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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/24/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00PM.



7:00PM  Randy Parker    Library Lot
Randy Parker of Mill Street was present, along with Attorney Jed Callen of Shedd Road, to present to the Selectmen a revised Purchase and Sales Agreement for the proposed library lot behind the Post Office.  The change included first refusal to buy to the Parkers and then secondly to Freedom Crossing.  Additional restrictions were placed in the agreement for library, recreation or conservation use only of the land.  The Selectmen agreed to the changes and have sent the document to counsel for review.

Jed Callen was also present to discuss the appeal of Sue Martin of South Hill Road.  Two copies of acceptance of service were presented to the Selectmen; one copy was previously signed by Town Clerk, Irene Beaudrau, the second copy was signed by Dave Woodbury, Chairman.  

At 7:10PM Christine Quirk made a motion to enter into a non-public session, according to RSA91-A:3 II (e), to discuss litigation procedures with Town Counsel, Leslie Nixon.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all were in agreement.

At 7:25PM Christine Quirk made a motion to exit the non-public session.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all were in agreement.

7:30PM  Tom LoPizzo             PRIMEX (STD Coverage)
Tom LoPizzo from Primex was present to present a Short Term Disability program to the Selectmen.  The Selectmen reviewed and discussed the details of the program.  The Town sets the policy regarding accrual of sick days.  As of July 1, 2002, anyone with an excess of twenty-four accrued sick days may use these days to supplement their STD to bring their pay to 100 percent, then the sick days accrued before July 1, 2002  are gone.  Sick days accrued from July 1, 2002 forward can only be used as sick days and toward the 14 day deductible period.
Gordon moved to accept the Short Term Disability plan for full-time employees, (35hrs/wk plus), with the following exceptions:
· change sick bank to 24 days
· include Sarah Chapman as grandfathered
Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Tom suggested meeting with the town employees to explain to them how the plan works, and will arrange a time with Burton.

7:45PM  Fire Wards      (at Firehouse) Workers Compensation
Pete Sheffer of PRIMEX met with the fire wards to review workers’ compensation for the volunteers.  Police, fire, and rescue volunteers are covered under the municipality. They are paid a minimum 100% of the State’s average weekly wage.  The threshold that determines coverage is that the injury must arise out of and in the course of employment, (at work).  Benefits are paid until the volunteer can return to his/her regular job.  If they return to work part time, they receive part time benefits, (maximum 262 weeks).  The Labor Department may terminate the benefits after proving that the individual has work capacity or can return to work.  The Death benefit is paid to the spouse first, then to the children until they reach age 25.  Medical benefits are paid 100 percent.  Vocational rehabilitation helps the employee find other suitable work until returning to his/her regular job.  The injury must be reported promptly…..within five days, by the employer.  The employee has up to two years to report the injury and up to three years to receive medical benefits, provided the injury was reported by the employer within five days of occurrence.  If there is no medical documentation, the claim may be denied.  The Second Injury Fund encourages employers to hire persons with permanent disabilities, (i.e. one arm).  The State pays funds, which are in turn returned to the town.  For more information on these benefits, visit the websites at PRIMEX and the Labor Department.  The purpose of the meeting was to assist the Fire Wards in understanding the scope of Workmen’s Compensation benefits in order to assess whether any additional coverage via an A & H policy would be appropriate.

At this time, Gordon moved to discuss the non-public items on the agenda, according to RSA91-A:3 (a) and (c), in order that he may go home due to illness.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Christine moved to exit the non-public session.  All were in favor.  At this time Gordon excused himself from the rest of the meeting.

D.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES -   The review of the minutes of June 10th was postponed until the next meeting, which will be on July 8th, 2002.


Planning – no meeting until Tuesday, June 25th, 2002.
Byam Road Acceptance – Burton reported that Lee Murray is content with the conditions of the road.  The Selectmen acknowledged that the drainage issues and the driveway berm in front of Mrs. Byam’s house have been met and the full acceptance of the road has been completed.

Cable Renewal – Jack Mitroff and Dave Woodbury attended a meeting in Londonderry last Thursday in reference to the state of Adelphia.  It was determined that bankruptcy is eminent and that things shouldn’t change under Chapter 11.  Another meeting will be held in late July.


Fuel Oil Bids – The town’s contract was with Putnam Oil last year with a rate of 99.9 cents per gallon.  This year they are offering 89.9 cents per gallon.  The school’s low bid is 81.7 cents per gallon.  Burton will call to see if he can get it any lower.  The Selectmen were okay with the 89.9 cents per gallon price if Burton couldn’t get it any lower.
Trust Funds Investments – ADVEST has compared our portfolio results with Dow Jones and other major indexes.  If the market is good, there is not a great benefit, and if the market is low, then the portfolio typically protects against major loss.  Fred Hayes is handling the communication between the Trustees and ADVEST.  He will be looking at the trust documents soon to evaluate if they can cut down on the number of investments.
High Hopes – Use of Parking Lot – The High Hopes organization would like to use the town’s parking lot on Sunday, August 18th, as one of their motorcycle stops.  They are organizing a “Poker Run”, which will begin in Nashua at noon and end in Hudson.  They have a certificate of insurance.  Burton is checking into the route and confirming the afternoon schedule in town.


Houghton & Strong Gravel Pits – D&S estimated $3500/acre to reseed the gravel pits.  The Selectmen deferred discussion regarding the Granite State and Wakefield pits until Gordon is in attendance.  Brian Towne will most likely come in at another time to discuss his pit.
Hooper Hill – Observations to date show little truck traffic.
Clark Hill Road – paving begins tomorrow.  The previously mentioned horse path will not be done below Dennison Road.
Recreation Commission – as of last Friday, three candidates had expressed an interest.
Finance Committee – Loretta Caterino has declined a position on the Finance Committee and Joyce Sullivan is undecided at this point.  Maggie Flansbury has not been contacted to date.
Changing of the Guard at the Tracking Station – Burton suggested that someone from the board of Selectmen attend the event to be held on July 9th at 9:00am.  Christine and David are both available.
Welfare Administration Workshop – Burton attended the workshop last week.  There were people from the State Agencies present.
Deeding – A check has been received from Andrew Belanger of River Road for payment on back taxes.  The only outstanding payment is from Gary Sanossian of 79 Styles Road.
Boundary Markers – Burton is checking with Conservation and Forestry on their methods of marking boundaries.  Signs or markers should be put up to protect Town lands from inadvertent timber cutting by others.
John Riendeau attended the NH Public Works Academy recently.  Burton is arranging to have John meet with the Selectmen and tell them about the course.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:00pm.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano