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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/22/02
David Woodbury  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom        Selectman
Christine Quirk Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1.  7:10PM      Brent Armstrong 4-H Foundation
Brent Armstrong was present to represent the Hillsborough County 4-H Fairgrounds, located in the Town of New Boston.  The Board of Directors received a request from Cher Griffin and Joyce Cardoza of the Equine Program to construct a new 50 x 125 barn that would be used for horse shows, the 4th of July Fair and for additional storage during the winter months.  The cost to build is estimated at twenty-nine thousand dollars and the money is to be raised through fundraisers and contributions.  They are now requesting that the one thousand dollar building permit fee be waived by the Town in order that they may put this money towards construction costs.  This request has been made due to the past, present, and ongoing working relationship between the Hillsborough County 4-H Association and the Town of New Boston.  They are a Not-for-Profit organization, and have changed their By-Laws so that in the future if the Association should dissolve, the Fairgrounds would be turned over to the town, instead of the State of NH.  In addition, the town has been allowed to excavate gravel from the property at a much more reasonable cost.  Due to this ongoing working relationship with the town, Gordon Carlstrom moved to waive the building permit fee for their new barn.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:30PM      Chief Begin             Police Dept. (portion non-public)

Chief Begin was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Police Department.
Surveillance System - David Woodbury informed the Chief that he needs to develop a strategy for acquiring the surveillance system.  The Chief stated that a woman has come forward to help raise the money through fundraisers to purchase the equipment.  The cost is estimated at six thousand dollars.
Progress Report – Patrick has completed his second week of training and graduation from the Academy is scheduled for June 28th.
Fifth Officer – Chief Begin needs to review the merits and demerits of this position.  Currently the Chief knows of a retired police officer from Manchester who would like to work part-time for New Boston.  He would have to work 35 hours or less in order to be in compliance with Social Security. The Chief felt that his wages could be pulled out of the Over-Time budget.
Complaints – The Chief is still receiving complaints for speeding on Old Coach Road and truck traffic on Bedford Road.  He suggested that the Selectmen review the No Thru Trucking ordinance for enforcement purposes in the future.
Mill Street Parking – Cars parking along Mill Street will be ticketed to ensure the flow of local traffic.  Chief Begin suggested that the Selectmen consider a Town Ordinance for parking tickets in order for New Boston to receive the money from the tickets, instead of the State.
Fire Alarm System – A recent check of the system found that the fire and horns were over-ridden at the Station.  They have been fixed and are now being serviced by Simplex.
Radios – The new ones have arrived, and the Fire and Highway Departments will be getting the older ones.
Copy Machine – The new copy machine is in, along with a fax machine which was included in the purchase plan.
Copy Fees –Due to the Right to Know law and privacy issues, more time is involved in research and editing of police records before they are released to the public.  The Selectmen reviewed and accepted the current fee schedule as presented.
Holiday Pay – The Selectmen reviewed a holiday pay formula with Chief Begin and need to review the personnel manual before making a decision.
Special Detail Rates – Chief Begin presented a memorandum of agreement.  After some discussion, it was decided that outside detail rates will be a set rather than vary depending on who the officer is and their rate of pay.

At 8:15PM Gordon moved to enter a non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II 9(a), in order to discuss a personnel issue with the Chief.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled and all were in favor.

At 8:35PM Gordon moved to exit the non-public session.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled and all were in favor.

Police Cruisers – Gordon expressed concern with the excessive speed noted on two occasions of the cruisers as they travel through the congested downtown area in response to emergency calls.  The Chief noted his concern and will speak to the officers.

7:30PM          Lee Murray      Road Agent (portion non-public)
Lee Murray was present to address various road issues with the Selectmen.
Klondike Corner – Dave Woodbury brought to Lee’s attention a rather large pothole at Klondike Corner that needs to be patched.
Lull Road – John Walker called Dave Woodbury regarding a drainage problem under Lull Road by his residence.  Lee had received the message and assured the Selectmen that it was taken care of as of tonight.
McCollum Road Improvements – Lee displayed a map of the intersection of South Hill and McCollum Roads, displaying the proposed improvements.  Lee will be installing YIELD and STOP signs.  After reviewing, Gordon moved to accept the proposed improvement plan at the intersection of South Hill and McCollum Roads, dated 08-13-01, with notations.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Linda Pothier – The Selectmen reviewed Linda’s plans for a Class VI Road driveway.  Lee suggested that the loam be removed and a gravel be added to the road by the owner of the property.  In the future, the road may need further upgrading according to the Town Specs.
Byam Road – Mrs. Byam called Burton and is worried about the stability of the rip-rap, and also claims that the guardrails have been washed out by the rain and water from the road.  According to Lee, the rip-rap hasn’t moved and the guardrails were okay.  Lee suggested the contractor contact Dig-Safe and is waiting for the developer, Ernie Thibeault, to do the drainage work at the top of the hill.  
Clark Hill Road – Burton noted that the telephone pole at the corner of the Delorey’s property has been removed.  Lee needs to put gravel down on the section from Dennison Road heading towards town before that section is paved.
Cemetery – Lee stated that fill has been dumped at the cemetery, without his knowledge, and informed the Selectmen that there are some rocks in it that will need to be removed.  The town had earlier requested that any excess project fill be placed at the Cemetery.

At 9:00PM Gordon moved to enter into a non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (a), to discuss a personnel issue with Lee Murray.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 9:37PM Gordon moved to exit the non-public session.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all were in favor.

7:45PM  David Smith             Easement, Clark Hill Road
David Smith did not show for his appointment.


Non-Public Minutes of 4/1/02 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the non-public session and made corrections.  Gordon moved to approve the minutes as corrected.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of 4/8/02 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and amended as necessary.  Gordon moved to approve the minutes as corrected.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning – Gordon reported that there was a site walk to check for the driveway layout of driveway off Christy/Bog Roads.
Ordinances Discussion – Dave Woodbury suggested that the folder containing the Town Ordinances be organized before reviewing.  It needs a single copy of the original ordinance along with the minutes from the meeting when the ordinance was established.  Selectmen will review further.
Luedke Letter – Burton spoke with Mr. Luedke today and explained that the Selectmen are trying to gauge the best interest for the Town.  Mr. Luedke said that he would eventually like to build one home for his son and might want to gain access to it from Rte. 13.  He also stated that he would be interested in purchasing a portion of the lot for access purposes.  Burton went on to explain that if the property were to be sold, it would have to be sold in a public process.  Mr. Luedke inquired of the appraisal amount, but Burton stated that he did not disclose the information.  The Selectmen questioned whether a 4.8 acre lot is sub-dividable and if used for access, would the slope be more than ten percent?



Traffic Signs – Christine Quirk informed the Selectmen that they will be installing traffic signs on Old Coach Road, prior to the entrance of Friendly Beaver Campground.  Christine has spoken with the road agent and he has approved the signs.
Phone System – Burton explained that they are in the process of mapping out the location of the new telephone system and that the cut-off date for money from the State is in the fall of 2002.
Building Code Effectiveness Schedule – Selectmen signed the form.
Road Numbering – Burton spoke with John Bunting.  The Selectmen would like him to come to next week’s meeting to discuss the issue.
Library Right of Way – Randy Parker asked if Burton could write a quick letter from the Town to the ZBA, showing support of Town ownership of the right of way.
ZBA Meeting – Dave or Christine will attend the meeting of 4/24/02.
License Application – The Selectmen signed the license application from the Library to hold their Summer Reading Program on the Gazebo.
Hazardous Waste Day Contract – Signed by the Selectmen.
2001 Property Deeds – The Selectmen discussed the St. John’s Campground on Old Coach Road.  There is approximately forty thousand dollars owed the Town in property taxes.  After some discussion, the Selectmen agreed to decline putting a lien on the property due to environmental and liability issues.
ZBA Meeting – will be held Wednesday for the Parker’s, concerning the library lot.
Award – The Grange will present Betsy Dodge an award for her years of service on the Conservation Commission at their April 23rd meeting. Gordon will attend for the presentation.
Part-Time Benefits – The Selectmen need to meet again for further discussion.  This can be done at a regular Selectmen’s meeting during a non-public session.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Joe Nangle expressed his concern with the Town’s policy on driveway slopes and how it may affect everyone’s insurance rates in the future.

ADJOURNMENT: Christine moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:43PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano