burton spoke with the owner of 57 Stiles Road during the month of June regarding taxes not paid.  No payment has been received and a letter has been sent since then, with no response from the owner.  Burton will research and notify the mortgage company.

McCurdy Road Driveway – There has been no response from Peggy Thorne.  The process of deeding will continue.

STD Coverage – The Short Term Disability coverage plan was started in July.  Dave signed the contract extending the coverage to January 2003 at the same rate.

4-H Fairgrounds – On August 1, 2002 at 6:30PM Robert and Robin Kelly of 56 Weare Road were walking their dogs at the fairgrounds and were asked to leave by the New Boston Police.  Mrs. Kelly called Burton seeking an explanation.  Burton referred her to either Willard Dodge or Brent Armstrong.

Paving – Paving begins on August 6th on the following roads; Thornton Road, Rustic Lane, Scobie Road and Colburn Road.

Burials – Recent research has revealed that burials on private lawns are legal if zoning and state regulations are followed.  

Burn Pit – Joe Ritz from DES is sending a letter of deficiency to the town regarding the burn pit at the Transfer Station.  Bonnie has roped off the burn pits and precautions are being taken.


Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano